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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Just tell them to ask Russia, they have plenty for sale, they are stealing it all from Ukraine Russia is stealing Ukraine’s grain and trying to sell it to other countries Ministry of Defense said that Russian ships carrying stolen Ukrainian grain had reached the Mediterranean Sea and were likely en route to Syria. “From there, grain can be supplied to other countries in the Middle East,” the ministry said. Yet they are happy to blockade Ukraine's export of grain and cause a world crisis: Russian blockade of Ukraine's ports puts global food supply at risk The Russian blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports risks causing a global food crisis, given that Ukraine is one of the world’s top agricultural exporters. Analysts say this shows how Russia is weaponising food in its geopolitical games
  2. The Ukrainian president said: 'Today we can report the 200th downed Russian military airplane. Russia hasn't lost so much aviation in any of the wars in decades https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2022/may/14/volodymyr-zelenskiy-address-ukraine-russia-video? Defence of Ukraine: 200 russian military planes have permanently landed thanks to the skills of the Ukrainian military. We thank our friends for the Stingers and Starstreaks. Waiting for the Patriots to follow.
  3. In what way is that even remotely linked to the discussion you were in about NATO and Turkey's initial statement on the entry of Sweden and Finland? Or do you just go off on tangents when things don't go your way?
  4. Its being addressed alright, destroying 100's of Russian tanks Lots of NATO countries still rely on Russian gas an oil, that's not the reason being expressed by Turkey at all. Read up on it if you want and you will find the statement from them.
  5. Good explainer here just published on why the not so bright Russians phones are being used to track them, geo locate them and listen into what they are saying: Russian troops are proving that cell phones in war zones are a very bad idea When Russian troops cross into Ukraine, their cell phones emit a roaming signal that connects to Ukraine’s cellular network, allowing the Ukrainians to triangulate where the Russians are by using the closest three cell towers, said Artem Starosiek, CEO of Molfar, an open-source intelligence community based in Kyiv. “So, the Ukrainian special services automatically receive information with the ID number of the device, roaming number, and, of course, the location of the person,” Starosiek told Task & Purpose. “Fortunately, Russians are quite naive and ignorant about using mobile devices, so they often call home, turning on their phones and connecting to the Ukrainian stations.” https://taskandpurpose.com/analysis/russia-ukraine-cell-phones-track-combat/
  6. One of the most sickening and stomach churning acts being routinely carried out by the Russian military aside from the executions are the torture, rapes and especially those of children. It can affect us all in different ways if you have a shred of empathy. This alone has brought the war to such a nauseating low that there are no words that can describe the horrors. Yet knowing the above is happening on a daily basis there are those who ignore the atrocities and instead mock and make light of the effort to help Ukraine win this dark episode in history. You know who you are and you disgust me: U.N. told "credible" claims of sexual violence against children as Russia's war drives a third of Ukrainians from their homes "There are credible allegations of sexual violence against children by Russian forces," Woodward added. "As others have said, mass displacement has left children exposed to human trafficking and sexual exploitation." Last month, Ukrainian lawmaker Kira Rudyk told CBS News that sexual violence was being used systematically "in all the areas that were occupied by the Russians." "Rape is used as a tool of war in Ukraine to break our spirits, to humiliate us and to show us that we can be helpless to protect our women and children and their bodies," Kira Rudyk, a member of Ukraine's Parliament, told CBS News. "It is happening systematically in the occupied territories." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-news-russia-war-children-sexual-violence-un-displaced-refugees/ Iryna Venediktova Prosecutor General of Ukraine: (Twitter thread source) "We have over 11000 ongoing cases of war crimes and already 40 suspects. I am confident that in the nearest future we will see other cases being transferred to courts and perpetrators appearing before judges. We will ensure that these cases are brought to their logical end." "This is the just a beginning in the long and complex process of bringing perpetrators before the courts and restoring justice to victims. We will leave no stone unturned to document and investigate every crime committed against people of Ukraine." "This is my purpose: To make Putin and his forces pay for what they have done. While courts around the world are working to hold Russia accountable, the bulk of the investigation – and the largest number of prosecutions – will be done by Ukraine itself." The intercepts from Russian mobile phones are recorded daily and some are repulsive: One more absolutely terrifying #RussianArmy intercept. - I forced those Ukrainians to their knees. They cried and begged - I shot them in the head. - You proud? - Don’t give a damn.
  7. Even larger spanner in the works for Putins invasion Exclusive: Putin's Captured War Plans Show His Ukraine Ambitions Shrinking U.S. intelligence now believes, based partly in a reading of new captured war plans and documents, that despite earlier statements, Russia has now backed away from any grand plan to take all of southern Ukraine. Despite some slow progress by Russian troops in the northern Donbas area, everything else is stalled, the official says. "Even when Russian reinforcements do arrive, they are coming in piecemeal, in units of 600-700 soldiers that have been cobbled together, in odd conglomerations of forces with no real relationship to their higher headquarters, and with little fighting spirit. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-putins-captured-war-plans-show-his-ukraine-ambitions-shrinking-1706539
  8. Tying specific generals to specific crimes and revealing a commander responsible after a 2 month long investigation CNN Investigative report:
  9. Whats the point of reading this when you have still not provided a link to your first post in which I highlighted just one snippet? "By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine." When you manage to actually get a link to that get back to me.
