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Everything posted by patman30

  1. not trying to offend but you are out of your depth in this bitcoin convo tbh i understand your skepticism and it is wise for you to avoid, as you do not understand the basics of bitcoin (which is common for most people anyway but most just want to gamble) you do not need exchanges. it is as simple as that, not to store, not to spend the only thing exchanges are for is risky speculative trading
  2. That is the best course of action, all arrange a time and date and arrive together do not announce ahead of arriving,
  3. Incorrect What services are you talking about? see above Every time the treasury prints money, your fiat stack is devalued. Please do answer my question that you missed, Why do i need an exchange to USE bitcoin?
  4. Exactly why is he teaching them about Flat Earth, when he is a maths teacher i would tell my child to go to the geography teacher and tell him "the maths teacher said you are wrong that means you are stupid" sit back and watch it sort itself out LOL
  5. i have more than 2 friends???? i also have copies in locations i own i was just giving an example of how to do with extra security you can just have all private keys on an encrypted spreadsheet store it or give it to whoever the security is then dependant on your password myself i use 48 characters, without any words, never written down????
  6. i was being sarcastic as many times the guy taking money on the side of the road is just a few meters away from the officer writing the tickets who is just a few meters from the station just pay the money and be on your way, i value my time more "no money to pay" you are projecting????
  7. They can store wallet files but what they can do, i do this myself is split the private keys, save first half on one spreadsheet and second half on another spreadsheet (encrypted) i can then give one file to one friend and another file to another friend both can be anywhere globally, neither can touch funds, i can get funds with two phonecalls (if late and i need to wake them up to send file)
  8. it likely won't end too well for him he was here a while ago for quite some time he is having a good run though
  9. Why isn't he teaching them maths? That would be my complaint.
  10. you demand a ticket they direct you to the officer sat at a table a few meters away you demand to know where the police station is they point at the small building behind them just a few meters away you go inside to pay and when you look at your ticket They have written 1000 baht on it What is your next move ?
  11. What exchange are you talking about? Why do i need an exchange to USE bitcoin? i am not American, but all i need to say is Northern Rock Fiat money is now not backed by anything you missed this part "The FDIC also has a US$100 billion line of credit with the United States Department of the Treasury."
  12. i forgot to mention this i had a nightmare with kitchzko trying to rip us off with the countertop had to get lawyers involved for refund, apperently lots of similar complaints according to staff at Homepro and then i bought stone and had it fitted by my builders (who also do work for boonthavorn)
  13. from your concerns do it yourself don't assume the fitters have done it 100 times, this is rarely ever the case everything i have had installed has either been asembled incorrectly or would have been if i was not there to direct and nothing worse than over tightened screws, which fitters will always do if any is chipboard or mdf it is a big concern i always finish tightneing screws in wood/board etc by hand i had a kitchen fitted by kitchzko, which i have had to later remove my stone countertop to fix the breakfast bar The standard i have come to expect is the same as if i have a first bash at it myself whatever the task is. the difference when you do yourself is you can correct yourself as you go. as for the hood most of them come with plugs these days i just fitted mine, only time consuming part was cutting a near perfect hole the brick wall, the rest was just 4 screws in the wall
  14. own a fiesta ecoboost, great to drive but not great, lots of issues, biggest problem though was ford staff, they seem to employ the best of them we stopped going back to ford, after they told us the water coolant tank is leaking and needs to be replaced for a third time buy something else Service at Mitsu is another level compared to Ford
  15. been like it a while i dont want to post a link only to have comment removed but search thailand indonesia weather modification deal "Thailand’s Department of Royal Rain-making and Agricultural Aviation ( DRRAA ) and Indonesia’s Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology signed a three year weather modification agreement affective from now until March 16, 2024. The agreement is in compliance with the DRAAA’s 20 year action plan on weather modification specifically on the expansion of cooperation and partnerships with foreign agencies and networks." Thailand also signed a weather modification research deal with china which i can link i only found out about this when looking to see if any reason the weather has been so poor over the past year
  16. you clearly do not understand how the Fed and banking system now operates ZERO reserve banking since March 2020 Source: the fed even prior, the fractional reserve banking only required 1-3% on balance sheets now research "credit creation" literally money created out of nothing. Also "created out of nothing" displays ignorance and lack of understanding if they are created out of nothing, how about i give you 10 nothings and you give me 10 bitcoins there is a process and definitely a cost to acquire newly mined bitcoin asics and the power to run them are not cheap
