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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. A lot of people in the same position, voting for Trump might be a bridge too far. Some are looking past the top of the ticket to VP, which given the age of the two candidates is more important this year than in most elections. The chance that the VP will have to serve at least some of the 2024-28 term is not insignificant. Plus, look at the policies the two parties are trying to put in place. There is some way to triangulate and come to a conclusion buried in there...it would be a lot easier if one or both of Trump and Biden were to drop out.
  2. Absolutely. So we are in this strange position of having two rather poor choices. So I think people will look at the track records of the two and decide. At the moment, the Trump presidency is seen more favorably than Biden's by more than 10 points. I think there is a certain nostalgia for the days of 2% inflation, $2 gas, Middle East peace, and so on.
  3. Sure. If the government paying off student loans is such a great idea, why didn't Joe put it to Congress? And if EVs are inevitable (and I think they are too), then there is no need for a subsidy. Let the free market take care of it naturally and holistically. I think Joe used to be a centrist. Maybe deep in his soul that 'Joe' still exists, but it has been co-opted by the looney wing of the Democrats.
  4. Harris is a disaster. A DEI pick and a promise fulfilled to James Clyburn. A millstone. As for Trump's pick, I would like a moderate and reasonable person like Governor Burgum of North Dakota.
  5. Yes. To all the above. There is no such thing as 'cancelling' student debts. The money still has to be paid back, only the taxpayer has to do it instead of the student. Pushing EVs isn't working. As the great Senator Kennedy of Louisiana said, "if EVs are so great, why does the government have to pay people to drive them?" I think Joe himself is a rather more traditional democrat, but he is being herded left by the more radical elements of his party, and fears losing parts of the Democratic coalition that he needs in order to be re-elected in November.
  6. Indeed. I thought the purpose of asylum was physical safety, not preference. Asylees are required to move to the first safe country, then wait. "Shopping" for a preferred host country is not seeking asylum. Obviously France is just happy to be rid of them.
  7. Absolutely not. Trump is a BS artist of the first water. He's been doing it since long before he entered politics. I guess it prepared him well for election... Anyway, given that the US has 2 rather poor choices for president, the obvious thing to do is vote for the least worst option. And Biden, saddled with Harris as VP (and potential successor) as well as a variety of terrible far left policies, is obviously the worst option. It will be interesting to see who Trump picks as VP, it will make the decision more interesting for sure.
  8. Actually, he did. Biden got multiple sketchy deferments for a medical condition (childhood asthma), same as Trump (for bone spurs). Biden didn't have bankrupcies because until recently he never had any money.
  9. Not remembering is one thing. Making up a BS story is another. At least one thing both Trump and Biden have in common is that they both 'avoided' military service themselves.
  10. Biden is the greater enemy of democracy for a variety of reasons. Yes his son served, and honorably. But Biden can't even remember the circumstances of his tragic death. Nor can he remember the circumstances of his uncle's death while in service in WW2. These are troubling to say the least.
  11. A 'speech impediment' doesn't make a person read the directions on a TelePrompter. Or lie about his family members' military service. Or lose the ability to walk normally. Just listen to Biden even 4 years ago and compare to today- the difference is stark and worrying.
  12. Seems the good Senator is recovering nicely from his medical troubles, glad for him. Still think a Republican senator would have been better, given his prognosis at the time. Refreshing to see that he still maintains some of his more classic Democratic roots when discussing issues like Israel.
  13. Very true. Sam Harris described it well. He said that there are only a small percentage of Muslims who are actually hard core terrorists. But..there is a larger group that supports them actively, even if they don't actually take direct action. And an even larger group beyond that who would not support the terrorists, but approve of what they are trying to achieve. Western countries are finding this out and it isn'T going to end well.