  10. Yet you said in the previous post it was a quote and I should take it up with the people who wrote it. You're a waste of space. done with your nonsense
  11. Thats not how it works and is against forum rules, you"ve already been told that. Quote something, have a link to prove it otherwise it is you delibiratly spreading fake news
  12. Without links to credible sources it carries zero credibility much like the the remainder of your post For instance, this one snippet from your post: "By many accounts these shipments of weapons like the Javelin anti-tank missile (jointly manufactured by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin) are getting blown up as soon as they arrive in Ukraine." What is the source and link to that?
  13. No those are not the facts there are also other countries donating plenty that are outside of the EU
  14. You were just complaining that they were getting free money now your saying its good.................yet not as much as the US......stop the trolling its boring
  15. #UPDATE The G7 group of industrialised nations are united in backing Ukraine “until victory”, France said on Friday, as the EU promised an extra 500 million euros ($520 million) of military aid for Kyiv in its fight against Russia’s invasion “It is very important at this time that we keep up the pressure on Vladimir Putin by supplying more weapons to Ukraine, by increasing the sanctions,” said British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss as she arrived for a second day of talks with her G7 counterparts in northern Germany. “G7 unity has been vital during this crisis,” she added. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the G7 countries were “very strongly united” in their will to “continue in the long term to support Ukraine’s fight for its sovereignty until Ukraine’s victory”. https://www.digitaljournal.com/world/g7-to-back-ukraine-until-victory-france-says-as-eu-ups-aid/article
  16. It will only be delayed by about a week, nothing so serious in the grand scheme of things. Pity though as its vital along with all the other aid being given by other countries.
  17. That does not negate the requirement for a link or separate links to the quotes and claims made that you've copied and pasted.
  18. I wouldn't become aware, it was a hypothetical scenario about the risk of being in an enclosed space with infected people please see my reply to this direct question in a previous post, it may make it easier to understand for you: https://aseannow.com/topic/1259498-face-masks-to-be-still-needed-in-thailand-even-after-the-emergency-said-minster-anutin-this-week/?do=findComment&comment=17356339
  19. Today's the day for this monster BBC Report First Russian soldier to stand trial for war crime today A Russian soldier is due to stand trial today for allegedly killing an unarmed Ukrainian civilian - the first war crime case to go to court since Russia's invasion began. Sgt Vadim Shyshimarin is accused of shooting a 62-year-old man in the head through an open car window in the north-eastern village of Chupakhivka. He faces up to life in prison under the penalties stated in the section of the Ukrainian criminal code that addresses the laws and customs of war.
  20. Yes I prefer to believe a thorough and meticulous scientific investigation which has resulted in International arrest warrants being issued for the four suspects and a court case that began in the Netherlands on 9 March 2020 and reconvenes on the 16th May next week. Over a pro Russian you tube blogger with nothing but unsubstantiated claims. He works along with his mate Graham Phillips another pro Russian blogger who spreads his hate and fake claims through Youtube and who is himself accused of war crimes
  21. Patrick Lancaster, you should look at the company you keep in your viewing...lol one of the biggest pro Russian bloggers there is who makes constant fake claims: "After the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in the summer of 2014, Patrick Lancaster made a video denying the crash investigation results. Russia is doing the same, denying its responsibility for shooting down the plane. An international investigation in the Netherlands proved the aircraft had been shot down by a missile from the Buk anti-aircraft missile system belonging to the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of the russian ground forces, based near Kursk."
  22. Your excused seeing as you chose to reply to both and included this in your reply " I would rather avoid going into a covid hospital ward full of patients coughing and sneezing, and if I had to, I won't just wear a mask." Which indicates you would wear a mask in that situation at the very least, appears we have the same outlook
  23. At what point did you smarten that up? My post was deliberately intended to place a person in an at risk situation where I feel the use of a mask would be beneficial. You can disagree with that as much as you want but its a personal choice that I would take but does not mean I live my life in fear. I will go one further than your own personal experience. My daughter caught covid at school along with the whole busload of kids that were on the same school trip where it had spread like wildfire to all of them. Unknown to me I picked her up from school as normal in the car and it was not till 2 days later that she complained of high fever and tested positive, however I had already been with her for the entire time without a mask so decided that I would take the risk of looking after her at home with neither of us wearing masks. To the point that I even felt droplets land on my arm when she sneezed. I never caught it although I fully expected to. That still does not mean I would walk maskless into a covid ward full of positive patients knowing that to be the case. If that's what you call living in fear then fill your boots, in the meantime I will carry on not wearing masks when they are not needed such as a lunch with a few mates yesterday or when I'm outside or low risk situation.
  24. Those in charge of any schools not prepared by now should be immediately fired and replaced with anyone who has a mirco gram of brain matter.
  25. Have you ever heard of a hypothetical scenario? Ok let me dumb it down a bit for you. If I had no choice but to enter a covid hospital ward full of patients coughing and sneezing then I would do so with a good mask on for a level of protection, what that level is? But any tool to help.
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