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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Very true. I have seen some ridiculous scare mongering on various media outlets, Canada's Global TV being among the worst. It is not "far right" to want one's country to take care of its own citizens before taking care of others. it's common sense. The Euro Elite either doesn't know or doesn't care about what is happening on the ground in many places.
  2. Makes one wonder though... WHY would Hamas keep hostages in an area where they are surrounded by women and children?
  3. True it wasn't Hamas. It was a rocket from Islamic Jihad that misfired and fell into the parking area of the hospital. Important to be accurate, people. It is common knowledge that Hamas uses hospitals and schools as cover for their operations. So they get bombed. If so-called innocent Gazans want it to stop, all they have to do is tell the IDF where the Hamas dirtbags are hiding. The war would be over in a week and everyone would be safe.
  4. Hamas has been harming children since 2005. They have been brainwashing and indoctrinating the youth of Gaza into anti-semitic automatons, then recruiting them into terrorism. Yet another reason why Hamas needs to be destroyed, and not allowed anywhere near the levers of power in Gaza.
  5. The Biden sponsored bill was useless. And also unnecessary. As is proven by Biden himself trying to close the border by executive order last week. The easiest thing to do is reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy.
  6. The FBI had the laptop at the end of 2019. They have authenticated all the contents. No manipulation, no Russian interference. It is not about Hunter doing drugs. It is also his illegal weapons purchase, participation in human trafficking, and so on. Plus leaving his father vulnerable to manipulation and extortion.
  7. For me, I am left wondering what is the end game for the gormless lefties who mindlessly bleat out "genocide!" and "cease fire!". Do they want a return to the status quo ante? Return Hamas to power in Gaza, along with the continuation of the worst conditions for women and sexual minorities anywhere in the world? A land where there is no freedom, no joy, only hatred of Jews. Sorry but that is not acceptable.
  8. There should be a lot more crimes being prosecuted. Possible human trafficking, prostitution, dangerous driving, reckless endangerment....
  9. I would take him more seriously if he ALSO posted a similar image showing Hamas leaders as "Hitler" and as baby killers. Yet, somehow, I have a feeling that will not happen. So, you can easily see what side he actually supports.
  10. Hunter is guilty as sin. And this is an actual felony- gun charges are serious. Something that everyone need remember. Not to mention how Hunter's troubles left Joe extremely vulnerable to extortion. Not to mention taking a crackhead on Air Force 2, letting him attend White House events, etc.
  11. Just about 60, thinking of teaching for 5 more years max, then.... depends on a few factors. 1. Wife's parents are now in their late 70s, we really shouldn't abandon them entirely. 2. Son is just about to become a father, would like to have a bit of time with future grandson 3. Who knows the tax implications nowadays? So, looks like a 50/50 split for a few years- half year in Japan, half year abroad (probably mostly Thailand, depending on if we can rent out our condo). Maintain residence in Japan and still be on national health care, still be able to be with the in-laws until the end, etc. Figure spring and fall here, summer and winter SE Asia. Man plans, God laughs.
  12. Perhaps similar. Refresh my memory, did the Israelis also display the bodies of rape and murder victims while they were chanting? Did they spit on them and desecrate them? Just curious.
  13. Yeah, the actual cheering Gazans are definitely extremist religious zealots- not sure where they fit in the political spectrum. The pearl-clutching lefties are the ones in G7 countries who should know better and have very selective knowledge of world events.
  14. That's actually pretty funny. Enjoy an upvote from me!
  15. Really? I think deficits were similar to those under Obama. Except Trump didnt hit a trillion dollar deficit until COVID, while 4 of Obama's cracked that number.
  16. Possibly true. So that means Trump was at least as good as other leaders then, doesnt it? The apocalyptic predictions of doom and gloom when he was elected did not come to pass at all.
  17. You might want to ask the rapists how they chose their targets. One answer is that many of the rape victims were killed on the spot after they were defiled by the Hamas barbarians. Nice straw man though. Nobody to my knowledge has said ALL female hostages were raped.
  18. If there were decent Gazans, they would tell the IDF where to find the remaining hostages. And also where to find the remains of Hamas. But strangely, that hasn't happened. Israel DID leave Gaza, and the IDF were the ones to forcibly evacuate the last Israeli civilians in 2005. After which the Gazans proceeded to destroy all the valuable tools and equipment the departing Israelis left behind.
  19. I'm not the one regurgitating. You have the same list of talking points and you deploy them almost every time. And still...still...the American people simply don't believe you. Pre-covid America under Trump was a good place to live. Cheap gas, low inflation, affordable housing, historic low unemployment for black/hispanic people. These are things people remember, not your laundry list of "accomplishments" that do nothing for the average citizen.
  20. The Israelis that LEFT Gaza 15 years ago? The Israelis in the kibbutzim on the Gaza border who opened their clinics to treat Gazan children who were sick and injured? Who gave jobs to Gazan men? The mostly peace loving very left leaning Bibi hating Israelis who live as their neighbours?
  21. It would be easier for them to switch their votes if the Democratic ticket didn't consist of a potted plant and a word salad machine.
  22. Actually, a lot of countries don't use a simple majority voting system. UK, Canada, for example. As for felons voting, the two states you mention are the only ones where felons who are still in prison can vote. In 15 states, felons who complete their sentences can vote. Five states after sentence and parole. Twenty states after sentence and probation.
  23. Yeah, that was kind of my point. Much like the aid from the failed Biden Bridge, which has now washed away in the stormy seas of the Med.
  24. Think I was assuming everyone caught a wiff of /s with my writing. I'll try to be more direct next time. And not American, but thanks for the compliment.
  25. A little different case though. Stormy's NDA was a simple one with nothing to do with crime. Just an agreement to shut up about a certain topic.
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