  14. I am a bit puzzled. Why are protesters, who are protesting the illegal occupation of Palestine, themselves illegally occupying university campuses? Seems more than a bit hypocritical to me. TBH, I think the question in the OP isn't that important. The more important thing to ask is "WHAT is behind the anti-Israel protests?". IMHO it is rooted in Marxism, with a narrative that the Jews are colonials/settlers and the Palestinians are the innocent victims. As in most of these situations, the left assumes that the group with lighter skin is the bad guy and the dark people are the good guys. That's why they don't get too excited when Africans kill Africans (like in Congo) or when Arabs kill Arabs (like in Yemen). But when they see a possible racial difference, they get all stimulated and rise to the occasion.
  15. You mean the free speech where Jewish students are told "Go back to Poland!" or "go back to Belarus!"? Gee, wonder what would happen if a group of white supremacists were to shout "go back to Africa" at black students... Or the protests where the protestors trespass on the university's common areas and block their fellow students from going to class? Surely that is a free speech violation also. The irony is that they are protesting against something that isn't happening. There is no genocide in Gaza, unless you mean the genocide that Hamas promises will happen if they ever get the chance to invade Israel. We saw a small taste of it on October 7. Teenage girls gang raped beside the mutilated corpses of their murdered boyfriends. Senior citizens shot and burned in their basements. Women raped and then taken back to Gaza as 'war prizes', and paraded through the streets to cheers and dancing, then spat on and dismembered.
  16. Hell, he can't even read a teleprompter properly any more. Just look at his latest public appearance. He proudly read, "Four More Years ...Pause..." verbatim. instead of just, well, pausing and waiting for the crowd to respond.
  17. Rich guys pay money to hide their disgraceful behavior all the time. It is unseemly, but not illegal. I mean, Mushroom Man banged the porn woman what, 18 years ago? The only person who should be p!ssed off is his wife. Nobody else's business.
  18. How exactly is the IDF supposed to eradicate Hamas and at the same time not cause civilian casualties? This seems to be an impossible standard. Also not one that has ever been imposed on another military organization when defending against an attack by an amoral and vicious enemy. Wonder why...
  19. That's right. Hamas decided to gang rape teenage girls beside the mutilated corpses of their boyfriends because Stern gang. Gazan civilians decided to join in on the fun because of the Likud Party, and kidnap innocent hostages. Please....
  20. I know a foolproof method for getting needed aid into Gaza. It's called "Hamas Surrenders". Aid will flow within 24 hours of that blessed event and won't stop for a long time. It would be great for the people of Gaza if they could throw off the yoke of their terrorist oppressors, and make steps to become prosperous and free.
  21. I disagree. Put them on the "One Way FLy" list. Let him go to Gaza and see if he really packs the stones to match his big mouth. Chances are he would wet himself the first time he heard a shot fired in anger.
  22. Here is another in sunny and beautiful Lethbridge Alberta. Close to the Rocky Mountains! Same price as above.. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/590-Columbia-Blvd-W-Lethbridge-AB-T1K-5N8/2055368218_zpid/
  23. How about safe and scenic Regina Saskatchewan? Lovely one bedroom here for $1,050 in Canadian rubles. That's about $750 USD. https://www.apartments.com/2275-lorne-st-regina-sk-unit-20/dzdhrsl/
  24. Interesting. I think it mimics what happens when couples are younger and one/both are working. There is an enforced time apart, then meeting at the end of the day. For retired folks, this disappears and they feel "forced" to spend all their time together. Having a "man cave" is great for this. Women can have their space too of course. Best if your house is big enough to have both- one private room for each person. My wife knocks when she wants to see me in my cave, or sometimes sends a text message saying "dinner is ready" or the like. I do the same when she is off in her private space. As for sleeping, we find that using the same bed but using different blankets works. It is a king bed, but with two separate sets of single sized bedding. That way we can keep our own temperatures without sweating or freezing. Or if one person rolls over, they don't drag the covers off their partner.
  25. If the march was peaceful, why should anyone be warned not to join it? The obvious answer is that it is not a pro Palestinian march. It is an anti Jew march. Full of hot-heads and ne'er do wells that cannot control their emotions. The second anyone laid a hand on the 'openly Jewish' man, they should be arrested and charged with assault. The police exist to protect the weak and serve the law abiding public. Just imagine if he was an "openly gay" man, walking through a march of radical Muslims. Would your reaction be the same?
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