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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You need to sort out what my topic was, then you may have some idea of what I was responding to, ie the bio labs conspiracy which is indeed laughable: It was a lurid and difficult to believe claim: that Ukraine was developing biological weapons with the assistance of the U.S. government, in fact, U.S. assistance to Ukrainian biological labs has been targeted at strengthening public health measures, both the U.S. and Ukraine have also signed a treaty vowing never to produce or use biological weapons. But unlike most Russian efforts to spread false narratives justifying its invasion of Ukraine, this one found a receptive audience in the United States among far-right social media channels, Fox News and followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Biological Threat Reduction Program https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/ Russia has accused Ukraine and the US at the UN security council of a plot to use migratory birds and bats to spread pathogens Russian lawmakers have accused Ukraine of using “mutant” soldiers, supposedly created in a U.S. operated biological laboratory, to fight off Russian soldiers Russia even brought these claims to the UN Assembly with no evidence: No evidence Ukraine has biological weapons, UN says following Russian accusation | FULL The UN Security Council met at Russia's request on Friday to discuss what Moscow claims are "the military biological activities of the U.S. on the territory of Ukraine." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrYwtS-ENps Your video by the way shows nothing of the situation back in 2014 aside from what the reporter said, filmed and witnessed which was the Ukraine military going to engage "terrorists" but were blocked by a group of civilians so stopped & no that's nothing like 24th Feb in Kyiv.
  2. All I see are the Ukraine military not hurting civilians and nothing to do with the bio labs points I took up with the poster. Maybe you can share a video of the mutant Ukraine soldiers or the pathogen infected birds ready to fly over the borders to Russia?
  3. Saw that on yahoo too, brilliant!! They called it the result of a "two-man referendum" on "annexing" the spot for Ukraine. On Thursday the city announced it would not paint over the impromptu protest. https://www.yahoo.com/news/two-finnish-guys-annexed-russian-084922132.html
  4. That's not how Russia see's the Minsk Agreement though: A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now
  5. Or another version: Thainess or the Thai identity (Thai: ความเป็นไทย, RTGS: khwam pen thai) is a conceptual identity regarding the quality of being Thai, i.e. characteristics seen as distinctive to the Thai people, their culture, and those belonging to Thailand as a whole. It forms the central identity upon which discourses on Thai nationalism have been constructed, with main contributors including King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) during his reign from 1910 to 1925 and Luang Wichitwathakan during the early post-absolute monarchy period (after 1932). Though poorly defined, it is often expressed as devotion to the three pillars of "nation, religion, king", a concept first popularized by Vajiravudh. It was used as a tool by both the absolute monarchy and the People's Party governments to build political hegemony over the country through the process of Thaification, as well as in the anti-communist effort during the 1960s–1970s. It has also become a form of promotional representation by which images of the country are presented to international visitors, especially from the late 20th century. The concept has continued to evolve in various directions, and has been increasingly questioned by scholars since the 1990s and into the 21st century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thainess
  6. They're all nut cases and now turning on each other, when Roger Stone asked Trump for a second pardon for January 6th he threw a fit. In new exclusive footage obtained by The Daily Beast, a yet-to-be-released documentary captured Stone’s meltdown after learning no post-Jan.6 pardon was coming. Can't repeat here because of the swear word filters but the vids in the link along with transcript.................lol https://www.thedailybeast.com/roger-stone-threw-a-fit-after-not-getting-pardon-bashed-ivanka-trump-as-abortionist-bitch
  7. Trump solicits cash right after the January 6 committee votes to subpoena him and tells supporters he's fighting for their 'heritage' https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-january-6-committee-money-fundraising-solicitation-2022-10
  8. So is Trump but all the ducks will be in a row for later prosecutions, If they prosecute prematurely, some of perps will walk. So have patience. We know Jan 6th was a criminal conspiracy. It was a planned crime to overthrow American democracy. Several Oath Keepers & Proud Boys have already pleaded guilty Giuliani pleaded 5th Roger Stone pleaded 5th Flynn pleaded 5th Eastman, Clark pleaded 5th Bannon refused to testify he refused to show up and has now been convicted of criminal obstruction of justice. If your innocent why take the 5th - Trump words.
