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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. What 'genocide' would that be? Because there isnt one happening in Gaza. Just a couple weeks ago, Hamas was forced to admit that more than 11,000 of the supposed deaths were actually not documented. Plus their well known lies about a fake hospital bombing etc. It is a strange genocide where the population supposedly being affected GROWS by 50,000 people every year for a half century.
  2. Yeah, the next time Israelis storm the border into Gaza, rape and murder civilians, and carry their mutilated bodies back to Israel for a big street party, I'll be with you on that. Until that time, I'll stay on the side of the only country in the region that supports human rights and democratic principles. And allows 2 million Arabs as citizens as well. Ask yourself this- would you rather be an Arab citizen in Israel, or a Jewish citizen in (insert Arab country here)? That may help you decide on the morality of the situation. Of course, the reality is that the 22 Arab nations of the world largely refuse to grant citizenship to Palestinians for a few reasons. First, the Palestinians are troublemakers and those governments don't want what happened in Jordan to happen within their borders. Second, keeping the Palestinians stateless gives the Arab world a convenient weapon to use against Israel. Instead, they keep the Palestinians, even the ones in refugee camps within Arab nations, stateless and in poverty. It is a craven and cruel political decision that makes them look truly evil. "Supporting Palestinians"? Please. What kind of 'support' is denying civil and legal rights to people born in your country, whose parents were also born there?
  3. Ah yes, those kind countries graciously refusing Palestinian refugees citizenship for 4 generations. How generous of them to do so, therefore allowing the refugees to one day return to their great grandparents's homes. Give me a break.
  4. The only possible reason for this trial is for Biden to use it as an excuse to avoid debating Trump. Hell, I was listening to clips of him from even 3 years ago- the difference is stark. No way Biden can hold up for 90 minutes or 2 hours facing questions and follow-ups.
  5. Kinda like 2016. The DNC had coronated Hillary long before the primaries were over. Their corrupt system with super delegates ensured that Bernie Sanders never had a chance.
  6. You know, I'm not a big Biden fan and I hope he loses the election, but I would hesitate to call his vision 'fascism'. Woke-ocracy certainly.
  7. I can think of nowhere else in the world where refugee status is passed from generation to generation, certainly not for nearly 80 years. UNRWA needs to go. The refugees need to be resettled. Countries hosting Palestinian refugees need to grant them full residence status with an eye to citizenship. Those in Gaza and the west bank who are willing to live peacefully with their neighbours need to be given the chance to do so. The so-called "Right of Return" needs to be abolished. Ain't gonna happen. Has not happened in other areas and would set a dangerous precedent. Can Germans who are descended from families in East Prussia return to claim their lands? How about Indian hindus expelled from Pakistan? Jews expelled from Morocco, Tunisia, etc? Of course not. So time to put this fantasy to bed permanently.
  8. We stayed at this place. It was quite nice, but only had electricity in the rooms at limited times. Good food, great location on the beach, easy to book private day tours of the islands. https://ausanbeachfront.com/accommodation/
  9. Spent a few weeks on the island of Palawan. A seriously unspoiled paradise. Puerto Princesa was OK as a city, but we didnt stay long. Went to a small beachside town called Port Barton and it was amazing. Lovely beach, cheap boat tours to unspoiled islands, snorkeling, very nice. Farther north is a town called El Nido which can be touristy, but again spectacular nature and clean water. I think there are also flights to Manila from El Nido if needed. Anyway, a great island getaway./
  10. Yeah, 2.95 million barrels, wow. That is one half of one percent of the SPR. Great work, Joe.
  11. Another case of using euphemisms to disguise what is really happening. "Gender affirming care" is a catch-all term that means everything and nothing. Could be simple counsellng, could be castration. The key point is it being withOUT parental consent. Children by definition cannot give legal consent in most areas. Cannot sign contracts, cannot consent to sexual activity, cannot even consent to getting a tattoo or ear piercing. Yet these people think that kids can give consent to life altering body mutilation? It makes no sense. And at the end of the story the shibboleth about "restricting LGBTQ rights". More nonsense and non-sequiter fluff.
