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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I think you'll find Zuckerberg and Facebook are well aware of it, that's why a couple of years ago he changed Facebooks company branding to "Meta" (for metaverse) however he was a little wiser and left the Facebook logo.
  2. Twitter is already reported to have lost 2 thirds of the value Elon paid for it, now this. The investors must be so pleased with him. By Turning Twitter Into X, Elon Musk Risks Killing Billions in Brand Value It’s rare for corporate brands to become so intertwined with everyday conversation that they become verbs. It’s rarer still for the owner of such a brand to announce plans to intentionally destroy it. On Sunday, in the middle of a quiet summer weekend, Elon Musk decreed that Twitter’s product name would be changed to “X,” and that he is getting rid of the bird logo and all the associated words, including “tweet.” Musk’s move wiped out anywhere between $4 billion and $20 billion in value, according to analysts and brand agencies. https://time.com/6297303/twitter-x-rebrand-cost/
  3. Some more good news: Official Kyiv: Attrition Strategy Against Russian Army Working, Ukraine Offensive Will Succeed Kyiv’s strategy eventually to defeat the Russian army by hollowing it out by attrition is succeeding, senior Ukrainian officials led by President Volodymyr Zelensky said in recent comments. Zelensky in a Sunday national TV statement said the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s (AFU) southern offensive was generally proceeding according to plan, that Kremlin forces were suffering serious losses, and he hinted to viewers the pace of Ukrainian attacks would accelerate in coming days. “We have already started preparing for the upcoming week. There will be a lot of different events that will definitely bolster Ukraine’s defense,” Zelensky said. https://www.kyivpost.com/post/19799
  4. X is normally the marker I use to get rid of unwanted adds and programs, oh well. Thanks Elon
  5. The evidence is in the articles, however.................... "I am getting tired of this, I actually have a life. I hope you appreciate the effort I put in trying to engage you all in a rational conversation. I see that this is not possible and I am wasting my breath. Have a good day." I give you a 1 out of 10. Have a good day to
  6. There's also this: Report: Texas' strict abortion ban linked to over 10% spike in infant deaths Why it matters: Texas' ban, which was the strictest in the U.S. at the time of its enactment, may be driving the increase in infant deaths by forcing people to carry nonviable pregnancies to term. In 2021, Texas effectively made abortions illegal after six weeks of pregnancy — before most people know they are pregnant. The ban, which did not include any exceptions for rape or incest, allowed private citizens to sue abortion providers and those who assist patients seeking an abortion. https://www.axios.com/2023/07/20/texas-abortion-ban-infant-mortality-rate
  7. The Kremlin agree with you as they often tweet links to his works in fact they quite admire him.................. "As I said , take one thing that he said, disagree with , and offer contradicting evidence not just opinion ," Here's some and the evidence is before the worlds eyes as we speak: "Mearsheimer dismissed the idea that Russia would ever try to “conquer Ukraine” It makes no sense to blame the west for the Ukraine war In his famous 2015 lecture, Mearsheimer dismissed the idea that Russia would ever try to “conquer Ukraine” — arguing that “Putin is much too smart for that”. The professor also continues to insist that Putin was being sincere when he made statements before the war claiming to accept Ukrainian independence. In a more recent lecture, Mearsheimer even claims that “Putin does not have a history of lying to other leaders”. This will come as news to the foreign leaders to whom Putin has variously claimed that Russia had no hand in the shooting down of flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014; or that the Kremlin had nothing to do with the attempted murder of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny in 2020. https://www.ft.com/content/2d65c763-c36f-4507-8a7d-13517032aa22 Here's a couple more: John Mearsheimer’s lecture on Ukraine: Why he is wrong and what are the consequences Mearsheimer’s explanation draws on his own version of the realist theory of international relations, offensive realism, which is not an overly reliable guide to the behaviour of contemporary states. Offensive realism holds that great powers such as Russia cannot tolerate perceived security threats in their neighbourhoods. However, here as elsewhere, offensive realism often fails on empirical grounds. The breakup of the Soviet Bloc, the post-Cold War military weakness of Germany, and peace among major European powers are just a few examples of such failures. https://euideas.eui.eu/2022/07/11/john-mearsheimers-lecture-on-ukraine-why-he-is-wrong-and-what-are-the-consequences/ Why John Mearsheimer Gets Ukraine Wrong Part of the destructiveness of this amoralist framework is evident in Mearsheimer’s proposed remedy for the crisis. Even though many Ukrainians are risking their lives fighting off Russia’s invasion; even though they dread a future under Putin’s authoritarian boot; even though many Ukrainians want to reshape their country so it better protects their freedom; none of that counts for much in Mearsheimer’s analysis. https://newideal.aynrand.org/why-john-mearsheimer-gets-ukraine-wrong/ He did get somethings right, like saying Ukraine should never have given up its nuclear weapons. I'll give him that.
