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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Then you'd be pleased to know that surgery for gender affirming care is extremely rare in children: The fact check makes clear that gender affirming surgeries are NOT performed on children, and that, “In all cases, gender affirming surgeries are only performed after multiple discussions with both mental health providers and physicians (including endocrinologists and/or surgeons), to determine if surgery is the appropriate course of action.” https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/icymi-ap-debunks-extremist-claims-about-gender-affirming-care
  2. Is that so? Where has that been mentioned about Biden? One of around 8 million Americans who use one of these. President Biden has begun using a CPAP machine in recent weeks to help deal with sleep apnea, a common disorder in which one’s breathing is interrupted as one sleeps, White House officials said Wednesday. “Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports,” said Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman. “He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/28/us/politics/biden-cpap-sleep-apnea.html https://archive.ph/mxHMu
  3. If he has then so be it but whats that to do with using a CPAP machine occasionally for sleep apnea which he has had for 10 years?
  4. He's had sleep apnea for around 10 years, what makes you think he's falling apart because he uses a CPAP occasionally?
  5. While we already know who it is and have done for a few days, the official line is still not clear. Particularly important when the alleged victim concerned denies any wrong doing or criminal activity has taken place. Public interest defence in naming presenter is complicated - campaigner "I think it is important we stress this isn't just about the presenter," Nathan says. "It's also about the individual who the Sun are presenting here as the victim in this case who sold the images. "When you name someone who is on the other end of this, you raise the risk of identifying the other person as well." Nathan also points out it is key the individual at the centre of the allegations has made denials via a lawyer there has been no wrongdoing or criminal activity. Quote Message: What was really inappropriate, particularly in this case, is the Sun did not mention the fact that the individual at the heart of this had either not been spoken to or had been spoken to and he had objected to the story going ahead and his own parents accounts." https://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-66159469
  6. Yes but we already know unfounded speculation is their favourite go to when it involves Biden. Evidence does not figure god knows why.....lol
  7. Biden takes the following: The president takes five medications. Two are over-the-counter allergy medicines to treat seasonal allergies. And another, Pepcid, treats acid reflux, which is sometimes the cause of his throat clearing or coughing. The president also takes a blood thinner for a previously identified heart arrhythmia. And his doctor says he remains completely asymptomatic. He also takes Crestor, a statin medication to help control cholesterol. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/17/1157773608/the-presidents-personal-physician-has-issued-biden-a-clean-bill-of-health Anything else is pure speculation driven by remarks from Trump and claims by the ever so credible Tucker Carlson.
  8. A guy in his early twenties. Hardly seems a police matter but could indeed be a professional conduct issue. "The individual in their early 20s was first contacted anonymously by the male presenter on a dating app."
  9. Maybe in your head but not any one else. NATO’s door remains open to any European country in a position to undertake the commitments and obligations of membership, and contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area. The Black Sea is a marginal mediterranean sea of the Atlantic Ocean lying between Europe and ... It is bounded by Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia
  10. Comer clutching at straws again................... House committee to receive briefing on cocaine found in White House The House Oversight and Accountability Committee will receive a briefing from the Secret Service on the cocaine found in the White House in early July. Austin Hacker, deputy communications director for Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), confirmed the Secret Service will brief the committee Thursday morning. Comer, committee chairman, sent a letter to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on Friday requesting a “staff-level” briefing on the matter. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4091855-house-committee-to-receive-briefing-on-cocaine-found-in-white-house/
  11. The smart ones. "At least eight of those fake electors have taken immunity deals with Willis’s office." https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4091852-trump-case-georgia-grand-jury-sworn-in/
  12. Here we go, the nuclear weapon rhetoric once again. For your information the only war mongers in this has been the Russians when they invaded.
  13. "It is absurd to think that man can change earth' climate." Not true, man has already changed earths climate for the worse, its trying to reverse that now
  14. Its all so awkward for them now, after all, this fake whistleblower was their one hope to try and divert attention onto the Bidens and its just gone up in a puff of smoke.....lol Have to feel sorry for them, Comer just a couple of days ago saying this......lol "He's very credible and the people on MSNBC who made fun of me when I said we had an informant that was missing, they should feel like fools right now. And this is their worst nightmare."
