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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. There is something strangely satisfying watching this video.
  2. Maybe the way the UK is going will mean these immigrants hot footing it across the channel back to France.
  3. And to think that all we thought he was good for. was handing out facemasks to ungrateful felangs.
  4. She probably wants some love and affection. Something that Dad seems devoid of giving.
  5. It just shows you of how much respect for the law, these youths have, when they are firing a gun opposite the police station.
  6. Better to have an abortion now, than rap it in a bin liner and chuck it away.
  7. Any financial records requested. Also did they say anything about wife should be with you?
  8. It would be interesting if they had "Razzer's Awards" for police.
  9. Piranha Tom Yum, that would shake up the top 10 Thai food list.
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