  8. So your bottom line claims have no source or facts to back them up. As I thought. Yes Ukraine has lost lots of troops, but Russia has lost far more as they have with equipment losses in this failed invasion. I don't listen to hours of youtube channels making predictions but I have spent hours reading direct source updates on the war and what is actually going on. Your comment : "I hope you appreciate the amount of work that I put in this" Please........... The DW report or any report is NOT claiming that Ukraine has lost 20% of its troops in the counter offensive, those reports refer to equipment losses only. The Russian losses for equipment must also be taken into account. Your figure of 40,000 lost in this counter offensive is pie in the sky. As for the troops and numbers being used in the counter offensive: Ukraine has so far committed only three of the 12 brigades specially formed for its counter-offensive. A brigade comprises between 3,000 and 5,000 men. Since the start of the invasion Ukraine has already regained more than 50% of the land Russia occupied. In addition to that, since the counter offensive, while a slow start it has recaptured 300 square kilometers which is the equivalent of three times the size of Paris, but relatively still much much more to do. it's "more territory than Russia has seized in its whole winter offensive," Wallace pointed out. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/06/29/ukraine-tries-to-provide-reassurance-about-progress-of-ts-counter-offensive_6039467_4.html https://archive.ph/oN10R
  9. Actually if you hadn't snippet my original post then you would have read that I did indeed discuss your points and also provided a link rather than expecting posters here to listen to over an hour of 3 separate youtube videos with unsupported claims to source. This is a discussion forum not youtube. As for your bottom line. Where is your source that Russia has 10x the troops that Ukraine has presently? Where is your source that Ukraine will soon start running out of the well trained forces?
  10. You conveniently edited my response and missed out the pertinent points thanks for that. As for JM, this from 2015 Vladimir Putin’s apologists spread dangerous message The standard-bearer of the pro-Putin realists is John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, who has made a career out of reducing the complexity of global politics to the aggression of self-interested powers. In the process, he studiously ignores their internal politics. One obvious advantage of this approach is that it considerably reduces the amount of research and knowledge that is required to dispense authoritative judgments about the conduct of any particular country. https://www.smh.com.au/opinion/vladimir-putins-apologists-spread-dangerous-message-20150129-130snb.html I'll ignore the hair cut trolling remark The DW report also mentioned that when the defensive lines are broken there can be a rapid retake of territory.
  11. Ye of little faith. When you start posting vids with the likes of John Mearsheimer as their expert then its little wonder you form these views. The facts are that Russia had months to prepare its defensive lines while the West was slow in providing the much needed equipment and training for the counter offensive. The training of Ukrainan troops in the west also took lots of time. The counter offensive while now as a result slow, that does not mean that once the defensive lines are broken that the occupied territories will not be reclaimed far quicker. In fact I predict the Russians will crumble away as soon as there is a major break through. Ukraine has not deployed its foremost brigades yet they are waiting while those lines are broken. Ukraine has indeed suffered equipment losses but that is to be expected, any attacking forces knows that they normally suffer more than the defenders. The cluster munitions are already in play and being very effective. I'm going with: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that Ukrainian counteroffensive operations may soon increase in tempo and that the delay in counteroffensive operations was in part due to limited materiel. Zelensky stated that counteroffensive operations may soon increase in tempo due to ongoing mine-clearing operations.[6] US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on July 21 at the Aspen Security Forum that it is too early to draw conclusions about Ukrainian counteroffensive operations and that Ukraine will likely “make a profound difference” on the battlefield as Kyiv commits all of the forces that Ukraine prepared for the counteroffensive.[7] https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-22-2023
  12. Putin’s purge of allies shows he came closer to being toppled than anyone realized Girkin is one more former close ally of Putin who finds himself either arrested, missing or very dead courtesy of a window, a cup of tea, or the ever-popular “heart attack.” For Putin’s allies, the Ukrainian sunflower is proving to be a Venus flytrap, whose golden petals may yet come even to devour Putin himself. The war has badly weakened and destabilized Putin’s regime, as Yevgeny Prigozhin’s failed “march for justice” showed last month. https://thehill.com/opinion/4109972-putins-purge-of-allies-shows-he-came-closer-to-being-toppled-than-anyone-realized/
  13. Update on that, his whereabouts are well and truly known now. He's in a Russian court facing trial. Igor Girkin was of course sentenced to life last year by the Hague for the murders of 298 innocent people onboard MH17. We now have the Russian murderers prosecuting one of their own murderers.
