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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Putin seems intent on creating a worldwide famine as part of his strategy to conquer Ukraine. Its similar to Holodomor but global and could end up being far more serious. From Russian State TV: I'm hearing this message on multiple programs broadcast by Russian state TV, it must be one of their mandatory assignments. The gist of it: yes, there will be global hunger, but those who have good relations with Russia won't starve. Primitive, cruel and callous Russian agitprop. The satellite images provided by Maxar Technologies have spotted the Russian ships being loaded with Ukrainian grain at the temporarily occupied Crimean port of Sevastopol. Russia is using food supplies as a weapon with global repercussions, acting the same way as it does in the energy sector, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said Blinken Accuses Russia of Using Food as a Weapon in Ukraine Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, the head of the EU’s executive arm said about 20 million tons of wheat are currently stuck in Ukraine. “And on top of this, Russia is now hoarding its own food exports as a form of blackmail – holding back supplies to increase global prices, or trading wheat in exchange for political support,” she said. “This is using hunger and grain to wield power.”
  2. Interesting, this retired General who got shot down had a somewhat checkered past, from your link: "he was dismissed from the military in 2013 when he was accused of crashing an Su-27 fighter near the city of Petrozavodsk, which he did not have permission to fly." Then according to the original BBC report he was sentenced to four years probation and a fine of 5 million rubles for crashing a plane. The tweet below links to the original BBC report: The BBC confirmed Ukraine's claim that retired Russian Major General Kanamat Botashev was shot down, possibly by a Stinger MANPADS, in a Su-25 aircraft near Popasna on Sunday and killed. It appears he was flying for Wagner.
  3. Found guilty, life imprisonment for the murdering RuZZian Ukraine war: Russian soldier Vadim Shishimarin jailed for life over war crime He admitted shooting Mr Shelipov but said he had been acting on orders and asked forgiveness of the man's widow. Many other alleged war crimes are being investigated by Ukraine. Moscow has denied its troops targeted civilians during the invasion, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary, while Ukraine says more than 11,000 crimes may have occurred. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61549569
  4. We obviously had differing experiences, I did well at British school, my son and daughter in the UK did well and my other daughter here in Thailand is doing extremely well at an International British school. The average number of subjects taken in secondary for GCSE is 7 or 8 and for A levels the minimum subjects is 3 but you can take 5 if you want.
  5. Perhaps the education department should have taken more notice of the cries for help. 100,000 messages from teenagers suffering from mental health illnesses The Thailand Policy Lab received over 100,000 messages from teenagers online many suffering from mental health problems. After evaluating data from the messages, the most often word found was ‘stressed,’ while ‘lonely’ was spotted over 40,000 times. Insomnia and clueless were two other common words among the messages received. https://thethaiger.com/guides/best-of/health/100000-messages-from-teenagers-suffering-from-mental-health-illnesses
  6. Severodonetsk could be turning out to be another Mariupol where the Ukraine forces get surrounded. Its a tough and bloody fight, Zelensky said there were up to 100 being killed daily in another report. "Ukrainian military soldiers have told us it is largely surrounded and they are undoubtedly under pressure. They’ve taken serious casualties. A Ukrainian military source there said one unit that went into the line there with 240 men came out with 135 - the others killed, wounded or taken prisoner." BBC report
  7. They've had plenty of time to contact each and every individual child or parent to see if they were coming back to school after all this time, if there were any problems they could have intervened then. To declare now that there are up to 120,000 that have left without them knowing why is a clear indication of their own failures.
  8. Last report from the Police investigator was: "The man clearly ambushed the Russian lady and the attack was premeditated and planned. He had followed her in his pick-up and on seeing that she had entered a quiet and lonely area, made a U-turn so that he could attack her." How things change
  9. Pentagon Weighs Deploying Special Forces to Guard Kyiv Embassy WASHINGTON—U.S. military and diplomatic officials are weighing plans to send special forces troops to Kyiv to guard the newly reopened embassy there, proposals that would force the Biden administration to balance a desire to avoid escalating the U.S. military presence in the war zone against fears for the safety of American diplomats, U.S. officials said. https://www.wsj.com/articles/pentagon-weighs-deploying-special-forces-to-guard-kyiv-embassy-11653237183
  10. Good extensive report from the New York Times, they've unlocked the paywall on this article for 2 weeks. ‘Such Bad Guys Will Come’: How One Russian Brigade Terrorized Bucha A particularly fearsome unit of Moscow’s invading army arrived in the Kyiv suburb in mid-March. The soldiers’ reputation preceded them. Residents had already been warned that things would get worse. A pensioner, Mykola, 67, said that the Russian troops who first came to the neighborhood had advised him to leave while he could. “‘After us, such bad guys will come,’” the commander told him, he recalled. “I think they had radio contact and they knew who was coming, and they had their own opinion of them.” Mykola left Bucha before the 64th Brigade arrived. nytimes
  11. "Thailand can play important diplomatic role in Ukraine-Russia conflict ahead of APEC" Not quite as intended ???? Japan, U.S., Australia walk out of APEC meeting in protest of Russia Canada, New Zealand also join move at trade minister conference in Bangkok
  12. Only if you read the linked article it was Channel 7 that were chasing him for an interview despite him being difficult to reach while doing a movie in the UK
  13. When Russel came to Bangkok, Prayut hailed his visit saying it brought pride to the nation. What will he say this time? Well done Russel bringing up those issues
  14. Kremlin propaganda is directly responsible for Russia's genocide in Ukraine, war-crime investigators say Russia's state-run RIA Novosti news agency, the pro-Kremlin journalist Timofey Sergeyetsev called for the destruction of Ukraine's national identity and a campaign of brutal punishment of its people, that Ukraine must be "denazified" and its people made to "assimilate" the experience of the war "as a historical lesson and atonement for [their] guilt." He called for imprisonment, forced labor, and death for Ukrainians who refused to comply with the Kremlin's mission to assimilate the country into Russia. For Wayne Jordash, a barrister advising Ukrainian officials investigating possible Russian war crimes, the Bucha atrocities were the culmination of escalating attacks on Ukrainian civilians that can be directly linked to Russian state media.
