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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Tucker Carlson on Fox News started it by interviewing him in not one but a two part interview "Carlson used the interview, which was presented as a piece of landmark television, to hit on a few of Fox News’ favorite boogeyman, with Ye’s enthusiastic participation" ????
  2. The US, Germany, France and the UK, all going to provide more advanced air defense systems to Ukraine, maybe other countries to that I've not read about. Another shot in the foot for Putin. Ukraine will be the most heavily protected air defense nation in the world...
  3. Ukraine UN rep doing some excellent trolling at the Russians https://twitter.com/SergiyKyslytsya/status/1580371398266327042
  4. Let me correct that for you: Take 1: Witness denies moving boxes Take 2: Witness admits taking boxes after its caught on cctv One single false statement made to the FBI can be steep. This offense is a federal crime and a felony.
  5. You better look at the countries that voted in favour, they are certainly not all dependent on the G7 any more than those who abstained
  6. I wonder what Kanye meant when he was referring to children? Part of the cut video "a strange and lengthy digression about “fake children” he claimed were planted in his house to manipulate his own children" Fox also cut the snippet where Kanye said he had received the covid vaccine.....lol
  7. Perhaps read again: The employee witness, who was not identified, told FBI agents that Trump directed his people to move boxes to his residence after a May subpoena from the government requested any remaining classified documents, the Post reported. Security footage allegedly confirmed that account.
  8. Those at the receiving end disagree: A clear violence: Understanding Kanye’s tweet vowing ‘death con 3’ on Jews DEFCON is an acronym that refers to the state of alert of America’s militaries; “death con 3” appears to be a muddled use of that term. Still, it conveyed a clear violence to many who saw it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/a-clear-violence-understanding-kanyes-tweet-vowing-death-con-3-on-jews/
  9. The only countries to vote against this resolution were Belarus, North Korea, Nicaragua, Russia and Syria. Ukraine: UN General Assembly demands Russia reverse course on ‘attempted illegal annexation’ The UN General Assembly passed a resolution by a large majority on Wednesday, calling on countries not to recognise the four regions of Ukraine which Russia has claimed, following so-called referendums held late last month, and demanding that Moscow reverse course on its "attempted illegal annexation". Immediate reversal The resolution now passed in the Assembly, calls on all States, the UN and international organisations not to recognize any of Russia’s annexation claim and demands the immediate reversal of its annexation declaration. Civilian areas bombarded Since Monday morning, Russia has launched dozens of missiles targeting civilian areas of multiple Ukrainian cities, leading to dozens of deaths and injuries, in retaliation for the bombing of Russia’s bridge to Crimea on Saturday. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/10/1129492 UN General Assembly Resolution Condemning Russia’s Attempted Annexation of Ukraine’s Territory Today’s remarkable vote at the United Nations General Assembly is a powerful reminder that the overwhelming majority of nations stand with Ukraine, in defense of the UN Charter, and in resolute opposition to Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine and its people. Territorial integrity is a central pillar of the United Nations, and Russia’s violent contempt for Ukraine’s national borders and sovereignty cannot and will not be accepted. By adopting this resolution, the assembled nations made clear: they will not tolerate an attempt by any UN Member State to seize land by force. https://www.state.gov/un-general-assembly-resolution-condemning-russias-attempted-annexation-of-ukraines-territory/
  10. A deplorable who shows no remorse. Lets hope he's broke for the rest of his dark and obnoxious life.
  11. looks like he's staying where he belongs, Ruzzia Russia’s Ambassador to Thailand Evgeny Tomikhin on Wednesday denied news that Russian President Vladimir Putin would attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) Summit, saying that Moscow will make the best decision on this issue later. "We will make the best decision on whether Russia will send a representative to attend the summit or not," he said, adding that the decision would be made when the summit is near. https://www.nationthailand.com/world/asia-pacific/40020969
  12. Biden has also said Putin's a war criminal, more than once: “You may remember I got criticised for calling Putin a war criminal,” Biden told reporters at the Fort McNair army post in Washington. “Well, the truth of the matter – we saw it happen in Bucha – he is a war criminal.”
  13. Yes, history made a success. Asteroid's path altered in NASA's first test of planetary defense system Oct 11 (Reuters) - The spacecraft NASA deliberately crashed into an asteroid last month succeeded in nudging the rocky moonlet from its natural path into a faster orbit, marking the first time humanity has altered the motion of a celestial body, the U.S. space agency announced on Tuesday. The $330 million proof-of-concept mission, which was seven years in development, also represented the world's first test of a planetary defense system designed to prevent a potential doomsday meteorite collision with Earth. https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/nasa-says-dart-mission-succeeded-altering-asteroids-trajectory-2022-10-11/
  14. Context? US president tells CNN he believes Putin’s objectives in Ukraine invasion were irrational but that he would not use a nuclear weapon. Joe Biden has said he believes Vladimir Putin is a “rational actor” who badly misjudged his prospects of occupying Ukraine, but does not believe he would resort to using a tactical nuclear weapon.
