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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 15 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    Actually you can reduce the chance of being hit from behind very considerably. (30 years of motorcycling)

    I am not referring to this case as the video won't open for me.


    How to greatly reduce the chance of being hit from behind.


    1. Use your mirrors to see what is behind you constantly.

    2. Maintain your space bubble.

    3. Don't stay in a lane where your speed is less than the norm if there is an alternative.

    4. If you see a vehicle too close behind you or approaching too quickly, accelerate out of the danger zone by changing lanes or getting in front of the vehicle ahead of you if possible or letting the vehicle behind you get past.

    5. Always do a check over your shoulder when turning left or right, changing lanes, coming to a stop or pulling off.

    6. At red traffic lights and stop signs be particularly aware of what is coming up behind you and position your motorbike where you are less likely to be hit and can escape forwards if necessary.

    7. Always use your indicators.

    8. When using U-turns be particularly aware of the speed of vehicles in the lane you are leaving or joining. Decelerate and accelerate hard when necessary to minimise the time spent at too slow a speed in too fast a lane.


    You can never reduce the risk of being hit from behind to zero, but you can greatly reduce it with experience and thoughtful driving.

    I agree, but re. point 1 - as a scooter rider it's difficult to find the right balance between constantly checking what is coming up behind, and keeping a full look out on the road ahead for the many possible dangers ahead.


    Even though I'm continually looking in my mirrors, frequently I'm still taken by suprise by a vehicle (either 2 or 4 wheeled) that suddenly appears from behind me as they're travelling SO fast!


    My 'pet' hate is 4 wheeled vehicles cutting into 'my' lane right next to me to undertake a slower moving vehicle in the right hand lane....


    Re. point 5 - agree, but very occasionally something happens so quickly ahead that there's not time to look over one's shoulder....  Why haven't mirrors been designed without the 'blind spot' that necessitates looking over one's shoulder???!

  2. 37 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    Yip..but remember that there has been financial turbulance a few times in the last 30 or do years..negative equity..repossessions etc.
    A 25/30 year financial noose round your neck is sometimes not a pretty sight


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




    To be honest, high inflation and interest rates worked out well for me - as I was lucky enough to be in a job where salaries at least matched inflation.  Not everyone was so lucky, and many lost their homes as a result ☹️.


    When my ex and I separated, it was depressing that we both bought houses from people who were looking at repossession....  In our defense, neither of us argued about the price as we both felt badly for those who were losing their homes.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

    So, what right wing political leader or politician is there who really opposes these "globalists"? Who doesn't want to shower them with massively reduced taxes? Who doesn't want to lessen regulations that govern the financial industry?

    Your allegatons are just ignorance masquerading as cynicism because cynicism is easy. It doesn't require familiarity with facts. Far easier to stick with amorphous generalizations.

    Same with supposed 'left wing' politicians..... which is why trump was able to become president....


    But this is completely off topic.


    Brunei has come out with a new, horrendous law - and everyone needs to know this.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, samran said:

    Left/Globalist tag is really a confusing one which bubbles up from the bowels of the internet.


    By definition, if you are on ‘the left’ you are anti free trade, big on tariffs and all sorts of protectionism. They are suspicious of globalisation, corporations and the power that gets concentrated in the hands of a few as a result. You don’t like migration as that undermines the rights of the workers through supressed wages. 


    If you dont agree with this, then you are certainly not of ‘the left’.


    So the whole ‘globalist/left’ tag is really just some made up tag by the new ‘angry people’ of the web, making up BS tags. The whole point of course, is to come up with a new term of insult which means everything to them, but nothing to everything else.


    Its the internet equivalent of Americans calling something they don’t understand ‘socialist’, even when it isn’t. 


    The irony of it all, is that if you are against globalisation, then without doubt, you are a paid up lefty. 

    It would be so much easier if posters would give up on the 'tags' that fit their ideas - but have nothing to do with reality.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Every expat who has chosen to live in Thailand has in principle accepted their are limits to freedom of expression they themselves are willing to accept.

    Because we live in a foreign country, and so we (or at least some of us....) accept that our views are entirely irrelevant.


    It's entirely different if we are living in our home countries where we expect to have freedom of expression.


    This proposed law, as pointed out by other posters is purely a restriction on freedom of expression.


    The first part of the OP that 'jumped out at me' was "Juries would decide whether the content was removed fast enough.".  ????


    "fast enough" is the first clue that this proposed law is nanny state gone mad!

  6. How on earth did this thread turn into a debate on Latin etc.???


    Seeing as we're way off topic anyway, I'll add my '2 cents' - English is the 'universal' second language everywhere thanks to the Americans!


    I too was taught Latin at school and it is useful as a 'background' language to european languages.  Sadly, I can remember virtually nothing of it nowadays ☹️.


    Some people have a 'gift' for languages, and so can easily learn another.  Others don't have this 'gift', and find it v. difficult to learn other languages.

    • Like 2
  7. 24 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    Do not know what it has to do with the EU I am sure it has more to do with the advice of the incompetent Attorney General whose advice seems to change from day to day...


    Not even the majority of remainer MPs think that the eu/may deal will work with the electorate.....


    We'rPe all guessing at their next move to keep us within the eu - without a large number of MPs losing their seats ????.

    • Like 2
  8. 38 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    Or, we can go on exactly like before and eat peppers and strawberries grown in Kent, and other "fancy continental foods" if and when we like. Which is the most likely outcome even if UK crashes out of the EU. There will be fancy continental food available even after Brexit. If you have read something else in the Guardian you've been scammed.


    We run a trade deficit with a majority of EU-countries. In round figures, the deficit with the EU is £67 Billion (2017). That's one incentive for the EU to get a trade deal in place faster than Guy Verhoftwat can say "The European Federation of States". And their incentive is £67 billion bigger than ours. So the question we should ask ourselves is: "would Germany and France rather export their wine and fancy cars to the UK or are they going to watch as USA and Japan put trade deals in place to sell their wine and cars at a more competitive rates...?" (French farmers would LOVE that...).


    However, as I said before, I think the financial aspects of Brexit are negligible. The biggest stake here is what happens to the EU if the UK leaves successfully - without going bankrupt. 

    "However, as I said before, I think the financial aspects of Brexit are negligible."


    I have to disagree, as I think 'the money' is the most important point for the eu......

    • Like 2
  9. 15 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    She like a infuriating dumb blond...
    All game for strip poker even though absolutely hopeless at poker.
    But wears 6 pairs of knickers.

    It was Basil B that said this - not malageteddy, so I apologise in advance.


    I've never played strip poker in my life, but did play poker once with my boyfriend's (at the time) friends after a v. boozy night, after which they all came back to our place.  I won, but we all lost insofar as we all had to call in 'sick' an hour or so later ????.


    I'm pretty sure that nobody has ever thought of me a "dumb blond", and I hate this type of stereotype.

  10. 10 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Implementation of Sharia Criminal Law and the latest round of implementation (Hudud) was and is covered by MSM. Thankfully the very harsh implementation of Sharia Law is by a small number of Muslim majority countries. One assumes Clooney is influenced by his wife who is going an excellent job of trying to assist the oppressed around the world.

    "Implementation of Sharia Criminal Law and the latest round of implementation (Hudud) was and is covered by MSM."


    I'll take your word for it, but the fact is that the first time I read about this latest horror (by Brunei) was as a result of Clooney's comments becoming a thread on ThaiVisa.


    But to be fair, it's quite possible I missed the thread on TV previously that had come from other sources?

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