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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. G7 Finance Ministers Plan 15 Billion Euros in Aid for Ukraine - German Official BERLIN (Reuters) - The finance ministers of the Group of Seven economic powers want to put together a 15 billion euro ($15.80 billion) aid package for Ukraine at their meeting in Bonn this week, a senior German government official said on Tuesday. Terror-stricken Russians anticipate the delivery of foreign arms to the Armed Forces of Ukraine - conversation intercepted by the Security Service of Ukraine The Security Service of Ukraine has published another intercepted conversation between Russian soldiers. In that conversation, the aggressors express their envy that Ukrainians have Bayraktars (medium-altitude long-range unmanned combat aerial vehicles), and they are terror-stricken at the prospect of the delivery of foreign weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  2. After Rand Paul's pathetic delay it looks like the $40 Billion will be through this week so Ukraine can rely on the US effort and military aid against the barbarians. The US Senate voted on Monday to advance $40 billion more aid for Ukraine in its war against Russia, setting the stage for a vote on the bill possibly later this week, after the military and humanitarian assistance was delayed due to opposition from one Republican senator. The tally was 81 to 11 on the first of a possible three procedural votes paving the way for final Senate passage of the funding.
  3. Did you read the report? Its not just about Nato its about its whole neutral status They can backfill munitions for the effort in Ukraine. Any effort to help Ukraine is welcome although perhaps Putin would not agree "The defence ministry will also contribute to a broader study being prepared by the foreign ministry. That project will look at the adoption of sanctions, weapons, munitions exports"
  4. Russian TV pundits getting a taste of reality from a Russian defense expert, I notice the witch keeps trying to deflect what he's saying but to no avail. Twitter Video source In an extremely rare moment of candour on Russian state TV today, defence columnist Mikhail Khodaryonok gave a damning assessment of Russia's war in Ukraine and his country's international isolation. It's fairly long but worth your time so I've added subtitles. Also on youtube:
  5. Agreed but that does not stop them changing as in the report.
  6. Vlad showing his award received from Jens Stoltenborg was well deserved, he's a genius ???? Analysis: Neutral Switzerland leans closer to NATO in response to Russia BERN, May 15 (Reuters) - Switzerland's fabled neutral status is about to face its biggest test in decades, with the defence ministry tilting closer to Western military powers in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The defence ministry is drawing up a report on security options that include joint military exercises with NATO countries and "backfilling" munitions, Paelvi Pulli, head of security policy at the Swiss defence ministry told Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/neutral-switzerland-leans-closer-nato-response-russia-2022-05-15/
  7. NEW: U.S. assesses Russia has committed 80 percent of battalion tactical groups to Ukraine: senior U.S. defense official Russia now has 106 BTGs in the country, but still has a "majority" of the 140 units he dedicated to Ukraine mission. Putin "doesn't have a whole lot" to add to fight
  8. Youtube, Twitter, Traditional Online News media, reddit, probably facebook also but I don't use that much Ukraine fights back against Russia with new US M-777 howitzer
  9. Troll post? Some M777 howitzers have already arrived from both Canada and the US. Along with Howitzers from the Australia and Germany I certainly wouldn't dream to much if I was Russian over there specially if they use precision shells. VIDEO of strikes: Ukrainian soldier says that the Ukrainian side used freshly delivered American M777 howitzers to smash 70+ Russian military vehicles to pieces as they tried to cross the Siverskyi Donets River on May 9th.
  10. I doubt he meant full time but as part of the curriculum as in other countries and only for those who obviously would need it. Jeez
  11. I was talking about best practice. Pretty simple concept to understand, you may want to refer to my first post in this thread
  12. I guess some like to have preperations in place rather than wait for things to happen as they tend to do in Thailand. Fortunatly most Internatinal schools here and all schools in the UK have this in place already
  13. Refer to my first post in this string, just about covers the circle you've made
  14. Just another of those barbarous weapons they use, watch this horrendous explosive line operated mine clearer. They are intended to be used in fields and open areas. They are shot up in the air in a large rope that covers a huge area then on impact it explodes. They have been using them to blow up residential buildings. Video here, unbelievable: "Russia is using a new war crime method. The UR-77 mine clearing system uses a detonation-cord that should be fired at a flat angle toward open fields. In Rubizhne, they fired it at a steep angle in an urban area, making sure the entire cord lands in one spot (bigger explosion)."
