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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. They ranked Biden above Reagan. They ranked Obama above Eisenhower and Clinton. Yeah, I'll trust this group. I guess they hated the 2% inflation, low gas prices, peace treaties, and elimination of ISIS.
  2. Oh yeah! Here we are, "b-b-b-but TRUMP!" for the win. Trump for his myriad faults was at least elected. Harris was so resoundingly rejected by her own party in the Democratic primary in 2020 that she dropped out almost before it started. And she has the unique ability to be even less popular than Joe Biden. So there is that, I suppose.
  3. The situation is what it has become. All the recriminations and 'should have' or 'could have' won't change it. Something I learned when raising my own son- kids would rather be praised than punished. BUT they would also rather be punished than ignored. And this goes double for boys. So a bit part of the problem may be solved if/when your family is back together again. Teenage boys need supervision and also a male role model in their lives. Not sure how old the boy was when you turned up, but it is hopefully not too late for the OP to become that role model. As for the theft, he can pay the money back over time once he starts working. Give him a chance to succeed at something and the urge to waste time/money/attention at gambling may go away. ETA: if he has been using legit or semi-legit gambling websites, is it possible to recover some of the money due to his being a minor? Similar if he sold/pawned the gold- I am not sure if there are laws in Thailand to prevent minors from such actions.
  4. Taking CNN over RT is like taking a sneaker shot to the nuts over a boot to the nuts. Both are pretty much equally unwelcome. Not sure why you mentioned RT as I have never used them as a source. The problem isn't the messaging. The problem is the VP. She has coasted along for her entire political career, spiraling upward based on her melanin and her ovaries. You can get away with it in California, but it is a lot harder to do so on the national stage.
  5. True, unless the bitten hand always returns with more food. That is the lesson being taught here and in other places.
  6. What fluff. This reads like a press release more than journalism. Then I saw the source- CNN. Suddenly it all made sense. The GOP would LOVE if the VP were to be more in public and speak more. She could tell us all about what we could be, and how to be unburdened by what has been. A very moving public speaker.
  7. Not only being an island, but also keeping migrants and asylum seekers detained on an island (or two) until their status can be determined. The problem in the EU and the US is that so-called migrants are just released into the general public with little or no vetting, and expected to turn up for asylum hearings sometime in a few months or years. With predictable results. As for the 'youths', if they are so eager to fight their civil war, they can go back to Eritrea and do so.
  8. You didn't answer the question. Why tie Ukraine aid to others? Also, I am sure you read that Putin's choice for president is none other than Joe Biden...
  9. If funding the war in Ukraine is so critical, why is the aid tied to funding OTHER countries? Simply have 3 separate funding bills, one for Unkraine, one for Israel, one for other priorities, and vote on them separately. The only reason to bundle them is cynical political gain. But it is good to see our friends here willing to fight Russia, to the last US dollar and the last Ukranian life. Stunning and brave.
  10. True. I remember back when the 25th Amendment was being discussed for the previous President. The media and political class were naturally very reluctant to offer opinions...../s There are obvious parallels. Trump- walks slow on a wet ramp. Biden falls up stairs. Trump- talks BS for 90 minutes at a time. Biden only 90 seconds. Trump- holds a glass with two hands. Biden has the palate of a 5 year old.
  11. I don't see what is so bad about putting some heat on the other NATO members to start pulling their weight and living up to their promises regarding defence spending. It has been years and years, and they still want Uncle Sugar to pay the freight. Well, perhaps they can do it themselves. The combined GDP of the non-USA NATO countries is far larger than Russia- perhaps 10 times as much. There is no reason, other than laziness, that they cannot increase their military spending to a level where they can defend themselves.
  12. Well, he can't have them. And he risks his life if he wants to try and get them. Not my problem. If having no guns is the best option, I challenge all the gun grabbers to put signs in their front yards proclaiming "THIS House Is A Gun Free Zone". What better form of protection could there be?
  13. A certain ex-President has a penchant for both climate alarmism and the hypocrisy of buying beachfront property as well. Also just a thought, isn't the place called "Green"land for a reason?
  14. Under normal circumstances, yes. But the stench of Santos lingered. And the previous incumbent ran again for the Democrats. We will see what happens in November. Plus the district underwent substantial change in 2012 due to redistricting and that threw it more to the Democratic side. Since then it had been won exclusively by the Democrats.
  15. So, a district held by a Democrat for the past 10 years up to the Santos debacle went back to the Democrats. This is news? I liked the GOP candidate but she had no chance.
  16. In another report, 1.6 million American expats call Mexico home; https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/12/americans-relocating-mexico-city-better-life.html Must be a pretty terrible place...
  17. It doesn't matter if they felt "safe" or not. Mexico is a large step up for them and a perfectly viable safe country. Certainly safer than where they are coming from supposedly.
  18. Come on. Godwin's Law was done already, you don't have to lay on the hysterical Hitler references. It's childish and silly. But it does show one of the frequent differences between left and right in politics. The right things the left is wrong. The left thinks the right is evil.
  19. Part of the reason the GOP wants Biden out is that they think the next Democratic candidate would be Harris, and she would be even easier to beat than Biden. Any other candidate? Trouble for the GOP. I would rather both (Trump and Biden) were gone to be honest, but if I had to choose between them, I'd go for Trump. No wars, low inflation, cheap gas. But also, please be careful about your words/slurs. Trump is not a "convicted sex offender". He was found liable in a civil case, not criminal. Different standards, different rules of evidence, etc. And he is nowhere near Biden's state of disrepair. For all his faults, Trump can still stand up and do a mass rally with thousands of fans, talk for more than an hour at a time, and walk without looking like a Roomba.
  20. Whatever "team Biden" may or may not have done is irrelevant. Biden himself is in obvious decline both physically and mentally. A huge red flag is the fact that he is refusing to take a cognitive test during his upcoming health checkup. Why would that be, other than to cover up his mounting issues? I can't think of a better way for the President to put all the questions to rest and at the same time make the GOP look foolish than to ace a mental acuity test and prove them all wrong.
  21. Really? I was under the impression that asylum seekers should stop in the first safe country they enter. In most cases, that would be Mexico, wouldnt it? Not to mention the bill AFAIK did not have any provisions at all for detaining and housing asylum seekers. The current facilities are obviously inadequate.
  22. Well, it seems that the so-called asylum seekers are availing themselves of billions of dollars in government assistance. Just check out the fun that cities like New York and Chicago are having. New York state alone estimates that caring for illegals and asylum seekers will cost the state $10 billion (with a b) in 2023. "Coming to work" is not a valid reason to seek asylum. They can work in their own countries. And apply for legal entry to the US at the same time. Meanwhile, the US government needs to do its job and seal the border as much as possible, and end the practice of letting asylees simply disappear into the countryside. Or worse, giving them plane/bus tickets to the city of their choice plus full benefits on arrival. They need to be detained until their cases can be adjudicated.
  23. You also have to remember that farm workers are only a small fraction of the overall illegal immigrant population- perhaps 300,000 or so. Considering that 6-8 million entered the US over the course of the Biden administration, one wonders what they are all doing. Consider another country with a large agricultural sector like Australia- how do they do it when there are so few illegal immigrants?
  24. Well, she does have considerable experience working under older men.
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