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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. 2000 Baht (4000 Baht if immigration pick you up). Still would be 2000 Baht. As I understand it, OP can always just pop out to Singapore (or wherever) for a weekend and rest the clock on return.
  2. Plenty, probably be better to give readers an idea of what you want to do for more targeted replies.
  3. Salerno

    Gett - no get

    Bolt "should" work, Gett shouldn't (it doesn't have a presence in Thailand). Most people seem to recommend Grab.
  4. Eight floors plus has supposed to have them since 1992 as I understand it. Edit: Yes, came in in 1992 under the Building Safety Control Act. A decade old article suggesting getting pre 1992 buildings up to code, at least in Bangkok https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30177440
  5. To a large cohort of members on here, that is a younger generation.
  6. Depends, some people actually do want the best for fellow citizens and the country to move forward, it's not always just about the money.
  7. Your sisters computer is not involved, just her router. You in Thailand > your sister's router in the states > the website. Your computer will be on her IP address so geolocation is somewhat covered. But you may hit problems if the sites causing you problems are using browser fingerprinting (see https://pixelprivacy.com/resources/browser-fingerprinting). To see the kind of info they can possibly have on you visit https://www.deviceinfo.me/ (or the two options in the link above).
  8. @KhunLA Thanks for the info, a "misdemeanour" should deter everyone ... not! Had a quick look and guessing my initial impression was likely based on high-profile cases I'd probably heard of over the years. Some heavy sentences, rightfully so, listed here and the US features prominently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_longest_prison_sentences. I particularly like the sentence the sick <deleted> Lopez ended up with after rejecting 13 and 22 year plea deal offers - 1503 years (assuming he is guilty as charged obviously).
  9. Didn't know the RTP accepted foreigners or are you just going to volunteer? ????
  10. Motorists in Thailand do not need to carry a physical driving licence and can instead show a screen capture of their “DLT QR licence”, the Department of Land Transport (DLT) announced on Sunday. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40011430
  11. Is that right? I thought a lot had been given consecutive sentences in the States, or would that just be for the more heinous crimes that had actually been committed rather than caught before they could?
  12. Russia only has a total of 11 SSBNs (only doesn't seem like a good word given how devastating one can be really) guarantee not all of them at sea or even seaworthy. The US alone has 53 attack submarines (again, not all will be at sea) plus add others from NATO. What would be the odds on there being a US sub just behind a Russian sub sitting off the coast watching for any hatches opening.
  13. That's cool, so it wouldn't be totally out of left field if your stepdaughter wanted to pursue a career in forensics overseas, as you said, hell of a waste of five years on something she is obviously fairly passionate about. I'm not going to hold my breath but things will slowly change in Thailand, would be cool if she could start her career overseas, gain experience and come back into the RTP when it catches up.
  14. Feel free to report it, It was edited to the specific point I replied to as per forum rules. My post didn't comment on anything other than that point, if you couldn't pick up on his sarcasm not my problem.
  15. I would think that would be seen as "running a business" therefore, if it came to the attention of authorities you could have problems.
  16. Correct, but then replied to by heybruce and that reply was replied to by Saanim (which is the one you arced up about) which unfortunately also had your post quoted. If you followed it from the initial sarcastic comment then I doubt you would have posted "You are the one that suggested helping North Korea with democracy. Not BruceH. So you should take up that issue with yourself." Clear as mud now? 555
  17. Looks like an interesting first step. But, for now, applicant must have address in Bangkok only and must get sticker visa in Bangkok and you need to go to the IO to get a sticker after application approved. Would be nice if they're trialing it for future country roll out.
  18. Up to you if you don't want to follow the conversation. The sarcasm was the initial post three hours ago "Why not to help them with democracy as helped others so many times?" which led to various further posts.
  19. I think your sarcasm monitor may need topping up - see my post a couple above.
  20. I don't frequent that many so I'll take your word for it. Not even that silently. Many appear to have drunk a hell of a lot of their version of Kool-Aid.
  21. The problem is there's no such thing, they reinterpreted various legislation such as the Customs Act, Public Health Ministry Act and made announcements to declare vaping paraphernalia illegal. There is no law against vaping per se but good luck arguing your case (not "you" specifically obviously) and proving your equipment and juice was imported prior to 2014 and still worked.
  22. "The hundreds of thousands of Russians who fled the country over the past year have not staged any major anti-war rallies while in exile, despite no longer being subject to draconian Kremlin restrictions” I don't particularly find that surprising. Two main reasons: 1) they aren't exactly get the best of reception in various countries and likely just wanting to keep their heads down, and 2) unless an orphan, doing so could be detrimental to the health of loved one left behind (brothers, sisters, parents, extended family etc.). Of course there's also the cohort that believe in Putin's war but don't have the balls to actually fight for there conviction. As much as I would have loved them to stay behind and protest or even more, it's far easier to have those feelings from outside than actually act on them from inside.
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