  9. So now there was a boat/ship involved as well. There had been footage before of the wake of a boat at the same time as the explosion: Vladimir Putin blames Crimea bridge bombing on Ukraine grain shipment deception The accusation sparked concern that Putin will cancel the grain deal that allows Ukraine to ship essential food supplies to Africa and Asia and helps curb global inflation. "If it turns out that the explosives that blew up the Crimea bridge were sent from Odesa by a grain shipment, this will call into question the existence of humanitarian corridors," he said. Russian investigators had previously blamed the attack on the 19km bridge on a truck bomb. https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/europe/300713216/vladimir-putin-blames-crimea-bridge-bombing-on-ukraine-grain-shipment-deception
  10. Prediction - Next announcement by Putin after stating there's no need for further massive missile strikes will be another "goodwill gesture." A temporary cease fire with an offering to withdraw his forces from Kherson which he illegally annexed (even though we all know he's already losing ground there and evacuating civilians), in the worlds eye this is giving Ukraine a concession. It gives Putin an opportunity to give the world a simple message that this is to save civilian lives, slightly at odds with his recent shelling of cities but since when did he care about his own hypocrisy. Meanwhile this cease fire period gives Putin the time he needs to replenish his stock of ammo/missiles and for the training he needs of the mobilized conscripts. "a new full-scale offensive" could begin around February-March 2023. Possible? Who knows but apparently that's the blueprint being reported: Putin wants to offer Ukraine a pause to prepare for a new offensive https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/14/7371976/
  11. Trumps response, sorry self incriminating rant to the subpoena: “Charade and Witch Hunt.” Trump then urged Thompson and other committee members to examine the “massive Election Fraud” that Trump insists took place during the 2020 presidential election. In closing, Trump lauded the “great American Patriots” who participated in the attack on the Capitol, and said that they “have had their lives ruined” by the committee. Read the full letter here https://www.lawfareblog.com/trump-responds-jan-6-committee-subpoena
  12. Yea the bio labs, freaky stuff, you forgot to add the rest of the accusations that beefed the evidence up a bit though. Such as the claim the Russian army is up against biologically modified mutant Ukrainian super soldiers, or their training of birds to carry pathogens into Russia. Or they created Covid-19. All went down very well with right wing nutters on Truth Social and QAnon so must be true.
  13. Interesting......................but no info so we're still in the dark News: Sweden has called off a „Joint Investigation Team“ with Germany and Denmark into the attacks on the Nordstream pipelines, referring to information too highly classified to share. Above is a verified tweet that leads to the German article by Spiegel which can be Google translated
  14. Another goodwill gesture? #BREAKING Putin says more 'massive' missile strikes against Ukraine not necessary https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1580908935019581440 Or just reality dressed up: "The officials said Russia is “rapidly exhausting its supply of long range, precision munitions”, and in particular, air launched cruise missiles. Russia cannot sustain attacks like Monday’s. The officials roughly endorsed Ukraine’s estimate that Russia has used two-thirds of its “high-precision” stock." https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/oct/14/russia-ukraine-war-live-kherson-evacuees-to-start-arriving-in-russia-ukraine-says-600-settlements-liberated-this-month
  15. What do you believe then, nonsense conspiracy theories? If you'd like the facts then these are what they are. The reports you've obviously seen from pro Russian outlets and even Russian Embassy tweets on numbers of those killed in the Donbas war and regions of 14k are nearly correct (they are in fact between 14,200 and 14,400) from 2014 to 2021. They are taken from a UN report that was issued on 27th Jan 2022. pdf download source "Conflict-related civilian casualties in Ukraine" However what those propaganda outlets fail to mention when spewing out genocide and slaughter of ethnic Russian civilians are the breakdown of deaths which are: "10,900 victims were soldiers, of which 4,400 were Ukrainians and 6,500 pro-Russian combatants of or on behalf of the separatist pseudo-republics, civilian victims were between 3,400 and 3,500, the latter were in turn not all victims of attacks and of drones and rockets launched by Ukraine against the pseudo-republics, in fact, a part died in the portions of the oblasts of Luhansk and Donetsk that remained under Ukrainian control during attacks by separatists, 1,589+ killed in Kyiv & at least 55 of the war-related child deaths were from the Kyiv area and another 34 were from Kharkiv. The U.N. report also notes that 8.8% of all civilian victims come from a single incident, which happened on July 17, 2014, when Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot by a missile." In addition most deaths occurred within the first 2 years of the war, in 2021 the amount of civilian causalities was 110: 25 killed (16 men, two women, three boys, one girl and three adults whose sex is not yet known) and 85 injured (56 men, 21 women, six boys and two girls), a 26.2 per cent decrease compared with 2020 (149: 26 killed and 123 injured), and the lowest annual civilian casualties for the entire conflict period. I note that as a member of the UN Russia has not disputed this with them, I wonder why? Yet the genocide conspiracy rhetoric is still promoted.