  17. them old cheap strips they used to sell everywhere, where the plug would just be resting loose in the socket lol in my house i had universal sockets but then had UK plugs brought over, which i put on most appliances
  18. The goal of Keto you state, does not sound like a fad to me it sounds like a healthy diet, something which should be done long term i have pointed out numerous times, i am never referring to "weight loss" when i state diet a "diet" is simply what you eat i think you under estimate other peoples understanding, for those actually eating this way for health and you are conflating people treating a diet like a fad, with the diet itself being a fad this was my original point, these are not fad diets, but simply labels given to certain diets that fit the label yes in general many dont look into the workings or understand a diet yes many wrongly assume "diet" means weight loss when they hear/read it now in contrast, another you mentioned The Atkins diet is a fad weight loss diet imo, as it is basically keto for a few weeks then back on the carbs a diet that cannot be healthily sustained is a fad diet, keto, carnivore, paleo do not come under this "Facebook Keto" is for fad people, those who dont want to eat healthy just want to lose some weight so they can eat more junk, an example of facebook keto is just add more cream or butter to your cake until its keto????‍♂️ or "it says keto on the package"????‍♂️
  19. "not saying this is what is needed" i am not advocating what i do is for everyone and personally i do not care what others want or think about my food, it is not a social thing imo eating socialably is the worst thing for your own diet. i also do not care what others think is "sustainable" for the long run as a lot of opinions are misguided and mostly just signalling virtue it is not extreme as i said "easily done" and myself when eating carni, i do not count or monitor anything, i just eat. just because i can work out the details later, does not mean i start out with this intention, strict yes, but not extreme, raw vegan is extreme imo, and so is raw carnivore "Sustainability" IMO Monocrop farming and chemical fertalisers are destroying the planet. To improve health people should be eating more meat not less. Most seed oils are just poison for the body. Byproducts are the less profitable part.
  20. 300g Ribeye is 1000 calories when you do not eat the fries or potato or other foods it's pretty easy to get through a good few steaks i can quite easily eat 2KG of meat per day not saying this is what is needed but it is easily done on the other hand i can also go without food for days at any time when eating like this
  21. i done that for 2 weeks solid while i was physically working on my land all day before and after i was on my usual food of around 2kg of lamb or beef per day in a 4 hour window roughly 5000-6000 calories/day, weighing ~80KG TBH i never use scales when eating keto/carnivore as weight loss is not the goal, fat loss is. to be more specific, the using of excess stored energy and body running optimal is the goal. no ill effects, done carnivore for about 4 years, no ill effects stopped carnivore when wife pregnant to help her eat more gained 20kg of fat in 8 months eating what most people perceive as a "very healthy diet" was always hungry and tired, that's me. yes raw, if you have ever been to a mookata you will notice when cooking the juices and fat run into the stock i eat all that too
  22. even though i have observed keto works carnivore works reducing eating frequency (not calories) works i do believe our DNA plays a part for our individual optimal diet i also believe the human body must go through stages, like seasons where we have certain foods/nutrients available and times when they are not i am against this DV nonsense put out as humans having a daily amount of all nutrients every day would have been an impossible task our bodies also adapt to the supply. Having said that, foods of past also had a much higher nutrient count due to better soil which has been destroyed over past 100 with monocropping and chemical fertalisers
  23. What you describe is literally labeled as Keto. as i said i agree with what you wrote but you label a label as a fad then go on to describe the benefits of said label. i would agree, what is commonly referred to as "facebook keto" is to be avoided any product that has "keto" on the packaging is just a gimmick and to be avoided and i never stated you were advocating anything just pointing out the very good points you made are basically a keto diet (not talking about weight loss)
  24. The lights on those crossings on J Sai 2 are only placed on the crossing itself, as you approach them you cannot see the traffic light unless you are leaning forward with your chin on the steering wheel they are really poorly placed not defending anyone, just pointing out an observation as for the incident guy steps out and ignores oncoming traffic driver blind to see an obstacle directly in front of vehicle, regardless whether the traffic light was still in his/her view or not looking at the video it seems the driver was too close to the crossing to still have the traffic light in view
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