  15. Same, displaying what an assertive leader should do, expect high standards with strong boundaries. Ted Kaufman, Biden's longtime chief of staff when the future president represented Delaware in the Senate, told Axios that Biden's process is policy-driven, and has made him a strong executive. "If there is something that's not in the brief, he's going to find it," he said. "It's not to embarrass people, it's because he wants to get to the right decision. Most people who have worked for him like the fact that he challenges them and gets them to a better decision." Biden's defenders acknowledge he can be tough. But they also say he can be more generous and compassionate than many powerful politicians and can make them feel like family. That's partly why so many aides have worked with Biden for decades, and go in and out of his orbit, they say. https://www.axios.com/2023/07/10/biden-temper-us-president
  16. Luft, the fugitive you mean.....lol Comer yesterday: "He's very credible and the people on MSNBC who made fun of me when I said we had an informant that was missing, they should feel like fools right now. And this is their worst nightmare."
  17. Ooooops, well this is awkward for the GOP, one of their main whistleblowers has just been charged with being a Chinese Spy. Only yesterday Comer was saying how credible he was. Back to the drawing board then.....lol Republicans’ Key ‘Whistleblower’ Indicted For ‘Working to Advance the Interests Of China’ The whistleblower Republicans said would expose the alleged corruption of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden has been indicted on eight counts. Gal Luft, who is the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security think tank in Washington, D.C., was indicted in the U.S. Southern District of New York. The indictment was unsealed on Monday. Luft was initially arrested in Cyprus in February before skipping bail and going on the lam. He remains a fugitive. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/republicans-key-whistleblower-indicted-for-working-to-advance-the-interests-of-china/ U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Co-Director Of Think Tank For Acting As An Unregistered Foreign Agent, Trafficking In Arms, Violating U.S. Sanctions Against Iran, And Making False Statements To Federal Agents Gal Luft, a Dual U.S.-Israeli Citizen, Allegedly Evaded FARA Registration While Working to Advance the Interests of China in the United States and Sought to Broker the Illicit Sales of Chinese-Manufactured Weapons and Iranian Oil to China https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-against-co-director-think-tank-acting-unregistered
  18. Not just the cluster munitions that Russia has been using but also the phosphorus bombs
  19. Not keen on Putin apologists who miss out all the relevant facts. Vladimir Putin’s apologists spread dangerous message The standard-bearer of the pro-Putin realists is John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, who has made a career out of reducing the complexity of global politics to the aggression of self-interested powers. In the process, he studiously ignores their internal politics. One obvious advantage of this approach is that it considerably reduces the amount of research and knowledge that is required to dispense authoritative judgments about the conduct of any particular country. https://www.smh.com.au/opinion/vladimir-putins-apologists-spread-dangerous-message-20150129-130snb.html
  20. Love some of the quotes from that article, bye bye Tucker........ "The answer to why Tucker Carlson’s show on Twitter is failing is not hard to figure out. Tucker was a product of Fox News. Without the big Fox platform to help him set narratives and reach elected Republicans, Carlson is just another voice in the wild. It was never Tucker Carlson that moved Republican narratives, but the power of the 8 PM weeknight Fox News timeslot. The Murdochs believe that no one is bigger than the Fox News brand. Tucker Carlson thought he was and he could do huge numbers on his own."
  21. I just read that, pretty amazing! I wonder how Musk is taking this? I'm sure the competition will not allow him to degenerate into name calling............. Zuck is a cuck https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1678098028849143809
  22. Unconfirmed at present but seems genuine. 'Transcript of Titan sub’s final communication’ leaked online – but is it real? Screenshots of what purports to be the Titan submersible’s final communications before its tragic destruction have gone viral online. The unconfirmed script alleges to reveal the final words shared between someone on board the sub – presumably OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush – and the team on board its mothership the Polar Prince. The document has raised a number of concerns, most notably by suggesting that passengers were aware of issues with the vessel some 18 minutes before its devastating implosion. https://www.indy100.com/news/titan-sub-final-transcript-tiktok-2662252343 https://twitter.com/Independent/status/1677984807370862592
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