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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Indeed. Which begs the question as to why the President has not done either of these things, if only to calm the public's entirely reasonable fears and also to stick a knife into that line of attack by the GOP.
  2. True. Seek it at the nearest US consulate or embassy. Seek it in the first safe country you can escape to. This was the basis of the "Remain in Mexico" policy, which Biden cancelled. Free hotel rooms, credit cards, meals, plane/bus tickets are NOT a right. Asylum seekers should be housed in administrative detention until their cases can be heard, and not allowed to roam the country without any form of vetting or security check.
  3. Really... the bill would let 5000 per day cross the border illegally. It did nothing to address the human smugglers. Nothing to attempt to keep the 'migrants' in supervised detention until their cases were heard. And nothing to punish those who employ them.
  4. "Pure democracy" was never the goal of the United States. You need to study a bit of history. Equality is great amongst legal residents and citizens, not for those who crash the border. And you are right about one thing. The US is a strong country. Too strong to be much bothered or hurt by a "two-bit Carnival Barker". If you think immigration reform is pressing, then there is no need (other than political expediency) to bung it together in an omnibus bill with so many other disparate parts. Let each part of the bill stand or fall on its own merits. Surely nothing could be more purely democratic than that...
  5. Yes, it is a thing. A thing accomplished by applying for permission at a US embassy or consulate. As many peoples' forefathers did. A thing NOT accomplished by making the conscious decision to pay human smugglers thousands of dollars, taking pains to avoid manned border crossings, destroying one's own documents, and then expecting to be welcomed with food, rooms in hotels, and credit cards.
  6. Ah yes, the house owning, IRA contributing average American. How many people do you think that is? Compared with the number who have seen the cost of a dozen eggs double. Or gasoline increase by 40%.
  7. How many actually OWN their homes free and clear, how many are paying sharply increased mortgages (due to the Fed raising interest rates) and how many are renting and getting hit with bit increases? Average mortgage payment is close to $3000 a month according to Yahoo Finance- 20% more than just a year ago. Rent is up nearly 30% during the Biden years.
  8. Curious how you differentiate the two- competitor and threat. To me, China has more ability to project power, as well as a far larger economic base. Russia is land-bound and limited. To me, that makes China the bigger threat. In Canada now, we are hearing of CHINESE interference in our elections, and meddling with dissidents and others. Perhaps that is colouring my opinion.
  9. Any bill that simply lets asylum seekers run free in the country should be killed. Put the National Guard on the border. Immediately return anyone crossing at unauthorized areas. House the rest in camps until their cases can be adjudicated. Deport as necessary. No work authorization, no hotel rooms. no credit cards, no cell phones. Wait in custody until your case is heard.
  10. Not being negative and being an over-the-top fan are different. You made the claim, please feel free to back it up. China is by far the bigger concern to the US, yet paranoia over Russia sucks the air out of the room. The only reason I can think of is the interference of domestic politics in the US.
  11. If the Democrats had nominated almost anyone except Biden (and perhaps Harris), the race wouldn't be close. Sad to say but true- Gov. Newsom would have kicked Trump's ass in an election. GOP is the same. Almost anyone but Trump would easily have beaten Biden. But instead we get Jurassic Election.
  12. Which, of course, he is not. But what IS true is that the issue of Russia is becoming a political proxy in the US. Tucker was no fan of the Bidens, and therefore of Ukraine either. Hence appearing softer on Russia and earning accusations like yours. Democrats are anti Russia due to the conspiracy hoax in 2016 and see Russia and Trump as cojoined at the hip. It has become a joke really.
  13. In both their cases, if they even survive the next four years it would be a shock. "President for life" is the same as president for one term. Unless you think Trump is some kind of cyborg superman, and not the fat lazy burger slurper as he is so often portrayedhere.
  14. Pitch that to the American public and see how it flies. The polls suggest it is not a winning strategy. With housing and food costs both up in the neighborhood of 30% under Biden, the economic argument is not going anywhere.
  15. It doesn't matter. Impartiality in journalism is sadly largely a thing of the past. The line between jounalism and punditry is basically erased. To be perfectly honest, I never thought Tucker was a really good interviewer anyway. He is a far better writer than he is on camera, but that's just me. So again, how is interviewing Putin (no friend of freedom or the USA) any different from interviewing Xi or Kim or Khameni?
  16. I would rather it didnt happen, but I don't think it is worth the expenditure of American money or blood. It is 99% a European regional problem.
  17. If Europe has a problem with it, then Europe can handle it. They have 10 times the GDP of Russia plus a large technological advantage. All they lack is motivation and a set of balls.
  18. Entirely possible. Who knows, either one (or both) of these elderly gents may not even be on the ballot by October.
  19. Wow. And you call the TRUMP supporters the fascists?!? Time to grab a mirror.
  20. Joe also has what his former boss called "a pen and a phone". He can make many meaningful changes without the need for legislation. Yet he doesn't. Seems HE wants this as an election issue too.
  21. Also because it is a crap bill. It allows nearly 2 million illegal migrants to enter the country unhindered. Hell I was watching 60 Minutes last weekend, it showed a gap in the fence where hundreds of people cross every week from Mexico to California. And a BP agent just stood and watched. a 4 foot gap that could be closed in minutes with a boulder and some cement. The property owner (the fence is on private property) was threatened with arrest if he tried to clear the trespassers from his land. It's an unholy mess. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chinese-migrants-fastest-growing-group-us-mexico-border-60-minutes-transcript/
  22. Not true. According to The Hill, Trump is leading in independent voters by 11 points. Women? Not surprising- Democrats always do better with the fairer sex. The GOP tends to win the male demographic rather handily as well. True a conviction of a serious crime would change the scenario. But there may not be any criminal cases brought in time to impact the election. Possibly the laughable "hush money" case but that may be all.
  23. Would you say the same if a journalist interviews President Xi of China, or Kim in North Korea, or Khameni of Iran? I think not. This is all just an offshoot of anti-Trump derangement and hysteria, with a healthy dose of the debunked Russian conspiracy from 2016 thrown in.
  24. Putin is not America's enemy. There is no war between Russia and the US. Can you give concrete examples of this "active support" that Carlson gives Putin? I've heard the accusations but never seen any actual evidence.
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