  14. His sister certainly feels he's tarnishing the family name: Kerry Kennedy rebukes brother RFK Jr. after he linked Covid-19 and Jewish people "I strongly condemn my brother’s deplorable and untruthful remarks last week about Covid being engineered for ethnic targeting," Kerry Kennedy said in a statement released by the nonprofit group Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, where she is president. "His statements do not represent what I believe or what Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights stand for, with our 50+-year track record of protecting rights and standing against racism and all forms of discrimination," she added. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/kerry-kennedy-rebukes-brother-rfk-jr-linked-covid-19-jewish-people-rcna94718
  15. I feel sorry for the people of Thailand whose vote for democracy was trodden on. Such a sad state of affairs for a beautiful country that has so much potential. This from Human Rights Watch Thailand: Bogus Charges Keep Candidate from Top Post (New York) – The Thai Constitutional Court’s decision to suspend from parliament the leading candidate for prime minister on politically motivated charges is a serious blow to democracy in Thailand, Human Rights Watch said today. The reformist Move Forward Party, led by Pita Limjaroenrat, 42, had secured 151 parliamentary seats, the most votes of any party in the May 14, 2023 election, giving it the right to lead efforts to form a new government. The Constitutional Court on July 19 accepted the Election Commission of Thailand’s allegations that Pita violated electoral rules and was unqualified to run for election because he held shares in the iTV media company, even though the company has not broadcast for 15 years and was removed from listing on the Stock Exchange of Thailand in 2014. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/07/21/thailand-bogus-charges-keep-candidate-top-post
  16. "Trump wants to execute people who engage in human trafficking" You may want to read the op instead of deflecting off topic
  17. Who is MTG to judge a character on sexually explicit photos when she herself seems more than happy to carry out her own interpretations to a cardboard cut out!
  18. Will he also be threatening Judge Cannon who has just set the date for the documents trial to May 2024, poor Donnie, he wanted it set for after the 2024 elections..... Judge sets May 2024 date for Trump classified documents trial The Florida federal judge overseeing the Espionage Act and obstruction of justice case against former president Donald Trump has rejected the disgraced ex-president’s bid to delay his trial until after the 2024 election. US District Judge Aileen Cannon on Friday issued an order granting the government’s request to set a speedy trial date and schedule for pretrial motions, with a start date of 20 May 2024. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-classified-documents-trial-date-b2379654.html
  19. Same same as OP? Fox news the bastion of truth Republican calls to impeach Biden grow following release of FBI document detailing bribery allegations Republicans immediately began lashing out at President Biden Thursday following the release of an unclassified FBI document detailing his alleged involvement in an international bribery scheme, with a number rallying for his impeachment. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/republicans-calls-impeach-biden-grow-release-fbi-document-detailing-bribery-allegations
  20. They've been doing that to the kidnapped Ukrainian children for sometime unfortunately. The war criminal Putin deserves justice meted out to him.
  21. Says it all really, if Trump likes him then MAGA follow................... Trump calls RFK Jr. ‘a very smart person’ Former President Trump in a new interview praised Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a “very smart person” as the Democratic presidential candidate has courted controversy with comments about vaccines and the war in Ukraine. “He’s a very smart person. I know a lot of the members of that family, and he’s a very smart guy. And he’s hit a little bit of a nerve. And a lot of Democrats I know want to vote for him,” Trump said in an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” broadcast on Fox News. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4100111-trump-calls-rfk-jr-a-very-smart-person/
  22. Well this is hardly surprising, advertising still down and now limited views all = still less advertising revenue. Musk says Twitter is losing cash because advertising is down and the company is carrying heavy debt Elon Musk says Twitter is still losing cash because advertising has dropped by half. In a reply to a tweet offering business advice, Musk tweeted Saturday, “We’re still negative cash flow, due to (about a) 50% drop in advertising revenue plus heavy debt load.” “Need to reach positive cash flow before we have the luxury of anything else,” he concluded. https://apnews.com/article/twitter-elon-musk-debt-advertising-70f526c407d4c68107f9d1ec4b4e3151
  23. He's trying his best to wriggle out of it. Trump Seeks Court Order to Quash Investigation in Georgia In his latest legal maneuver, Donald J. Trump sought a court order on Friday that would throw out the work of an Atlanta special grand jury and disqualify Fani T. Willis, the prosecutor leading an investigation into election interference in Georgia. A decision on indictments looms in the investigation, which has been in progress for more than two years. Ms. Willis, the district attorney of Fulton County, has signaled that the decision will come in the first half of August; she recently asked judges in a downtown Atlanta courthouse not to schedule trials for part of that time as she prepares to bring charges. Mr. Trump’s lawyers made their request in a filing to Georgia’s Supreme Court. They want the court to throw out the evidence gathered by the special grand jury. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/14/us/trump-georgia-election-investigation.html https://archive.ph/F3U6j
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