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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. My condolences. I assumed that would be the case but was hoping you had inherited it from a long lost uncle ... that would make the decision so much easier. Best of luck with whatever you finally decide.
  2. Very surreal video; you'd think there would be head butting, eye gauging, boots, hay makers, biting everything under the sun to take him down not just holding him off at arms length and the gunman eventually just walking away. Kudos to Mr Tsay for disarming him.
  3. What is that figure based on? In the most infamous case to date, the actual fine by the court was 827 Baht.
  4. Into her router, not computer, hence your later questions aren't relevant.
  5. I really wish people would stop this nonsense. Any vaper claiming they didn't know that it is illegal, a fact that is included in the descent videos on airlines for years and has been covered in numerous news accounts around the world over the years, is either a liar or been living under a rock since 2014. Non vapers may still be surprised as things that don't affect you personally tend to get glossed over by your brain; similar to when you start looking for a new car and close to deciding on a make and model you suddenly notice how many are on the road.
  6. As is the OP's board name
  7. Thanks again for pointing that one out, very enjoyable watch, the trip down memory lane must have made the day of the people he interacted with. Funniest thing was it was on one of the London specials, I only stumbled across the show that had Sam Smith on it.
  8. Thanks, I'd heard of "carpool karaoke" but didn't realise it wasn't purely in the States. Will have to search YouTube for that one, can just imagine the scousers' reaction as they noticed who it was.
  9. That's part of the initial charm for a lot of visitors.
  10. Braver man than me ... trusting a fart in Thailand!
  11. Didn't want to take it off topic but here's a fairly accurate list. Funny thing is it doesn't include Taiwan which has just passed the third reading of a bill (13 Jan from memory) and will ban vaping as soon as it is published. https://vapoholic.co.uk/2022/02/11/where-is-vaping-banned-countries-with-strictest-e-cig-laws/
  12. Guessing you aren't a vaper or you wouldn't have posted that, there are numerous countries.
  13. Yes, just read this one too https://www.thephuketnews.com/property/the-downfalls-and-risks-of-a-303030-leasehold-in-thailand/ As I said originally, personally, I'd sell up and use the money to set myself up nicely somewhere else, I couldn't be bothered with the uncertainties. That said, I obviously have no idea if you have any sentimental attachment to the property or area.
  14. I thought the only legal term was one 30 year term and any 30x30x30 can be reneged on at any time? Edit: Quick search and this popped out at the top of the list: https://www.jftb-real-estate-phuket.com/blog/thailand-property-the-lease-of-30-30-30-is-illegal.html
  15. Any vaper that says they didn't know it's banned in Thailand is either a liar or been living under a rock. It has been widely discussed, there has been numerous previous issues in news media and social media including the French woman that ended up getting deported, it's been in the descent video on flights for years, there's signage. Non vapers are less likely to have noticed these things just as they've likely not noticed how ludicrous it is to have signs at airline checkin saying ecigs have to be in your carryon luggage ????‍♂️ (technically, just the batteries but the image that goes with the text is full vape). Fun fact, banned in Singapore too (and numerous other countries).
  16. Small issue, sounds like you have a bunch of files on your desktop - you need to move them to free up space. As @Mickymau mentioned, move into a "desktop" folder on your new storage, set folder view to icons, add shortcut to you desktop to that folder, double tap and you have virtually what you have now. Yes. Cheaper fix. Happy shopping ... if there is such a thing ????‍♂️ (Have to admit though. I enjoying shopping for new tech toys)
  17. And this is why we need to ask questions and why I edited to add the "decent SSD" before you replied 555 For me, a "conventional" external never even entered my head in the discussion during this whole thread before I initially posed that question due to what I use computers for. Wasn't until I posted the question I thought "Wait a minute, he must be talking about old school disks" ????
  18. What brand do you have that is faster than a decent SSD?
  19. What have you got on your desktop now? We all use our "tools" differently e.g. on this laptop I've only got three items on my desktop, on another I've probably got a couple of dozen. Your external drive will be given a different drive letter through which you will navigate to files e.g. at the moment you'll only have C drive whereas on this lappie I have: Same would be the case if you went with an SD card. As mentioned before, if you want something on your desktop (e.g. specific folders) you can easily create shortcuts to them, depending on what is on your desktop now, chances are you wouldn't be able to use at least some of the current shortcuts.
  20. Doesn't look like one to me, but I'm certainly no expert on hardware, have only swapped out laptop drives a few times and had a couple of docks/external enclosures so I'd expect wider and shorter than shown in the image. Just did an image search and vast majority of images look like I was thinking but saw the below which looks similar ????‍♂️
  21. About the only thing worth reading in your post.
  22. I've never actually see that so 64 million and 1 now 555 Don't particularly like Corden, only seen him on three, maybe four shows,
  23. Virtual memory has only been discussed as OP has been seeing errors (due to running out of space I believe). Reclaimed space on the internal existing drive should fix the issue - setting it up on the external was not on the cards.
  24. Cheap enough nowadays and drives do fail (had one go just over a month ago actually!) so yes, a backup always advisable but as @Woof999 just mentioned, if you have decent internet perhaps cloudbased would be more advisable for important things (a backup in the same location as your PC really isn't a backup unless stored in a serious fireproof "safe"). If worried about data on a 3rd party you could always set up your own pretty damn cheaply with minimal fuss. Yes, but as mentioned doubt you'll need to mess with the virtual memory once space reclaimed.
  25. There's various types of connectors but yes, given the spec, I doubt there is any of them in your comp. You should be able to upgrade the RAM but to be honest, not sure it would be worth the bother. I'm guessing you're not doing any heavy/intensive work on it.
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