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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Because there's a difference between your history as stated and those that had been using every option under the sun to stay in Thailand (multiple visa exempt, border bounces, covid extensions, dodgy ed visa and especially dodgy "volunteer" visa that had no volunteering whatsoever involved). That's not to say you won't get questioned, but if you do, you have a good case to argue. IMO, only issue with an extremely high probability of it being a negative result (virtually guaranteed) you face is if you wanted an Elite visa at this time - given you have a job offer, no real issue.
  2. Potential problems getting a fair back. Obviously many are happy to do so, but there are a number that are reluctant too.
  3. Less time than I expected 555
  4. Ends with Y? (For the majority that it is of course, not all.)
  5. I was seriously shocked a few years back when a friend wanted to show me some YouTube videos ... I had no idea they had ads!
  6. Careful what you wish for. How about the Thais just have a look around the world and implement other schemes already in place: https://www.euronews.com/travel/2023/01/09/tourist-taxes-all-of-the-countries-you-will-have-to-pay-to-enter-in-2022 But of course it's just those nasty scamming Thais according to people on here
  7. Wonder how long this "agent" will last advertising like this:
  8. Same reason people do a lot of things I would think - because they can.
  9. For bike and car not both. If people are willing to pay it, up to them.
  10. Not sure, I'd think it likely to be more in the 6-6.5K range giving the costs for a brand new licence rather than a transfer of a foreign licence: Get in touch and ask them: https://www.mots-services.com/mots-services1
  11. Either, if you do both at the same time 5000 Bht all up.
  12. How long expired? You've got 12 month leeway from I believe.
  13. Hi Charlie, you got another one a couple of hours later - new thread started instead of adding to this one: https://aseannow.com/topic/1283428-cant-open-news-items-in-newsletter/ For what it's worth, clicking the link posted in that thread opened fine for me (using Chrome).
  14. Surely not, how could this happen at 2:30 am when bars are closed by 2 am
  15. Somebody is winding you up. Assuming converting from visa exempt, 15 months is down to getting a Non-O initially which is 3 months then you get an extension to stay which is 12 months. Other than having to have had your 50th birthday, birthdays have nothing to do with it.
  16. What are you babbling on about?
  17. I've never need to use these types of services but have seen many people recommend Skype as @BritManToo mentions. Stumbled over another option yesterday that may be worth looking into: https://www.tossabledigits.com Never heard of them (not surprising as I've never looked into these types of services) but a guy recommended them in this forum thread so had a quick look out of curiosity. Not sure if London is an option but there are various UK cities listed (I just scanned through a couple of countries, wasn't looking for a specific city).
  18. Sometimes I wonder if the Thai Government actually has a department set up to come up with announcements and then just kick back at the end of the working day with their tipple of choice and have a laugh at the meltdown on here. When this dies down perhaps time for another 10 Bht increase for taxis at Swampy
  19. Not so much, more like Thai media, understands Thai draconian defamation laws.
  20. There's been a few, they stand out due to being such an outlier. For example here's one from a month ago:
  21. Although everything can be done yourself I think there is also an equation somewhere that has parts including "getting buggered about", "cost" and "smooth sailing with minimal time required". From looking around, 3500 Bht seems to be the going rate for a licence; seen good reviews for Mots, no idea if there's cheaper options with the same level of service. I'm leaning towards it being worth the cost to a lot of people, regardless of any "hand holding" jibes some may throw.
  22. That's for visa/extension. 3500 Bht for driving licence (door to door service).
  23. And? Your links are irrelevant to the issue, all they do is add support for ditching the insurance requirement - they do not add anything that backs up your claim that Indians and Chinese will be treated for free as opposed to other foreigners. When Thailand first started to let people back in a number of them that didn't do due diligence found their insurance wouldn't pay out when they got a positive test in quarantine, do you have any evidence they didn't have to pay out of their own pocket?
  24. They are. There has been no suggestion whatsoever Indians or Chinese are going to get free medical treatment and I find it quite ludicrous to come to that conclusion just because the insurance requirement for entry has, allegedly but not confirmed (still listed on various airline sites and IATA sit as a requirement) been withdrawn.
  25. Please go back and read what I was replying to.
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