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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Interesting also that the graduating students at Morehouse were less than impressed at the dubious honour of hosting Joe. It was such an obvious political pander, given that blacks are starting to favour Trump more and more, that the students wanted to be left to celebrate on their own. But no. Joe needed his moment. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/graduate-morehouse-seniors-focus-students-biden-ahead-presidents/story?id=110349353 "All of it shows that the school is more concerned about leading its sort of political agenda before it is celebrating the students that make the school worth something," said sociology major Marq Riggins. He, along with other seniors at the historically Black college for men, expressed frustration to ABC News over the commotion the president's appearance was causing and how it was drawing attention away from their own celebrations.
  2. ...so that means what exactly about the deficits that Biden is running up? Trump for his faults had Covid as an excuse. And I thought it was stupid to lockdown AND pay everyone FWIW.
  3. My God, you people really have it bad, don't you? Trump must truly be a master of real estate. He has been living rent-free in your heads for a long time.
  4. I'm sure it must be easy to find out though. With so many Morehouse grads working for biden... I couldn't find any. Can you?
  5. No. According to the Police Violence Report, a total of 95 unarmed people were killed by police in 2023. Of those 95, 34 were black. Tragic and stupid, but hardly a national epidemic. And no data as to how many were killed by racist white cops, since a large percentage of police are themselves black or hispanic. https://policeviolencereport.org/ There IS an epidemic of black men murdering black men though. Something in the range of 8,000 or 9,000 black people are murdered by OTHER black people every year. So tell me, which is the true epidemic?
  6. Nice, but it leaves out the Biden years. Why is that? I will refer to Statista for the latest numbers; https://www.statista.com/statistics/200410/surplus-or-deficit-of-the-us-governments-budget-since-2000/ Trumps three pre-covid deficits were 0.5, 0.7, and 0.98 trillion dollars. Covid was 3.1 trillion in 2020. Biden's Covid deficit was 2.8 trillion in 2021. Then, after Covid, 1.4 trillion in 2022 and 1.7 trillion in 2023, projected at 1.8 trillion in 2024. So yeah, Trump's Covid deficit was slightly bigger than Biden's. But after Covid, Biden is still overspending at a rate that Dangerous Don never came close to doing.
  7. His commencement address at Morehouse was truly shameful. He was talking as if it were the 1950s. Some examples; "What is democracy? What is democracy? That Black men are being killed in the street. The trail of broken promises still leaves Black communities behind. What is democracy? You have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. Most of all, what does it mean? As you've heard before, to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure." How evil.
  8. Just internet gossip,but is has not been refuted. I did a few searches, but nothing to indicate any Morehouse grads work for him. The last one anywhere close worked for Kamala Harris, but was fired a while ago.
  9. No, I ignore both. Biden's 2023 deficit has nothing to do with Covid. Nor the projected deficit for this year. And both are nearly twice as much as Trump at his worst.
  10. It seems that the prosecution's theory is that an underlying crime doesn't have to be charged or proven, or even exist. But IF Trump believed he was concealing another crime, that is enough to convict him. Sounds perilously close to Thought Crime to me.
  11. If you wake up every day hoping that a past President gets assassinated, I would call that deranged. I am no fan of Joe Biden, but the worst I wish for him is a long retirement with his grandkids, starting next January.. Would we disagree? Most definitely, but you may be surprised on some issues. As for national unity, that has been fading for 20 years. IMHO the difference is economic and not racial though. Also urban/rural. Any map of voting patters shows this clearly. It is a pity, and if a leader could take steps towards healing the divide it would be great. Can't see that happening in this election cycle though.
  12. Interesting bit from NBC news coverage; In further debate over jury instructions, prosecutor Matthew Colangelo told the judge that the trial evidence could easily support a finding that the other crime was tax fraud. The argument came during a discussion in which Colangelo said all they have to prove is Trump’s intent to conceal another crime, not that the crime actually happened. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/live-blog/trump-trial-live-updates-rcna153195 This may answer the long asked question of what is the predicate crime that lets the state bring these charges. The state doesn't have to charge or convice the predicate crime, only prove that it exists. Not even prove what it is, but just the intent of the defendant to conceal it. Interesting...
