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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. I think you're a little confused. She posted it on her Instagram page just after the debate ended. Perhaps you're confusing her with someone else? Easily done; I think Trump is suffering from the same problem.
  2. I wonder why it took her so long? Although I guess, posting it now just after Trump lost the debate is tactically wise.
  3. It's all over now...
  4. Is it too late for the GOP to replace Trump? He doesn't seem physically or mentally up to it.
  5. Better to be accurate. https://www.tescoplc.com/tesco-completes-sale-of-businesses-in-thailand-and-malaysia/#:~:text=Following the announcement on 9,Thailand and Malaysia to C.P.
  6. Thais don't need to complete a tax return and don't need a visa/extension to live here; so, no.
  7. Tesco sold out a few years ago. Now it is just "Lotus's".
  8. It would make sense. If the law requires you to pay tax, why wouldn't you need to show that you're complying in order to remain in the country legally?
  9. Just carry on. She's likely cheating on you too. Call it an open marriage.
  10. Manager in the UK recording industry then for a global NGO. Moved to Thailand to teach English and have never left.
  11. Sure, if you're vulnerable wear a properly fitting mask, not just at Immigration but in any crowded area, and make sure you are fully vaccinated.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 62 seconds  
  13. Trump incited a riot in an attempt to overthrow an election - obviously he had to be banned!!
  14. Read the first post. Colin Gray, 54, is facing four charges of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight of cruelty to children, said the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). Authorities are investigating whether the AR-style weapon used in the attack was a gift purchased by Mr Gray in December 2023
  15. What are you quoting? Your sick fantasy? At least put a link, and a 'torture porn' warning.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 48 seconds  
  17. Won't it be the opposite? With an ETA can't you use the automatic gates and not even have to speak to an Immigration Officer?
  18. A very 'fashionable' drug worldwide these days, so I would expect Thailand to follow suit. If you're tempted it would be wise to check the guidelines. https://www.healthline.com/health/k-hole#safety
  19. I think 'white' history has been on curriculum for centuries?
  20. Makes a change from the countless Tory idiots of the last 10+ years!
  21. Clever move. Sentencing will be before January 2025, so enough time for President Biden to pardon him.
  22. The US never ceases to amaze!
  23. That's OK, but really it's no concern of yours, is it?
  24. Both sides have committed and are committing horrendous acts of violence on innocent people. Failure to appreciate that means never-ending hostilities. Shame on the leadership of both sides.
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