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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Soi dog is sterilizing as many as it can afford through donations, seems we're back to square one.
  2. I don't see many pigs or cows being kept as pets either...mmmm wonder why people prefer cats and dogs?
  3. Yes that would do it, carry out mass executions of stray dogs and cats even though its illegal and they would be prosecuted. I hear Soi Dog also does great work in stopping the dog meat trade:
  4. Really? Phuket, the stray population on the island is now officially under control. Global studies have shown that once 80% of the population has been neutered, the number of animals living on the streets begins to decline naturally. By 2025, there should be very few strays on the streets and beaches of Phuket.
  5. I don't think Putin's puppet Rand can stop the Lend lease agreement its already signed into law? Biden signs bill that aims to streamline U.S. military aid to Ukraine Monday’s legislation evokes the “Lend-Lease Act,” through which the U.S. supported allies, including the Soviet Union, during World War II.
  6. Whats not true the Reuters report and twitters filings or you? "despite Twitter stating in its filings that the numbers could be higher than it estimates."
  7. Musk is contractually obligated to pay a $1 billion break-up fee if he does not complete the deal, but Twitter can sue for "specific performance" to force Musk to complete a deal and obtain a settlement from him as a result. https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/twitter-committed-elon-musks-44-billion-deal-2022-05-17/
  8. Agreed and while the government does next to nothing to address the problem at least there are some charities such as Soi Dog who at least show effort and provide this service for free through the generous donations of people who care.
  9. Difficult to know if its working without knowing what those areas would be like had they not intervened. Not sure also how widespread their campaigns are in Thailand and if they covered your area but as their website states: It is widely agreed that the only ethical and most effective way of managing a stray dog population is through a programme of mass spay and neuter, or CNVR (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return). I've been to their main center in Phuket a couple of times and they do a fantastic job
  10. They sterilize them to stop further breeding, nobody enjoys watching them cause accidents, defecating & urinating in the sois, what do you suggest they do, leave them alone to carry on breeding which is why there are so many.
  11. Or maybe you could work on less mocking of those suffering from an illegal invasion of their country who may have lost loved ones and their homes.
  12. He's pleaded guilty: NEW: A Russian soldier pleads guilty in a Kyiv court to killing a 62-year-old civilian in what could be considered a war crime. The soldier had acknowledged: “I was ordered to shoot, I fired an automatic burst at him, he fell. We drove on." https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/05/18/world/russia-ukraine-war-news?smid=url-share#a-russian-soldier-accused-of-killing-a-civilian-pleads-guilty-in-a-kyiv-court
  13. Unfortunately the public in Russia has been denied access to it and other reports. Russia Restricts Access To HRW Website Over Statements On War In Ukraine Russia's communications regulator says it has restricted access to the website of Human Rights Watch (HRW) as a result of the group's statements over Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-restrict-access-human-rights-watch/31810806.html https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/05/18/ukraine-executions-torture-during-russian-occupation
  14. Only I'm not in Bangkok as if that matters and I don't like guava either
  15. Of course he has, a few farmers will complain about it but that's to be expected.
  16. The atrocities keep revealing themselves, "the stuff of your worst nightmares" in Trostyanets a village close to the Russian border. After weeks of work, our short film on the evidence of possible war crimes we uncovered is out. Travelled around Kyiv, Sumy regions where we discovered children bound& shot, underground torture chambers & bodies under the rubble for over a month Documentary: The true horror of Russia’s war in Ukraine | On The Ground https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/ukraine-russia-war-crimes-b2080736.html
  17. David Attenborough missed an important part of the life-cycle of a Russian tank in his documentary. Not all pop their turrents to finish their lives, there is evidence here from the infamous Siverskyi Donets river incident that some also prefer drowning.
  18. Another example of the importance of social media in this war to document war crimes carried out by Putins war of choice Promoting Accountability for War Crimes and Other Atrocities in Ukraine The U.S. Department of State is announcing the launch of a new Conflict Observatory to capture, analyze, and make widely available evidence of Russia-perpetrated war crimes and other atrocities in Ukraine. The program encompasses the documentation, verification, and dissemination of open-source evidence regarding the actions of Russia’s forces during President Putin’s brutal war of choice. The Conflict Observatory will analyze and preserve publicly and commercially available information, including satellite imagery and information shared via social media, consistent with international legal standards, for use in ongoing and future accountability mechanisms. https://www.state.gov/promoting-accountability-for-war-crimes-and-other-atrocities-in-ukraine/ The US Plan to Document War Crimes in Ukraine The government-funded Conflict Observatory will use open source tools and satellite imagery to gather evidence of human rights violations. “The level of detail and how fast, in some cases, imagery data can be collected means that it could have value for those seeking to target civilians and protected infrastructure like hospitals and shelters,” he says. https://www.wired.com/story/conflict-observatory-ukraine-russia-war-crimes/
  19. You're right, I believe those questions on troop numbers were misguided and missed the broader picture including as you pointed out Gotland. A few links below: The island of Gotland may be small - but holds big sway in the defence of Sweden and the Baltic countries faced with Russian aggression. @SiobhanRobbins reports on Sweden’s growing military defences there ahead of its formal request to join NATO tomorrow Ukraine war: Sweden strengthens military muscle in face of Russian aggression Sweden is building its defences and Gotland's strategic location in the Baltic Sea gives it a key role. The military hopes to be able to deploy 4,000 troops from the island in wartime and add anti-ship missiles to the arsenal which already includes surface to air missiles. The Gotland class submarines are the deadliest warships ever made. They are only subs in any NATO drills ever to have 'sunk' an American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier - they did this twice. The deadliest subs ever Russian sea plans get tossed overboard Sweden has one of the larger air forces in Europe (over-sized for its population). But for Russian military tactics, Sweden will become only air force in NATO that cannot be neutralized by destroying all its airports and substitute temporary air strips Sweden designed the deadliest short-range anti-aircraft missile system RBS 70, that is a bit heavier, but is guided by laser beam-tracking, and is thus immune to flares. In short Sweden will form an essential role on Nato. Thanks again Putin!!
  20. Nice, well done Kala. Hopefully those there will be able to return to their homes once the invasion is over
  21. Isn't that what normally happens when there are updates? Who knows there may even be more in the next few days but rest assured I will post them for you so you are kept informed.
  22. Why? I have already posted an update, the latest announcement published today, your the one that brought up an old headline
  23. Link to the article for context, all you've done is post the twitter headline.........again? While that is from a verified account I repeat the headline does not always give the full picture does it?
  24. Do you have a link to the Spiegel article, headlines only can often be deceiving? The 15 Billion announced today is only for the next 3 months there will be much more to come.
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