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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. No need to move to Canada I'm happy in Phuket and my regular visits to the UK. I do have opinions on the matter though. When mass shootings of children and innocent people happen
  2. Indeed apples and oranges. The US has the 2nd ammedment, a unique legislation propped up by the powerful NRA which has lead to the problems and mass shootings. Until more effective gun controls are in place nothing will change, particularly when people are blind to the evidence from other countries
  3. One step at a time its still very early days and probably the first time ever that war crimes are already being tried in courts in such a short space of time. "The list of suspects includes top Military"
  4. Is Canada also an Island? Look up their stats and laws including new ones just announced. The US could learn something
  5. Yea right, this thread is about mass shootings: What Do Most Mass Shooters Have in Common? They Bought Their Guns Legally. From 1966 to 2019, 77 percent of mass shooters obtained the weapons they used in their crimes through legal purchases, according to a comprehensive survey of law enforcement data, academic papers and news accounts compiled by the National Institute of Justice, the research wing of the Justice Department. New York Times non paywall archive version
  6. Yes it is the argument here, it is about the killing of innocent people and the call for more gun restrictions in the wake of the latest incident, you are the one getting way off topic. I just can't see the Las Vegas killer standing from his vantage point in the hotel room with a pea shooter for 2 hours killing 60 people and injuring another 400 without the police storming in before he had manged to tickle someone. Or the killer in the latest incident, would the police really have been so scared to approach him if he was carrying a knife, they said they did not want to get shot because he had a gun. I'm pretty sure he would not have managed to kill anywhere near 19 children and 2 staff unless it was his weapon of choice, a gun. Thats exactly why he waited for his 18th birthday, to buy one legally.
  7. What Do Most Mass Shooters Have in Common? They Bought Their Guns Legally. From 1966 to 2019, 77 percent of mass shooters obtained the weapons they used in their crimes through legal purchases, according to a comprehensive survey of law enforcement data, academic papers and news accounts compiled by the National Institute of Justice, the research wing of the Justice Department. New York Times non paywall archive version
  8. Prepare to be surprised then Largest ever mass shooting in Las Vegas, 60 or so killed, with legal weapons purchased. Sutherland Springs church mass shooting 32 killed with legal weapons purchased I could go one and demonstrate more but I think thats enough to show you
  9. Ukraine has identified more than 600 Russian war crime suspects and has started prosecuting around 80 of them Iryna Venediktova is in the Hague where she has been meeting her counterpart from the International Criminal Court and other officials to discuss war crimes charges. The list of suspects includes "top military, politicians and propaganda agents of Russia", she told a news conference earlier. She added that Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia had decided to join an international investigation team in Ukraine. source BBC Currently in, the largest team of experts and investigators in the history of @IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC is working, conducting an independent investigation. They gather evidence for the court directly at the scene of war crimes. There are also plans to create a field office. source Iryna Venediktova
  10. NRA and the 2nd Amendment crowd must be happy their weapons are being put to good use and defending their freedoms to own as many guns each as they want.
  11. You can think all you want, the stats quoted and in the link do not match your thinking. Particularly when they do not contain the data required to make your claim.
  12. No not correct at all. Two-thirds of gun owners say they own more than one gun, including 29% who own five or more guns. Did you notice there is no upper limit to the 5 or more guns? How can you work out stats from that with no upper limit data? The gun ownership stats I quoted are also per person, not per household so wrong again. There are separate stats for households.
  13. Do the maths again. Where does that fit in with the statistics from Pew Research? Show me?
  14. an add on to that........ Russia focusing too much on Severodonetsk – former US ambassador "While Ukrainian troops are 'pushing back' around Kharkiv and Kherson, the Russians are, “putting everything into Severondonetsk (half of the city now under Russian control)”. “When this battle is over, [Russia] will be depleted, Ukraine will be able to regroup and push back" - Ex US ambassador. source BBC
  15. "five or more guns" "protection tops the list, with 67% of current gun owners saying this is a major reason"
  16. Thats one of the largest problems along with all the others in the US gun laws. As you mentioned in a separate post, with 390 million fire arms in circulation in the US the distribution of those is contained within a minority of gun fanatics. Three-in-ten American adults say they currently own a gun, however out of those, two-thirds say they own more than one gun, including 29% who own five or more guns. Just to add that the gun culture starts from an early age about two-thirds of current gun owners (67%) say there were guns in their household growing up. Taken from Pew Research https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/
  17. Why one earth would anyone need more than one unless they are paranoid, even then the controls on purchasing it should include the tougher restrictions as in other developed countries with far less gun crime and gun related deaths. The exception I see to that would be for sporting or genuine game hunters. As in the case of the las vegas murderer he had legally purchased dozens which is a crying shame and evidence of the lax laws in the US. Yes he needed to carry out a backgound check for each one but what difference does that make.
