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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Far too much attention being paid to this audio tape and the existence of the document, its a bonus if that is proven, however the indictments are based on evidence they already have 31 documents and criminal retention of national defense information (NDI) "This is not necessarily classified materials — confidential, secret or top-secret — as they can be declassified. But NDI is always and everywhere criminal to possess outside of a secure federal facility, and is always and everywhere secret because it shows military strengths and weaknesses and the methods and sources of reaching those conclusions." https://www.ocregister.com/2023/06/15/judge-andrew-napolitano-the-case-against-donald-trump/
  2. Its also a clear admission that he was deliberately holding onto items for his own personal reasons no matter how lame they are.
  3. At some point Trump's MAGA base may start to see just how duped they were, but I doubt it. Barr blasts Trump’s defense in document case as ‘absurd’ Former Attorney General Bill Barr blasted former President Trump’s defense in the classified documents case as “absurd” and said the former president “absolutely” was mischaracterizing the Presidential Records Act. “The legal theory by which he gets to take battle plans and sensitive national security information as his personal papers is absurd. It’s just as wacky as the legal doctrine they came up with for having the vice president unilaterally determine who won the election,” Barr told Robert Costa on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” in an interview Sunday morning. https://thehill.com/homenews/4056167-barr-blasts-trumps-defense-in-document-case-as-absurd/ John Bolton: ‘Very disturbing’ how Trump wanted to keep classified documents Former national security adviser John Bolton on Sunday said former President Trump appeared to have a “pattern” of wanting to collect materials “of interest to him,” including classified documents, and knocked Trump’s behavior as “very disturbing.” https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4056132-john-bolton-very-disturbing-how-trump-wanted-to-keep-classified-documents/
  4. Well we know neither side wants negotiations, that African delegation visit was just a waste of time. No talks with Putin until his terrorists are defeated and pay for what they have done. Ukraine counteroffensive inches forward; Putin dismisses prospects of peace talks A delegation of African leaders led by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa met with Putin in St. Petersburg on Saturday to try to spur peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Putin replied he was ready to review any peace plan proposal, but he poured cold water on the African initiative by listing numerous reasons why the proposed plan wasn’t meeting Russian demands. These include Russia’s right to recognize the independence of the Russian-occupied Donbas region — a red line for Kyiv. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-counteroffensive-war-russia-invasion-piatykhatky-zaporizhzhia-vladimir-putin-peace-talks
  5. Not surprising otherwise he would be leaking it all over Truth Social. DOJ seeks protective order to prevent Trump from releasing classified materials amid ongoing investigation The suggested protective order, which will be reviewed by Judge Bruce Reinhart, would allow Trump to review the 31 documents the DOJ is using in the case only while in the presence of his attorneys. “Defendants shall only have access to Discovery Materials under the direct supervision of Defense Counsel or a member of Defense Counsel’s staff. Defendants shall not retain copies of Discovery Material. Defendants may take notes regarding Discovery Materials, but such notes shall be stored securely by Defense Counsel,” the DOJ wrote. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4054194-justice-files-for-protective-order-to-prevent-trump-from-releasing-classified-materials/
  6. Thanks for sharing that. The best run down I've read on the very serious case against Trump
  7. At the end of the day, its now going to be in the hands of the jury. This is an interesting article on how this may play out: The Genius of Leaving Trump’s Fate Up to 12 Ordinary Floridians It is hard to imagine a case that places more pressure on the functioning of the jury — or that more dramatically illustrates its unique value. The case against Mr. Trump does not just put a question of national security in the hands of the jury. It puts in its hands a case that is unprecedented, involving a former — and perhaps future — leader of the nation. The security policy stakes are high. The political stakes may be higher. The jury system’s constitutional authority makes it, at its best, an essential check on government overreach. In a case like this, its democratic legitimacy also gives it a better chance than any other governing institution to render a judgment that can withstand the political firestorm ahead. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/opinion/donald-trump-indictment-florida-jurors.html no paywall............https://archive.ph/CpRnM
  8. Trump was on top form......lol May be for flat earthers sure Fact-checking Donald Trump’s Bedminster speech following documents indictment https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/jun/14/fact-checking-donald-trumps-bedminster-speech-foll/ Trump’s Distortions of Federal Indictment https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/trumps-distortions-of-federal-indictment/ Trump’s Misleading Defenses in the Classified Documents Case https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/13/us/politics/trump-indictment-documents-fact-check.html
  9. The evidence I quoted from Trumps own words is not media hysteria. But when you have nothing to counter it, then yes we will see in court indeed.
