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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Thanks. I get it now. (I actually thought you'd misspelled "faces" as "feces"!)
  2. I would guess, better looking and/or better service provided.
  3. It's got nothing whatsoever to do with masks or Covid!
  4. Indeed. Although when it comes to matters like this, the law makes it very difficult to state the truth!
  5. In Thailand matters pertaining to the monarchy tend to be considered more important than those pertaining to tourism.
  6. I expect ladyboys in the Philippines speak better English, but perhaps that's not so important.
  7. All very useful except the OP is asking about a Lao citizen working in Thailand under the migrant labour scheme. This document is useful: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/migpractice/docs/214/Thailand.pdf
  8. Fortunately in Bangkok (on the BTS anyway, the buses may be different) masks are only "recommended" not required.
  9. In Rome? I'm in Bangkok and there are plenty of people not wearing masks. It's a matter of personal choice.
  10. You need to do some research. Unfortunately, it can't be discussed on this Forum.
  11. There's a distinct possibility that that will happen. But, as I'm sure you know, it's nothing to do with Covid.
  12. Better Call Saul's ending was absolutely flawless, as was the series as a whole. Difficult to see how it could be better than Breaking Bad, but it was. Finally a better series ending than The Sopranos.
  13. That's certainly not true now, at least on the BTS. I just got back from work (22 December), and plenty of people were maskless.
  14. We switched from True Online to AIS 4 years ago. AIS have been flawless.
  15. For sure. Thais pay as it's part of their culture; farangs pay if they want to participate in a Thai cultural tradition. I would imagine it's far less common these days anyway, and the money is usually just for 'show' anyway.
  16. Was he wrong? "Cancelling" Songkran would have been ineffective at best and would have just delayed the inevitable. Whatever way you look at it, Thailand handled Covid better than many other countries, especially those in the west.
  17. Sure. If an institution wants me to wear a mask, remove my crash helmet, or wear a shirt I will do it, or take my business elsewhere. I have no desire to ever go to the "states" (if you mean the USA). Fortunately, there are hardly any institutions in Thailand that still require a mask, even the bank in the original post!
  18. As I wrote in an earlier post, the Legalisation Office will forward your document to the Thai Embassy in London for you. They're quite familiar with doing this.
  19. Well, fortunately here in "Rome" (actually Bangkok) the rules do not require masks to be worn and I've been pleasantly surprised to see lots of Thais and foreigners not wearing them! Not sure, it's being abusive helps your case.
  20. I use a Bangkok-based 'expat' broker and he put me on to WRLife, as he's done with a lot of his clients. According to him, a number of claims have successfully been made. You pay your money and make your choice!
  21. That's interesting. WRLife told me that they do. Hopefully, I won't have to find out!
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