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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. There might some VIP options and there's always an Ed visa, and I'm not sure why you're excluding the Elite Visa as it's perfect for someone who can afford it. Otherwise you'll have to wait until you're 50, married to a Thai or get a job here. No country in the world allows unrestricted immigration to everyone! My point is that Thailand has a lot more opportunities for visas than most countries. Good luck.
  2. Doom and gloom gets readers, clicks and attention! Always has and always will. People not dying isn't news.
  3. Surely England did well getting to the quarter-finals. Well done to the superb team and manager. At least they didn't go the same way as the Germans and Spanish, or worse still the Italians! Hopefully Morocco will win. Bring on the Euros. ????????????????????????????
  4. Portugal?
  5. Good to know. Was this in Bangkok? My Bangkok Bank branch isn't so strict here in Rayong province.
  6. Are there still places that refuse people who aren't wearing a mask? It isn't the case here in Rayong. Many (mainly Thai people) still seem to wear one, but I haven't in months and haven't been denied anywhere.
  7. I disagree. It's refreshing to see footballers taking a stand (or, in this case, a knee) in a matter of principle and without concern about the reaction.
  8. I didn't know this. Is Tramadol available OTC?
  9. I think you're referring to the US government, who have acted disgracefully throughout.
  10. That's very sad. By all accounts he had built up a good business with a good reputation amongst expats.
  11. No. It's not even very easy to get in hospitals or on prescription.
  12. I wish they'd do this in Rayong! I guess the foreigners will say they were just "respecting the local culture"!
  13. On what grounds? A suspended sentence for causing death by careless driving, for a first time offender who admits guilt, is normal. Well done to the Dunns. They have succeeded in their aim of bringing justice for their son.
  14. http://www.legalisationoffice.org.uk/ https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised/apply-for-legalisation Note this: Education Certificates Please ensure that all education certificates presented for legalisation are signed, certified and dated by a UK solicitor or notary public, or by an official of the British Council. If certified by the British Council then it must be an original educational qualification certificate, please check with your local British Council first as this service is not available at all locations. The Legalisation Office in Milton Keynes will forward the document to the Thai Embassy in London for you, although you may have to have prepaid the postage. It too about 2 weeks for me, but I was in the UK at the time which makes it a bit easier.
  15. Is your wife applying for a (5-year) Visit Visa or a Settlement visa?
  16. Since when have any long-term immigrants been "wanted" in any country. Thailand is easier than most to stay in if you meet one of the many visa criteria and has good options for genuine tourists.
  17. It might not be rocket science but it certainly isn't as simplistic as you make out! Personally, I'm a multiculturalist anyway.
  18. Mask wearing isn't cultural! Plenty of Thais have stopped wearing them and some cautious non-Thais still wear them.
  19. Yes, I think it's recently opened. A little smaller than the Bangkok branch we used to go to.
  20. Yes, as long as they provide one for you. I was at Harborland in Terminal 21 (Pattaya) last week and they insisted on mask wearing. There was a member of staff walking around handing them out to all the non-mask wearers, most of whom took one and just put it in their pocket!
  21. It's a Nissan March here - but yes, while I love my little runaround, I feel rather vulnerable at times!
  22. Many thanks. I need to stock up on Christmas underwear!
  23. WRLife are certainly competitively priced and make guarantees about future premium increases. As a new entrant in the market they have their doubters, and you'll find a thread all about them on this Forum. https://www.wrlife.net/
  24. Is there still a branch of M&S, selling clothes, at Central Festival? It doesn't seem to be on the lower ground flood any more, but maybe it's moved somewhere else in the mall.
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