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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Good thing then, that wont happen after he is elected. He didnt do it before, so no evidence that he will do it this time. The anti-demcracy party, ironically, is the Democratic party. They are ramming Kamala down the throats of their voters, and de facto overthrowing the government by keeping Biden on ice. Not to mention their disturbing eagerness to thwart the Constitution on so many issues (guns, Supreme COurt, etc).
  2. Who, Kamala's father? He is mixed, Irish and African. I guess that in the US, he would be considered black, but in other areas perhaps not.
  3. ? What are you on about? I was talking about an old friend from Jamaica who was a very typical white looking dude. Family had lived there for generations.
  4. I would say Trump, purely on policy and past record. No personal attacks or mind reading... Harris wants to; a/ confisate guns, by force if necessary b/ stop fracking, her current convenient about-face is disingenuous to say the least c/ remove funding from the police and put it in other social programs d/ supported the 2020 summer riots by encouraging people to bail out the rioters e/ an utter failure in her 3 years of trying to solve the southern border crisis f/ favors spending money on treatment for transgender criminals Trump wants to; a/ promote energy production to the max b/ lower inflation c/ detain and deport the millions in America illegallly d/ find a permanent solution to the Ukraine war
  5. Not necessarily. A lot of mixed backgrounds there. I had a friend from Jamaica who was whiter than a polar bear in a snowstorm. Yet he could speak Jamacian patois with the best of them. Here is a video of Kamala talking about how Indian she is, how she grew up eating South Indian food, etc.
  6. Harris 2024 is running screaming from Harris 2020. It is quite funny to see. The problem is that there is a long and storied line of proof that she was perhaps the most left-leaning of all Senators (sorry Bernie and Liz). Now suddenly she is 'moderating' her positions? Complete craven political asshattery. Oh, and it wasn't Trump who labelled her "border czar". That was the entirety of the MSM when she was appointed by Biden to "speak with his voice" on the issue. And note that nobody corrected the media for 3 years when they used the term. But now, it is politically embarrassing, so suddenly it is a taboo term. Again, how shallow.
  7. Not ashamed, but expedient. She played up being Indian for most of her time in politics and then discovered that she was black about 15 minutes ago. Now she tries to fake 'black urban' accents in speeches and the like. Total cringe.
  8. I think he is an excellent pick. Great personal story, great family, veteran, very good speaker, can connect to 'real'Americans in a way that Kamala cannot.
  9. Back to the topic at hand- according to Real Clear Politics, Trump still has a 2 point lead overall, in their average of all polls. Plus leads in 6 of the 7 battleground states- Michigan being the only one where Harris leads. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/
  10. Oh, Vance is dull now? I thought he was "weird". Hard to keep up with the Smear of the Day...
  11. And again, "b-b-but Trump!".
  12. Yes, she does. She is on record in interviews saying that she wants the same outcome for everyone. An insane and dangerous idea. And one which she does not practice in her own life or in her campaign. Yet another reason she is unfit to be President.
  13. Ah yes. "B-b-but TRUMP....!" has found its way to the discussion.
  14. I was actually talking about the people on this forum, they cannot communicate without epithets and 'clever' little jabs. If you can point me to where the Harris campaign is talking policy rather than personality, please do.
  15. Amazed at how Kamala's little supporters have to constantly resort to name calling, finger pointing, and personal attacks. Tells you a lot about what they are NOT talking about- Harris' record as VP, her rather leftist positions as Senator, and her total lack of understanding of economics. But no, they would rather talk about sofas and hoods and throw epithets.
  16. You are obviously racist, misogynist, and weird if you think that way... That is why so many discussions of Kamala rapidly veer off into personal attacks, venting, and whataboutism. Her supporters are generally very reluctant to discuss her accomplishments as VP, or the positions she has spent her life advocating. Their campaign will be all about personal attacks on their opponents and slobbering tongue baths by the slavish media for Kamala.
  17. They are all Kamala's professed positions, as stated in many media interviews. The "gun buyback" is ridiculous, as the government didn't sell anyone their firearms in the first place. It is simple confiscation, with a little compensation thrown in. She said in the 2020 debates she was in favor of ending fracking- goodbye energy jobs. Ditto health insurance. I am with you, I think a national plan is a good thing. BUT... she also wants to ban private insurance for people who want to buy it. These are rather freedom hating positions.
  18. I guess the Democrats are afraid to run on; a/ their record or b/ Kamala's political beliefs. Otherwise, they would form a campaign around; a/ mandatory firearm confiscation b/ ending fracking and offshore drilling c/ defunding the police d/ ending private health insurance e/ letting boys into girls' spaces and sports f/ passing the Green Nude Eel
  19. Interesting that you parrot the current talking point across the MSM- Trump and Vance are "weird". Wonder why...
  20. Exactly. The left prefers to replace population by immigration. The right by procreation. And the latter is far better for the country. The left promotes policies that do not assist families, and often uses scare tactics to urge young people to avoid or delay having kids.
  21. Evasion. Trump debated numerous times before. Harris has not. Plus the Republicans at least held genuine open primaries to select their candidate. The Dems?
  22. If VPs are worth anything, then Vance was a clever pick. He will shore up support in the Rust Belt states and swing states in the same area. I cant see too many ex steel workers voting for Kamala.
  23. Sounds reasonable. Perhaps modify it to say you can serve until term limit, but if your term includes your 65th or 70th birthday, you cannot seek re-election or any election after that.
  24. Trump debated better and smarter opponents than Kamala in 2016, 2020, and 2024. She has done nothing since her national embarrassment in the Democratic primaries of 2020. The idea that she is somehow a master debater is laughable, and there is no evidence whatsoever to support it. Just the fever dreams of Trump haters who are eager to see anyone challenge him. Look at it this way. Assume that the Democrats had an actual democratic process to pick their candidate. All the main players were invited to debate- Harris, Newsome, Shapiro, Whitmer, etc. How do you think she would do?
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