  15. I doubt he'll come, too busy orchestrating indiscriminate shelling in Ukraine cities.
  16. You trivial attitude to this is shameful. This is an imperialistic land grab driven by genocidal rhetoric, reinforced with mass war crimes and murders by Russians. Evoking the dead to try and back up your point shows just how low you will go. The Ukrainians that remain there are doing so for one reason and one reason alone, that being it is their land and they want to remain, fight or die for it not give it up. Those that left, the women, children left for safety until they can return to their own homes, not to Russian territory. If you've not worked this out yet then this is on you alone and your ignorance of the facts.
  17. Couple of bullet points from the latest ISW report also confirming what GCHQ head said about dwindling ammo: * Russian forces cannot supply mobilized forces, likely due to years of supply theft by contract soldiers and commanders. * The October 10 Russian attacks wasted some of Russia’s dwindling precision weapons against civilian targets, as opposed to militarily significant targets. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-10
  18. No signs Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapon, says GCHQ boss The head of GCHQ has said the UK spy agency has not seen any indicators that Russia is preparing to use a tactical nuclear weapon in or around Ukraine despite recent bellicose statements from Vladimir Putin. Jeremy Fleming, speaking on Tuesday morning, said it was one of GCHQ’s tasks to monitor whether the Kremlin was taking any of the preliminary steps needed before a tactical weapon was being made ready. Experts say it takes time to move such warheads out of storage and it should be possible for a spy agency such as GCHQ or its US counterpart, the NSA, to monitor such movements. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/oct/11/russia-use-nuclear-weapons-gchq-putin
  19. Never asked him, no need to as the UN made it clear what was happening. Who said there was, Putin? LOL On January 27, 2022, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released its most recent estimate of the victims of the Donbass conflict from 2014 to December 31, 2021. The famous figure of 14,000 casualties, often quoted by pro-Russian comments, comes from this document. In fact, the U.N. estimate is between 14,200 and 14,400 victims. By no means were these victims all “killed by the Ukrainians.” According to the U.N., 10,900 victims were soldiers, of which 4,400 were Ukrainians and 6,500 pro-Russian combatants of or on behalf of the separatist pseudo-republics. Civilian victims were between 3,400 and 3,500. The latter were in turn not all victims of attacks and of drones and rockets launched by Ukraine against the pseudo-republics. In fact, a part died in the portions of the oblasts of Luhansk and Donetsk that remained under Ukrainian control during attacks by separatists. The U.N. report also notes that 8.8% of all civilian victims come from a single incident, which happened on July 17, 2014, when Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot by a missile.
  20. US going to send more to. Biden promises Ukraine ‘advanced air defense systems’ after Russian missile strikes President Joe Biden spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday after a deluge of Russian missiles targeted cities across Ukraine, condemning the strikes and pledging continued US security assistance “including advanced air defense systems.” The White House did not specify which air defense systems Biden discussed with Zelensky, but the United States previously committed to providing Ukraine with National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems. NASAMS would be capable of engaging Russian cruise missiles. Biden, the statement said, “also underscored his ongoing engagement with allies and partners to continue imposing costs on Russia, holding Russia accountable for its war crimes and atrocities, and providing Ukraine with security, economic, and humanitarian assistance.” https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/10/politics/biden-zelensky-advanced-air-defense-systems/index.html
  21. With early gains now reversed the cost to Russian equipment and people is staggering. War in Ukraine: Russia's forces are exhausted, says GCHQ head Ukraine is turning the tide against "exhausted" Russian forces, the head of Britain's GCHQ intelligence agency will say in a speech on Tuesday. Despite the missile attacks on targets across Ukraine on Monday, Sir Jeremy Fleming will claim Moscow is running out of ammunition. "We know - and Russian commanders on the ground know - that their supplies and munitions are running out," https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63207771
  22. The Kyiv Klitschko glass bridge turned out to be stronger than Putin's sacred Crimean bridge.....lol
  23. NATO never invaded Ukraine or committed mass war crimes raping and murdering civilians and quote my full post in future
  24. Lukashenko says Belarus and Russia to deploy joint military group Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said Belarus and Russia will deploy a joint military task force in response to what he called an aggravation of tension on the country’s western borders, according to the state-run Belta news agency. Lukashenko said on Monday the two countries had started pulling forces together two days ago, apparently after the explosion on a bridge linking Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/10/10/lukashenko-says-belarus-and-russia-to-deploy-joint-military-group This was also mentioned on BBC live
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