  15. Bots obviouly don't like me all my followers on twitter are real people, I must be doing something wrong
  16. New Policy just announced by Twitter ???? Introducing our crisis misinformation policy Today, we’re introducing our crisis misinformation policy – a global policy that will guide our efforts to elevate credible, authoritative information, and will help to ensure viral misinformation isn’t amplified or recommended by us during crises. In times of crisis, misleading information can undermine public trust and cause further harm to already vulnerable communities. Alongside our existing work to make reliable information more accessible during crisis events, this new approach will help to slow the spread by us of the most visible, misleading content, particularly that which could lead to severe harms. https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2022/introducing-our-crisis-misinformation-policy
  17. I heard that happens in Thailand fairly often but no T.V. series about it. So Thai...
  18. Russia is playing hardball on this and saying sanctions need to be lifted first in return for easing the blockage. Earlier on Thursday, Dmitry Medvedev, a former president of Russia who is now senior security official, warned that Russia would not continue food supplies unless the west eased its sanctions on the Kremlin. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/20/us-accuses-russia-of-weaponising-food-in-ukraine-crisis-and-holding-global-supplies-hostage
  19. As time passes new evidence is being discovered of the nightmares people endured: New Evidence Shows How Russian Soldiers Executed Men in Bucha Witness testimony and videos obtained by The New York Times show how Russian paratroopers executed at least eight Ukrainian men in a Kyiv suburb on March 4, a potential war crime. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/19/world/europe/russia-bucha-ukraine-executions.html https://web.archive.org/web/20220519232823/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/19/world/europe/russia-bucha-ukraine-executions.html NEW: One of the most harrowing stories I’ve ever reported. When the Russian army occupied Hostomel for 35 days, it visited unspeakable horror on the town and its residents. Then it came for the only doctor, and tore her family apart. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/bullets-and-blindfolds-in-a-ukrainian-city-under-siege
  20. Which is why this problem will never go away until Thailand takes this more seriously. Even with repeated attacks on a regular basis nothing gets done and these are only the ones that are reported. Whats needed are laws drafted up to deal with dangerous dogs and stray dogs with euthanasia used. I can only speak for the UK where they do have these laws ie the dangerous dogs act as well as stray dogs being put to sleep if the owners cannot be found and of course dogs that have harmed humans or show aggressive behaviour are also put down. However in Thailand strays are left to their own devices to breed and just carry on making the problem larger, its never going away at this rate. While there are some charities that try to address the problem such as WFFT and many more local charities within provinces such as Soi Dog which has had some success in Phuket, they all neuter dogs to try and keep the numbers down but in the most part they seem to be facing a losing battle until the government takes the initiative, which seems like its never going to do.
  21. Extra $40 billion in Ukraine aid finally made it through: Senate passes $39.8 billion Ukraine aid bill, sending measure to Biden's desk Washington — In a show of broad bipartisan support, the Senate on Thursday passed legislation providing another $39.8 billion to help Ukraine bolster its defenses against Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion after passage of the aid was stalled last week. Boris also adding some extra military aid into the mix: I updated the President on support flowing to Ukraine’s defence, including long-range artillery, shore-to-ship missiles and unmanned drones. This is part of our additional £1.3 billion military aid package for Ukraine. Meanwhile on Russian state tv: Russian state TV propagandists acknowledge that Moscow can't keep up with the West in terms of its economic capabilities. In light of the looming arms race, they hope that Russia's brain drain can be reversed—especially since Russia's borders with NATO are about to double. Professor Alexei Fenenko, leading research fellow at the Institute of International Security Studies, says that for Russia, its war in Ukraine is a rehearsal for a potential larger conflict with NATO countries.
  22. I feel for the fighters who have surrendered at the steelworks in Mariupol only now to be taken to a penal colony in Russia where they may face trumped up war crime trials. Out of the pan into the fire. If they knew that was going to happen I bet they would have preferred to stay and fight until death. Gives Putin a great justification for his denazification narrative.
  23. Thailand also has a role in ASIAN but has done nothing to denounce the atrocities going on in Myanmar, right on its doorstep
  24. Ah ok, thats a separate package of 40 billion aid that he stalled. The Lend lease is different and he cannot stop that
  25. While I don't disagree, the fact is that is not happening and as a direct result of that Soi Dog is involved in its work otherwise they wouldn't have to bother and would probably have a different name other than Soi Dog
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