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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The mystery as to where he is is just getting deeper. In my opinion all this negative press from the Kremlin and Russian TV pundits is setting the stage for his continued long term disappearance. Dead or being held securely out of sight somewhere with him having no contact with the outside world? Prigozhin’s Movements a Mystery as Wagner Fans Gather in St. Petersburg The mystery surrounding the whereabouts of Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin continued Saturday as supporters of the mercenary group gathered in his hometown, St. Petersburg, adding to questions over his future role in Russia after he sparked the most serious challenge to President Vladimir Putin in his 23 years in power. Organizers advised attendees that “this event is a meeting with you, nothing more,” in a message on Telegram. “In light of recent events, this is extremely important. There is no need to carry flags or to campaign.” Yet the gathering, though small, added to the speculation swirling around Prigozhin’s plans after he last month led his Wagner forces in a revolt against Russia’s military leadership that at one point threatened to plunge the country into civil war. https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/prigozhins-movements-a-mystery-as-wagner-fans-gather-in-st-petersburg-f17302ad https://archive.ph/6vyLh
  2. More good news for Ukraine on this new memorandum agreement with Erdogan Ukraine and Turkey to cooperate in the production of UAVs Ukraine has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Turkey on the development of facilities and capabilities for the production of various types of drones. This was announced by the Office of the President of Ukraine on July 8. A memorandum of understanding in the field of strategic industries was signed within the framework of the working visit of the President of Ukraine to Turkey. https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-and-turkey-to-cooperate-in-the-production-of-uavs/
  3. "Illegal leaks! The forces that be would be lost without this tool!imop" Leaks seems to be a thing within Trumps team Trump wanted to tap aides’ phones to stem leaks, former official says Former President Trump wanted to wiretap his aides’ phones in order to pursue potential leakers, a former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aide alleged in an upcoming book, reviewed by NBC. Miles Taylor, a senior aide to former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, also claimed that aides had concerns about the way the former president handled classified materials. Trump has long decried those who leak information to the press as “traitors.” https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4086489-trump-wanted-to-tap-aides-phones-to-stem-leaks-former-official-says/
  4. Not if you get pneumonia brought on by flu. https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/influenzadeathsintheukbetween2012to2022
  5. Just looked that up, yea around $20,000 flight only. 50 mins https://migflug.com/flights-prices/mig-29-edge-of-space/
  6. Why is it an error? What makes you think that the use of cluster munitions in a target strike where civilians are would not be a war crime from any side? I'll ignore your first link media source as its irrelevant and from a source that I personally never touch due to its promotion of conspiracy theories even if they do sometimes provide accurate news. Your second link? Not sure what you are trying point out. The context to this story is that Biden discussed this with other allies and has provided this an an interim measure until production is ramped up due to Ukraine getting very low on munitions. Its to help stop Russia winning the war, the illegal occupation of Ukraine where they are carrying our war crimes weekly with mass civilian deaths and casualties. This is a measure that is to help stop that onslaught and I am sure Ukraine will use them wisely targeting Russian troops and equipment.
  7. So when a poster has a different opinion to you, you call it a conspiracy but when Trump chimes in with his nonsense conspiracies of which he has a track record you echo the same but that's fine by you as its just your opinion. Ok got it. I'm surprised you've not included Jack Smith as a potential source for this cocaine as Trump has already said he looks like a crackhead. Or claimed the investigation will conclude that it was just ground up aspirin.
  8. They are hilarious, some of the more amusing finds in his place of residence were the wigs he used to disguise himself, some of the others not so good such as the framed photo of severed heads and the sledge hammer with the words “For important negotiations” printed on the side. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/07/06/cash-a-sledgehammer-and-an-arsenal-of-wigs
  9. Where did you get those quotes from? Or is a a pattern of false accusations on what Hunter was supposed to have said?
  10. Netflix also not very happy with this video......... ‘Peaky Blinders’ says video shared by Ron DeSantis campaign used footage of Cillian Murphy ‘without permission’ “We confirm the footage of Tommy Shelby’s character used within the video posted by Ron Desantis (sic) campaign was obtained without permission or official licence (sic),” the tweet from the “Peaky Blinders” production said. “We do not support nor endorse the video’s narrative and strongly disapprove of the use of the content in this https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/06/entertainment/peaky-blinders-ron-desantis/index.html
  11. Although he's already got it if you have a facebook account. If not then just don't sign up.
  12. Twitter to stop TweetDeck access for unverified users https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/twitter-tweetdeck-access-elon-musk-b2368910.html
  13. Have to admit, its strange that Prigozhin has not released a selfie video to give proof of life. He was regularly releasing vids and statements on Telegram before the event.
  14. How do those articles affect the special policies the same UN put in place for the covid emergency? COVID-19 and Human Rights: We are all in this together https://unsdg.un.org/resources/covid-19-and-human-rights-we-are-all-together pdf download https://unsdg.un.org/download/2094/30683
  15. They must have made an exception to Borat's daughter then but then hopefully she wasn't carrying any cocaine with her at the time. Borat's 'daughter' metres away from Donald Trump after gaining access to White House Borat then points out in the footage that she did not receive a Covid test and there was "no need for security checks," in order to gain access. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/borats-daughter-metres-away-donald-22898104
  16. We do know that if, and that's a big if, it were any staffers they would be fired as has happened previously when White House staffers were found to have taken cannabis (not in the white house) as it affects their security clearances
  17. 12 million on first day. Great start to some real competition to twitter. Earlier, Mr Zuckerberg said keeping the platform "friendly... will ultimately be the key to its success". But Mr Musk responded: "It is infinitely preferable to be attacked by strangers on Twitter, than indulge in the false happiness of hide-the-pain Instagram." When asked on Threads whether the app will be "bigger than Twitter", Mr Zuckerberg said: "It'll take some time, but I think there should be a public conversations app with 1 billion+ people on it. "Twitter has had the opportunity to do this but hasn't nailed it. Hopefully we will." https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-66112648
  18. Can you provide a link to that claim. I was unawarw of so many children being raped and having to go to another state for an abortion
  19. He was just convicted yesterday. Perhaps you'd prefer a new OP or does justice being given not figure for you
  20. Glad you found my post so amusing and yes I know exactly what you meant thanks. The sources are there for people who want to check and form their own opinions on the article.
  21. I somehow doubt a bag of cocaine would have been overlooked on a daily sweep, however Trump has different ideas regardless of any facts and I know you're a great follower of his so forgetful people are in your frame regardless whether they were there or not.
  22. While you imagine that, I'll imagine if it did happen at that time we would have never heard about it, they would have got Donnie Jnr to test it and he would have said, nah, rubbish grade, put it in some storage boxes along with the classified docs we are going to keep....lol
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