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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Fantastic game, fantastic tournament (somewhat surprisingly). Football is confirmed as the World's sport. Looking forward to the Premier League's re-start!
  2. I don't think WRLife have been long in the insurance market, in Thailand in any case, so they are unlikely to have a long history of either making or denying claims. I went with them through a Bangkok based broker, who had had some successful claims on behalf of clients and some examples have also been posted on this Forum.
  3. I believe it's been lifted. It remains to be seen what "required to" and "expected to" means in practice. That said, most Thais seem happy to still wear masks.
  4. If he's guilty. He's already had similar charges dismissed in the US.
  5. And rightly so. That said, there have been "crackdowns" on Beach Road soliciting for many, many years. It's not something new.
  6. But only the trans-gender ones according to the report. Does that mean the female prostitutes can carry on soliciting, as they never rob their clients?
  7. It's a fairly new requirement as previously Thailand accepted the official university transcripts. The British Embassy can no longer officially legalise documents, as a centralised body has now been set up in the UK to do this. https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised
  8. I have no idea if Thailand accept an e-apostille. I somehow doubt it. It was all paper when I did it and when I've organised it for other people.
  9. Hua Hin seems to be unique in charging for this. It's certainly a free service in Bangkok.
  10. He needs to get it legalised in the UK by the UK Legalisation Office (as per the link I provided above) then the Thai Embassy in London certify the legalisation stamp.
  11. No limit. You could even wait until you have to go to Immigration for a new extension and pay the fine then.
  12. Correct, and when it was mandatory to wear a mask in Thailand, I doubt many people ignored it. Fortunately, it's no longer mandatory and Thailand doesn't have too many places with such a directive - apart from the bank in the OP!
  13. Well put. A combination of errors and lack of concentration by all concerned. Could, and does, happen everywhere. Very tragic.
  14. It's clearly explained here: https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised I've done it for my UK Marriage certificate and I've organised it for a number of teachers from the school where I work. It's really quite straightforward although much easier to do before you come to Thailand.
  15. Have you watched any of the World Cup? Not a lot of mask wearing there or virtually anywhere else in the world! California may be moving in the opposite direction but it's very much an exception. I completely respect your decision to continue wearing masks, but it's a matter of personal choice. Why this upsets people, I have no idea. What upsets me is that some kids in my son's school are still wearing masks even during their recent Sports Day. So sad to see children being masked outdoors.
  16. I think you're quoting the wrong post.
  17. I think he meant that large age gaps in foreign/Thai relationships are not odd, which is true and quite normal here.
  18. Recommending maybe, but this thread is about "insisting" that people wear masks. I can't see mask mandates happening again anywhere. And here in Thailand it hasn't been the case for months!
  19. Yes, things are improving. Our local branch of Bangkok Bank no longer require customers to wear masks. Progress!
  20. I'm glad I live in Thailand. The UK really is in a shocking state, after 12 years of Tory misrule (I won't mention Brexit). Oops.
  21. But the Thai authorities have removed the mask mandate. If some people still choose to wear a mask, that's fine by me, and if the owner of a business asks me to wear one I will (if they can provide one) or take my business elsewhere. However, the number of maskless Thais is definitely increasing (where I live anyway) and hopefully will continue to do so. It has to stop sometime, as the damage being caused, especially to children, is serious.
  22. No idea, but would think it's just an electronic version of an Apostille. Not sure if it's available for UK documents or recognised by Thailand. I would either use an Agent/Lawyer, or contact the UK Legalisation Office. In my experience, all our teachers have had to do it via mail/an agent or in person.
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