  18. I'm not arguing your point of how many have or are sold this way as I have no statistics for that, similar to you as you also have none. My point is it does not matter. This is a legal method to purchase a gun without a background check and carry out gun crime in the US, it has also been linked to the worst ever mass murdering spree in Las Vegas carried out by Stephen Paddock when he killed 60 people and wounded a further 411. While the majority of his guns were purchased legally the police also suspect that some may have been bought through the Gun Show Loop hole: "Federal investigators have traced Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock’s rifles and handguns to at least eight gun shops in California and Nevada. But what’s clear so far is that all of the firearms in the two states were purchased legally by Paddock, a person familiar with the investigation said. Authorities are having more difficulty tracking guns that may have been purchased at gun shows where one private citizen sells a weapon to another person, often without a background check, the source said." Which in itself raises another important issue of current gun laws in the US which needs to be blocked in my view. So long as you provide a background check you can then go onto purchase as many weapons as you want.
  19. Didn't say you did care just adding something to the debate that you were arguing about where its possible to buy guns in the US with no background checks and do this legally. Each and everyone of those guns can kill so had that not been a BBC reporter and somebody who wanted to go out and commit a crime then I personally would not Woo-hoo about it particularly if I or one of my family turned out to be the victim. Background checks at gun shows required for licensed dealers, but not all private sellers In 2021, President Biden said people could buy firearms at gun shows without background checks. That's true for private sales but not federally licensed dealers.
  20. Hows it a fraud? its what it says it is, a loop hole in the law. Gun show in the US and BBC reporter approaching unregistered dealer where he can legally purchase a firearm with no background check if he lived in the same state. Relevant section at video at 1:44 The seller even admits he could be lied to but he would still sell the gun.
  21. The links are provided in my post above, find your own answers to your questions, I have provided the facts........................cheers
  22. Your reading comprehension needs an update. It was a success on all fronts including the ban on assault weapons and mass murders and saving the lives of over a 1000 children. Even with those assault weapons that were left in circulation the bans were effective as much as you try to argue the point with its significance. Common sense gun safety laws bring down gun crime by 40 percent. President Clinton fought the gun lobby and won common sense gun safety laws including the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban. Under the Clinton-Gore Administration, overall gun crime has declined 40 percent, and firearms related homicides committed by juveniles have dropped by nearly 50 percent. There were 227,000 fewer gun crimes in 1999 than 1992, and 1,246 fewer children were killed by guns than in 1992. Mass shootings tripled when the assault weapon ban ended The 1994 law barred the "manufacture, transfer, and possession" of about 118 firearm models and all magazines holding more than 10 rounds. People who already owned such weaponry could keep it. When the ban took effect, there were roughly 1.5 million assault weapons in private hands. An estimated 25 million weapons were equipped with large-capacity magazines. The ban expired in 2004. For further proof the tighter gun laws saves lives: States with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm related homicides and suicides, study finds "What this project does, is show what we've been saying for years: Gun laws save lives," said Nick Suplina, senior vice president of law and policy at Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund. "We think this is going to be a really important tool for lawmakers, reporters and advocates that have been looking for the kind of visual tool that can make that case clearly." Where is your evidence of your claim here? "that's how I know the assault rifle legislation had virtually noting to do with the reduction of gun deaths/crimes."
  23. Yes read it, quite a success: Common sense gun safety laws bring down gun crime by 40 percent. President Clinton fought the gun lobby and won common sense gun safety laws including the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban. Under the Clinton-Gore Administration, overall gun crime has declined 40 percent, and firearms related homicides committed by juveniles have dropped by nearly 50 percent. There were 227,000 fewer gun crimes in 1999 than 1992, and 1,246 fewer children were killed by guns than in 1992.
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