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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Yes, the odds ARE changing. In Vegas, it used to be 66-30 in favour of Trump over Biden. Now it's 64-33 in favour of Trump over Harris. Big changes indeed.
  2. I have yet to hear anyone give an example of Kamala's debating prowess or verbal acumen. Trump has far more experience and also has debated against far tougher opponents. So, other than being firmly deranged by blind hatred of the man, I honestly cannot see any evidence to back up the idea that Kamala is so much better equipped.
  3. Exactly. Just like she wiped the floor with..... trying to think of a debate that Harris was in where she performed that way. I'm drawing a blank. Can you help? Trump did well against Hillary Clinton, who is smarter, more politically skilled, and more experienced than Harris. What makes you think Harris would do better? I see no evidence of her being intellectually agile at all.
  4. With respect, I don't think you know what you are talking about. Look back at the 2022 senate race in Ohio and watch Vance in the debates with his opponent. He beat an incumbent Democrat senator in a bad year for the GOP. You may not agree with his political positions but don't pretend to know anything else.
  5. Nope, the lower castes will not be impressed with her. And the Brahmins are only 1% of the population. It is not a great demographic to try and attract.
  6. Pew Research shows college educated voters are 56-43 for the Democrats. But men and white folks, generally, vote GOP. So "educated white males" includes 2 categories that vote GOP. White men were 60-38 for the GOP. I don't know where you are getting your information. Ditto for women. In 2022, women voted 51-48, and in 2020 55-44 for the Democrats. You number is rather optimistic. Kamala will have a tough time resurrecting the Obama coalition.
  7. Uh, that was a debate with a different candidate, who is no longer in the running. I know Kamala is eager to get Joe's money, but she can't get his personal appointments too. Hell, she isn't even the official nominee of her party yet. I am sure she is woman enough to negotiate her own terms with Team Trump, once she is officially The Anointed One.
  8. So far, the oddsmakers think she will lose. If her 2020 campaign is anything to go by, she will have a big fanfare at the beginning and fizzle out rather quickly. For most voters, to know her is to not like her. TBH, the GOP is breathing a big sigh of relief. Biden would have been the easiest to beat, but Kamala is a close second. They can hand Biden's failures around her neck. A new face at the top of the Democratic ticket would have been a much more difficult opponent.
  9. Well, a big problem for Democrats is that a lot of Americans kind of like the old vision for America. They will look at the Trump years vs. the Biden years and conclude that the former were better. Lower inflation, lower costs for basic goods, much lower housing and mortgage costs, etc. The esoteric issues like American position in the world and so on will not matter so much.
  10. The bettors disagree with you. Trump is about a 60-35 favorite. And all your petty insults at people who disagree with you won't change it.
  11. Yeah, Chuck was in 'tortured prisoner' mode with his over-wrought gestures and speech pattern. According to him, Kamala was able to rally support from the 'grassroots', from the 'ground up' within 15 minutes of Biden stepping down, so it is a done deal. If I were a Democrat, I'd be a little p1ssed off by now. Only a week ago they were talking about having an "open convention", and now it is becoming a coronation.
  12. You're right. Hillary was a very smart and seasoned politician with a wealth of experience on the world stage. IMHO far smarter and verbally adept than Kamala. Your continuing to use ad hom attacks on Trump is rich. A man does not run a billion dollar company, produce a decade long hit TV show, or upend the political establishment and win the Presidency by being an idiot.
  13. This is true. Trump's foibles are well known and already 'baked in the pie'. As Harris gets known to the public, her radical positions will come out and her support will begin to wither. Examples; a. confiscation of guns b. end to fracking and offshore drilling c. abolishing ICE d. free health care for all illegal immigrants and so on
  14. The b-b-but Trump! is strong in this thread.
  15. I think it is fairly standard protocol when the leader of an allied country speaks to Congress. This was not an Israeli political event, it was a long planned visit by the democratically elected leader of an ally.
  16. Yeah? What other countries in that area are democratic and respect civil rights for minorities? Try being gay or female in Gaza for a day, if you survive.
  17. No more than referring to the freely elected leader of one of America's staunchest allies, and the leader of the only functioning democracy in the Middle East (and the only one with rights for LGBT, women, and minorities) as a 'war criminal'.
  18. Yes. Her reason was that she is intimidated by the pro-Hamas supporters in her party. Hence her snubbing of one of America's greatest allies.
  19. Trump isn't the VP or a member of Congress. No reason for him to be there. But it is noteworthy that Netanyahu visited Trump afterwards. Kamala? A quiet meeting with no press and no photos. Why are you gaslighting like this? She was obviously trying to appease the anti-semites in her Party.
  20. Kamala really blew it here. She should have been at Netanyahu's speech, showing a modicum of leadership and statesmanship. Especially since Biden was out. Yet she slunk away to speak at a sorority. Really shows how she, and much of Democratic leadership, are scared of the Hamas Wing of their party. Meanwhile, Washington was left to suffer at the hands of the terror supporters. American flags were burned and replaced with Palestinian ones. Was anyone arrested? Sickening.
  21. JD is a brillian pick. He makes the rust belt swing states ALL in play. He is also a far better speaker and debater than Palin. I was looking forward to seeing him dissect Kamala, oh well. As for who she picks, Shapiro is off the board. No Jews allowed in today's Democratic party. As forthe campaign, Harris has a habit of starting strong and finishing weak. Remember 2020?
  22. Whatever you are 'consuming', if you have any left I would like some. Although perhaps not if it makes a person so paranoid and delusional.
  23. The polls, and more importantly the bookies, do not agree with you. Current odds are 65-70% Trump victory. And that will only increase once Kamala starts to campaign. Same as in 2020. And Harris wont pick Shapiro because he is Jewish. Did you see what happened at Netanyahu's speech? something like 50 Democrats didnt even show up, including the VP. The Democratic party is in thrall to their anti-semitic base.
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