  13. You are world class paranoid, my friend. Equating someone who disagrees with you on politics to such a level is a sign of hysteria and, dare I say, derangement? I was in the US on multiple occasions from 2016-2021 and it was good. Round trip flight from Japan to LA in the $500 range, car rental 30 bucks. life was good. Dollar menu at Del Taco....
  14. So your Costco eggs have gone up only 25% in three years. Great. Most supermarkets I could find it was a lot more. So you are OK with 25% food inflation? Also 50% housing inflation? Double gas prices? Biden's deficit this year nearly double Trump's debt in 2019? Let's be realistic. Neither Biden nor Trump have a great chance to actually survive 4 years. So if you vote for Biden, you are actually voting for Harris. Good god.
  15. IMHO the fatigue is largely due to media hyperbole and the breathless exhaustive coverage of anything 'Trump'. How many times did we hear "the walls are closing in", "the latest bombshell" or "the beginning of the end"? Trump singlehandedly kept the cable news industry afloat for 7 years. They should be thanking him, not mocking. I've said before, with a guy like Trump there really is only one way to hurt him- ignore him. That is the cruellest cut of all for a narcissist. But it can't be done, either here or back in Uncle Sugar's backyard.
  16. LOL. Nice cut and paste job, but Americans aren't buying it. You very conveniently left out that the pre-Covid economy in the US was fabulicious. Two buck gas, two buck eggs, sub 2% inflation, record low unemployment for minorities, border under control (to an extent at least). I wasn't a fan of the deficits, but you can't have everything. Now look at post-Covid Biden if you dare. Four dollar gas, three dollar eggs, 4% inflation, 7% mortgages on overpriced homes, people are squeezed.
  17. Back to Biden's fun speech at Morehouse- he claimed "I got more Morehouse men in the WHite House telling me what to do than I know what to do!" Actually, there are NO Morehouse men working for Biden in any capacity, and never have been. Yet more BS and lies from your esteemed President.
  18. Not at all. I wish that Gaza could be free. Truly free. Free to enjoy human rights, free to prosper, free for minorities and women to be the best they can be. And that cannot happen under Hamas rule.
  19. Hamas? Yeah, they are. I agree- murderous scum. Targeting all civilians really- the rockets they fire at Israel have no guidance whatsoever. They even fall on their own hospitals in Gaza, then they try to blame the Israelis. Scum indeed.
  20. Yeah, that damn IDF. They are so stupid that they actually let nearly a million Palestinians GO! Let them leave Rafah before killing them. So not only are they genocidal, they are morons- giving up such easy targets /s It's not a genocide, it's a war. Innocent people get killed in wars, seems a lot of people have forgotten that. Plus, the war would end tomorrow if Hamas surrendered and returned the hostages. So, who is really promoting the genocide?
  21. They support Trump for policy over faith. What, are they gonna vote for Biden, the so-called Catholic who loves abortion and trans women invading women's spaces? Lots of good, religious people in the US who don't advertise their politics. They just do good for their communities.
  22. Yeah, the bill that didnt actually close the border. I remember it well. But it can start simply, without the pork of an omnibus bill. Immediately deport anyone crossing at a location other than a designated crossing. Build camps.
  23. Yeah, like so many Americans die of starvation... in any case when he was campaigning he said that he wouldnt cut Medicare or Social Security. Seems reasonable to make cuts in other areas. No reason for the federal government to consume nearly 25% of the GDP is there? As for being religious, that makes a person thoughtful and moral in many cases. His position on abortion was a ban after the 20 week mark, which is in line with at least a large segment of the population.
  24. You are probably right, neither are in their prime for sure. That is why the VP picks for both are very very important. There is a substantial chance that the VP will be President some time before 2028. At the moment, all we know is that it is Harris for the Dems, and God help the world if she ever gets power. Remains to be seen who Trump picks. I'm hoping for someone reasonably sane, like Doug Burgum or Tim Scott, but you never know.
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