  16. "Tell me, who has been bombarding the Dombass populations since 2014?" Why don't you answer that with links?
  17. RTP also need to look at their response times: People we spoke to described the police response as slow - two hours into the violence they were still waiting for backup to arrive in the remote region. In an interview, Thailand’s deputy police chief admitted the delayed response, promising to work on improving response times. Thai nursery massacre unfolded over three hours of horror In the days before he killed 36 people, including 22 children stabbed as they slept, the former police sergeant behind Thailand's worst massacre was firing guns in his back yard. For several nights the sound of 34-year-old Panya Khamrap’s 9 mm pistol cracked the silence in the sleepy village of Tha Uthai, neighbours said. It was the latest show of violence from the former police officer, once a village success story who became an angry, introverted man in a downward spiral, though still invested with some of the authority his old job bestowed. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thai-nursery-massacre-unfolded-over-three-hours-horror-2022-10-12/
  18. Oh ok I thought you had come on the thread to debate and possibly add some credibility to your claims, my mistake, in that case I'll leave you with this: Russian General and Deputy Defense Committee Chairman Vladimir Shamanov, one of Putin's henchmen "Our nation was built through territorial enlargement outside of the boundaries of our nation, regardless of the nationality, that person is Russian. We stand far apart from other nations, surpassing all others, our superiority is recognized worldwide We'll need to take 20 - 40 years changing one or two generations to fully uproot this disease, it won't be easy, it has to be under our control, no need to delude ourselves that somebody else will do this for us. Thinking Ukrainians would greet us with flowers was one of the main mistakes, we felt it in the first 5 days. We don't know the future mindset of the population, or our future relations with neighbouring countries. A long time period is ahead of us when we will be the only ones present in Ukraine, because we have to fully demilitarize Ukraine and this is not a simple issue, it will take 5 to 10 years. Secondly its denazification which will be happening simultaneously and the formation of the government." Source
  19. How do you think the west provoked Russia? I'm interested in your opinion, perhaps you can work that one out. In return I'll then give you some evidence of why. Bye the way, Ukraine is winning back now, perhaps you missed that in your research.
  20. Oh I don't know, Stalin massacred quite a few Ukrainians, around 4 to 5 million last count.
  21. "That the Ukrainians have been bombing innocent civilians in the Donbass indescrimanataly and that the west has turned a blind eye to it, Putin stepped in to stop it" Link to those false claims?
  22. I'm happy this is keeping you amused following me constantly with your emoji's but if you've got something to say then say it @JimmyJ
  23. What media do you get your news from then? Because in my personal selection that includes Russian media it all points to the same conclusions, a war of choice by Putin with genocidal rhetoric from his generals and officials.
  24. Strawman? Everything to do with the discussion, that's what the topics about. Who is promoting the use of nuclear weapons? Its been explained many times already that this is a Putin narrative to instill fear which you are fully promoting, if it is such a grave concern for you then tell Putin to lay down his weapons and there will be instant peace.
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