  15. Its everything to do with the topic and quote I mentioned which I have inserted for you below, strategies for coping and promoting emotional health are not outdated just because that paper was written in 2015 You said: "If anyone can try and define what "healing children emotionally" means I would be interested to see." I have provided evidence for that, you have provided nothing: A good school provides a balanced education which includes emotional development, if that emotional development is damaged be that because of 2 years off school from covid or any other reason then it also affects the child and their ability to learn, thats why good schools provide pastoral teams with some going further providing counselors and Child Psychologists as in my daughters school.
  16. Here take a look if you want to be informed: Promoting children and young people's mental health and wellbeing Guidance on the 8 principles of a whole school or college approach to promoting mental health and wellbeing. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/promoting-children-and-young-peoples-emotional-health-and-wellbeing
  17. Happy to hear your daughter is ok, it seems according to the evidence that this is not the case for every child as a result of 2 years with no school. As for the experts projecting their opinions, is that not what teachers do also?
  18. Social media has added another element to the mix, and brought immediacy to strategic political communication. In asymmetric conflicts (such as the one we’re seeing now in Ukraine), a successful social media account can be a useful weapon against an adversary with many guns and tanks. https://theconversation.com/guns-tanks-and-twitter-how-russia-and-ukraine-are-using-social-media-as-the-war-drags-on-180131
  19. Thats a mute point as its not going to happen anyway. I agree just getting them back to school and learning is the most important point and what needs to happen. However to say you're unaware of the psychological damage that could be caused by keeping young children away from school for 2 years really proves to me why teachers also lack that concept. Here's just one explainer there are many more: https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2021/11/08/covid-harmed-kids-mental-health-and-schools-are-feeling-it
  20. Result of the Austin call to Sergei Shoigu. "the official tempered expectations on the impact of the call, saying it wouldn't solve any "acute issues" or result in "direct change" in Russia's military actions or increasingly hostile rhetoric." If your scenario played out with Russia retreating to continue firing missiles for years to come then how do you think they may afford it or even have any left? They've already run out of micro chips for some military equipment and robbing then from washing machines. By that time just about all the European countries will have switched to alternative supplies of energy. Russia will have lost all the revenue and the sanctions will still in place. It would collapse and regime change could well occur. Its lost its standing for years to come, quite rightly so.
  21. I don't disagree with that but it takes qualified and experienced people to undertake those roles, can't see that in the teachers curriculum
  22. Quick update on that one, the Russians have been pushed back all the way now............ Twitter vid The commander-in-chief of UAF! I report that today, on 15 April, the 227th battalion of the 127th Territorial Defence Brigade reached the demarcation line, the border with the Russian Federation - the country-invader. We made it, Mr. President! We are here!
  23. #UPDATE NATO will look at providing security guarantees for Finland and Sweden during the interim period from their application for membership to accession, alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said Sunday
  24. The title to this published piece should probably be "Why Russia is humiliated in Ukraine" however the content seems to correct it. Why Russia needs to be humiliated in Ukraine Russia is poor, corrupt and authoritarian, and now we also know that it is weak and pathetic. Russia’s ‘greatness’ has crumbled in an orgy of murder and rape inflicted by brutal occupiers in Ukraine. Tainted by the blood of the innocents, and beaten in honest combat, the bully has been reduced to size. It’s about time. Thank you, Ukraine, for serving this bitter medicine. Russia needed it badly. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-russia-needs-to-be-humiliated-in-ukraine
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