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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. You didnt need the last two words of that sentence.
  2. The hysterical maunderings of the soon-to-lose left. What they really need to do is buy a mirror and take a deeeeeep look inside.
  3. Sorry, I am going to have to stop you there. Trump never HAD a filter. It is one of his endearing points. Just curious, what did you think of the rest of his remarks at that rally, or are you only focused on the 45 seconds he took to tell a charming anecdote?
  4. Exactly. So he is in a stronger place now than in 2016. Thank you for pointing that out. He is also ahead in the polls at this point, compared to both 2016 and 2020.
  5. And they shouldn't. Things like that don't usually come in white.
  6. Trump hasnt been in the White House for a while. What has been done to your country was done by the current administration. As to worrying about Arnold Palmer's junk, get over it. It is an attempted media sh!tstorm that will fade within a day.
  7. Reading on....stuff. Uh, ok.... could you be a bit more general?
  8. Not my hero, but given the alternative the only logical choice for president. He did well, the economy was humming along until Covid fvcked the world. The border was in far better shape too. Inflation was low, gas was cheap, etc. These are the things American voters care about, not off-colour remarks made in jest at a campaign rally.
  9. Too bad that's not on offer by either party. So, pick the guy who's been there and done that. Aided the cause of world peace and kept the American economy humming along. Not the empty pant-suit.
  10. They would be paid more if the Biden/Harris administration hadn't let 10 million plus people into the country to flood the workforce for blue collar jobs and artificially drive down wages.
  11. Trump is an entertainer. He has been in the entertainment business longer than politics, and he has met a lot of famous folks. So it is natural for him to pepper his speeches with amusing anecdotes about celebrities. Now, be honest, you really arent offended by the remarks about Palmer's 'long game', and neither was the crowd. They loved it! It was just Trump being Trump.What you see is what you get. And all the feigned outrage just makes the left look like humourless scolds.
  12. We shall see.... the bettors still see it at 60/40 for Trump.
  13. One thing the polls DO show, though, is trend. And the trend is away from Harris and towards Trump. Both at the national level and, more importantly, in the swing states. Hell, Trump is even trending upwards in Michigan and WIsconsin, same for the GOP senate candidates in those states. Could be a 300 plus EC victory is this continues.
  14. Same could be said for the African American community. There is a strong Baptist/Evangelical part that is not impressed by Kamala's California style of snobbish agnosticism.
  15. Yes, well-known behavioral psychologist Larry Sabato..... Trump is crazy, but crazy like a fox. He is a brilliant politician at the retail level, manages the very difficult feat of appearing as an "everyman" in spite of being rather wealthy.
  16. No need to twist your panties so tight. McD's are usually franchises and have some latitude in their actions. Plus, the burden is not on Trump to prove Harris didn't work there. It was Harris who first claimed, without evidence, that she once was a fry cook at the Golden Armpits. Until she can show some evidence, her claim is unproven.
  17. Trump is an entertainer. Sometimes he likes to work a little 'blue', no big deal. All the faux outrage just emphasized the fact that he is winning, and his opponents can't handle it.
  18. "A good deal of his bizarre campaign rally?" OK. Let's look at the numbers. How long was the rally, how much time was spent on Palmer's driver, and does that equate to "a good deal" of time? Your claim, feel free to prove it.
  19. So, THIS is the election strategy that is supposed to drag Kamala across the finish line? Finding various washed up politicians and letting them vent against The Donald? Good luck with that. Swamp creatures like McConnell and Cheney hating on Trump only elevates Trump in the eyes of the voters. I would suggest that instead they try to roll out some specific policy proposals that would actually help working Americans, but I guess that is too much to ask for.
  20. Well, she IS gonna turn 60 in a couple of days. Kind of strange for her to refer to herself as "a new generation of leadership".
  21. I am sure you could provide an example or two of these "very loaded questions". Feel free to check the transcript. I would love to compare it to the 60 Minutes transcript, but for some reason it is unavailable...
  22. I would agree, if he largely kept himself in the background and out of the spotlight. But Slugger Doug has been a large part of the Harris campaign, part of her appeal to male voters. So, as such, he has made himself open to scrutiny and criticism.
  23. On the first topic, immigration, she refused to answer the question. She also refused to answer why her administration reversed all of Trump's EOs about border security. She mentioned a bill that could not pass congress, even though the Dems controlled BOTH houses at that time. Then moved on to this years' border bill, which was DOA. Nothing else of substance. And that was 10 minutes' time of the interview. Her first answer on "turn the page"? "I'm not Donald Trump". Second answer? "My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden's presidency". Well no sh!t darling. How about fleshing those answers out a bit? Then she talks about the last decade. Well, a decade ago, Obama was president. Over the past 16 years, Democrats have been in power for 12. WTF is she maunering on about? Then the disproven shibboleth about "turning the military on the American people". Utter horse hockey. Context matters. He was talking about if there was extensive civil unrest after the election. Not having Marines show up at your backyard BBQ if you are a Harris supporter. Totally disingenuous nonsense from the VP. As soon as Biden's obvious decline is brought up, she does a rapid fire b-b-but Trump, 5 times in 30 seconds. Never talks about her culpability in defenestrating her boss, nor his diminished capacity. Then, about Iran. Baier says that her administration has relaxed sanctions and allowed Iran to enjoy millions in profits. Her answer, and I quote "But let's go back to Donald Trump..." It was a joke. But hopefully enough people watched and could see how shallow and vacuous she is. Not an original thought in her head.
  24. How about this: kill the rest of Hamas, kick out UNRWA, make sure that any aid given is supervised by reputable NGOs and is not used for weapons or terror infrastructure.
  25. I would LOVE to engage with what she actually said, if she actually said anything of substance. Most was boilerplate pablum. Mentioning the other candidate once a minute instead of using that time to introduce a new audience to her own policy proposals was weak.
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