  12. Uh, I don't think I did that. Unless France, Germany, and the like are "developing countries"... That was another poster, quoting health outcomes from the third world.
  13. Very clear, thanks. So we really aren't that far apart then, wonder why you were spewing all the vitriol. Just curious, would you change your stance if medical technology advances and the age of viability becomes shorter?
  14. Not at all. I think free and widely available birth control is a great idea. I never said a total ban on abortion was the way to go. But you seemed to ignore that most industrialized nations do put time based restriction on abortion, which generally match what Trump said was his policy. Generally 10 to 14 weeks across western Europe (with exceptions, but generally). No need for the hysteria and hyperbole though. What happens in developing countries has zero to do with policy in the US. Let them make up their own minds. As to the value of the baby vs the mother, that has been covered. I think abortion should be permitted if the life of the mother is in danger. Period. Now, time to lay YOUR cards on the table. What restrictions, if any, should there be? Please try to be specific without using euphemisms or dodges.
  15. Yes to all of the above except enforced vasectomies. But strictly enforced child support, of course. It takes two to make a baby, so of course both should be held equally responsible to the extent that it can be done.
  16. There is no indication that the Gazan civilians who took part in the crimes of October 7 were members of that well-known Gazan Mafia, or Burmese, or Buddhist. They were rather ordinary people who nursed such extraordinary hatred of their neighbours that they were willing, nay eager, to commit unspeakable crimes against them when given the opportunity.
  17. If not an artificial calendar limit, then what (if any ) restrictions would you impose on abortions? Across western Europe, 12-14 week limits are common- Germany, Belgium, France, Norway, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy... What do you mean by "medical circumstances"? Those are generally covered as exceptions in most jurisdictions- risk of death to the mother, incurable or fatal disease of the baby, etc.
  18. Like so many other abortion supporters, you lose yourself in euphemisms. Which is a sign of attempting to skirt the issue. A 'personal medical decision' that happens to impact another persons' life is hardly something that could be left up to an individual. Particularly as the pregnancy goes on, the abortion procedure gets more gruesome and hard to justify.
  19. If you really think this issue is about 'subjugating women' then you haven't been listening. It is about a very basic thing- when does life begin and when does life deserve protection? And what steps should be taken to deliver that protection. On a purely constitutional level it seems obvious that this is a power that should belong to the separate states. What is so bad about letting them decide for themselves?
  20. There is really one simple and basic fact that the raging anti-Trump crowd just doesn't get. If you really want to hurt Trump, ignore him. He is a narcissist and egomaniac. Ignore him and you take away his power and mystique. Keep talking about him, no matter how disparagingly, and you just add to his lustre. He has spent the last 40 years as a media figure, tv star, and politician. He thrives on attention. You want to slay the beast, cut off the oxygen. Biden is not the same, he is just simply bland. Cold dry toast. The ultimate Washington swamp creature. So, how much of a Trumper am I? Well, I would have preferred BOTH parties to pick different candidates. What scares me the most is the spectre of a Kamala Harris presidency looming in the next year- the actuarial tables are not looking good for Biden. It also depends on who Trump picks for his VP candidate, very curious as to who it may be.
  21. Yeah, she has a face like a bulldog licking pee off a thornbush. But seriously, what qualification or education does she have that make her in any way qualified to mouth off so much on things she doesn't understand? Not sure which is worse, her woeful ignorance or the fawning media that slavishly wait for her every dull utterance.
  22. Funny kind of genocide when the 'victim' population GROWS by 50,000 people per year.
  23. This puts paid to all the piffle about 'innocent civilians' in Gaza. What kind of monster would spontaneously decide to join in the rape and murder of their neighbors? Especially when, in many cases, the Israelis in the kibbutzim along the border were active in HELPING the people of Gaza- giving them jobs, treating their children in medical clinics, etc. This is how their kindness was repaid. Repulsive.
  24. A 16 week ban is reasonable though, is it not? It brings the US in line with most other first world countries AFAIK.
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