  10. Prince Harry’s drug use cited in push to release visa records by conservative US group The past drug use that Prince Harry detailed in his explosive memoir should spark the release of his immigration paperwork, a conservative American think tank argued in a Washington court Tuesday as they appealed to a judge for a quicker response a records request the U.S. government has so far deemed private. https://apnews.com/article/prince-harry-visa-washington-drug-use-085e7cf22a7c4ce20b7688fabe6280b5
  11. Well Trump did once say, "I could shoot somebody and I still wouldn't lose any voters" How right he is.
  12. I am claiming he was allowed to retain the documents because they are not classified but "contain classified markings" based on what I have read. I also believe the media are portraying things in a way which is purposely unfavourable to Trump. In other words ignoring the evidence in the indictment, including where Trump himself admitted he could not declassify the document referred to.
  13. Didn't Trump start that himself? "The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!" Trump said in a new statement. https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_us-politics_trump-calls-2020-election-defeat-big-lie/6205396.html
  14. No never been, but then I've also never been to the Phi Ta Khon Festival. I would have thought that's even more graphic than any Pride event in Thailand but its a cultural thing.
  15. With holding classified documents is part of the obstruction charge. Your previous claim: "My point is that Trump was allowed to have these documents under the PRA." Still waiting for you to back that up? Your new claim: “classified markings,” which is very dubious and obtuse wording intended to imply something nefarious where nothing nefarious exists: Can you provide a link to that? Because these look pretty damning to me, from the indictment: "SCIF. These documents are not supposed to be reviewed in a Secret Service-secured place, but in a sensitive compartmented information facility, or SCIF." "Five Eyes documents spilled on the floor and then were photographed. The documents that spilled onto the floor included the marking “FVEY.” How about when Trump was asked if he could declassify them? This is what he said, its in an audio recording. “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.” Trump asked a staffer if the war plans could be declassified. He clearly knew that he had lost the ability to declassify things now that he’s no longer president. You keep making claims and have nothing to back them up.
  16. More problems heading Tate's way: Andrew Tate served legal papers after allegations of rape and sexual assault According to the law firm, the aim of the lawsuit is to seek “justice, accountability and compensation for Tate’s victims”, as well as to encourage “a UK criminal investigation into Tate’s crimes in the hope of his prosecution and conviction in the UK, in addition to the charges he is facing in Romania”. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/jun/14/andrew-tate-served-legal-papers-uk-allegations-rape-sexual-assault
  17. Bias news....LOL where exactly are you getting your news from, I already asked for for a link to your claims. Poor deflection, it is a statement released on the 9th June direct from National Archives: https://www.archives.gov/press/press-releases/2023/nr23-016 Oh and you may want to familiarize your self on the potential charges that were in the FBI search warrant. They were the Espionage Act and Obstruction. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/08/mar-a-lago-raid-warrant-charges-explained.html
  18. Can you link to where he was allowed by the PRA to have these documents? The National Archives is pushing back on claims made by former President Donald Trump, his lawyers and his allies over his retention of classified documents, for which he now faces a federal indictment. On Friday, the Archives took the rare step of releasing a public statement rebuking claims suggesting that Trump was allowed to keep classified materials under the Presidential Records Act. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/09/politics/national-archives-refutes-trump-claim-classified-documents-indictment/index.html
  19. It shouldn't be an issue as long as they are not obese but this new rule of being just 10% over then suspended is ridiculous. Noted from the OP article that in India they went much further in addition to suspending for being overweight: "Air India has outlawed grey hair, bald patches and receding hairlines for cabin crew in its updated staff guidelines"
  20. Not sure what your point is, The indictment includes evidence of Trump on tape talking about highly secret documents. Trump retained documents related to national defense that were classified at the highest levels, and some so sensitive they required special handling. That includes one “Top Secret” document, dated June 2020, “concerning nuclear capabilities of a foreign county” found at Mar-a-Lago, according to the indictment. "SCIF. These documents are not supposed to be reviewed in a Secret Service-secured place, but in a sensitive compartmented information facility, or SCIF." Why did Trump lie to his own lawyers and hide boxes with documents from his own lawyers? “I don't want anybody looking, I don't want anybody looking through my boxes, I really don't, I don't want you looking through my boxes,” You should read the full indictment not just summaries. Here's a good copy that has notes attached to each relevant page: https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2023/06/politics/annotated-trump-indictment-dg/
  21. He wasn't indicted for the Carroll case. Thats a civil case. Like I said you need to do some research.
  22. Have you seen the indictment on this case and the evidence it includes? The last time he was indicted (hush money) hasn't gone to trial yet, that's slated for 25th March 2024, so where is the slap on the wrist? Perhaps some research is needed by you
  23. Didn't take long for the conspiracy theories to start, taking a leaf from Marjorie Taylor Greene on this......lol
  24. He could start by denouncing them, that's a good way to go, same as others have done as stated in the link I supplied. These Nazi groups have already stated they are taking advantage of recruiting DeSantis fans. Why Won’t Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Denounce His Neo-Nazi Supporters? https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/ron-desantis-neo-nazi-turning-point-usa-florida-conference-1388015/
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