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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Russian troops ill-prepared for Ukraine war, says ex-Kremlin mercenary NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE, France, May 10 (Reuters) - The Russian military's failure to seize the Ukrainian capital was inevitable because in the preceding years they had never directly faced a powerful enemy, according to a former mercenary with the Kremlin-linked Wagner Group who fought alongside the Russian army. "They were caught completely by surprise that the Ukrainian army resisted so fiercely and that they faced the actual army," Gabidullin said about Russia's setbacks in Ukraine. He said people he spoke to on the Russian side had told him they expected to face rag-tag militias when they invaded Ukraine, not well-drilled regular troops. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/russian-troops-ill-prepared-ukraine-war-says-ex-kremlin-mercenary-2022-05-10/
  2. World Health Organization members pass resolution against Russia GENEVA, May 10 (Reuters) - Members of the World Health Organization's European region passed a resolution on Tuesday that could result in the closure of Russia's regional office and the suspension of meetings in the country in response to its invasion of Ukraine. The special session of the European region passed the resolution, supported by Ukraine and the European Union, with 43 in favour and 3 against (Russia, Belarus, Tajikistan) and 2 abstentions. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-death-toll-thousands-higher-than-reported-un-rights-official-2022-05-10/
  3. New UN report out today: Press briefing on Ukraine by Matilda Bogner - Head of UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine We continue to receive allegations of rape, including gang rape, attempted rape, forced nudity, threats of sexual violence against civilian women and girls, men and boys. Women and girls are the most frequently cited victims. During my recent visit to towns north of Kyiv, we documented a number of cases of sexual violence. In one town that we visited a woman was raped and killed allegedly by a Russian soldier. The same soldier then attempted to rape her neighbour. This woman’s husband intervened, but was then shot by the soldier. He later died. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-briefing-notes/2022/05/plight-civilians-ukraine
  4. I'm not anywhere near that age but I do have an underlying condition that puts me at risk so I'll be looking for another booster next week if I can.
  5. Prayut double speak, when Thailand officially voted for this: The resolution demands that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”
  6. UK would support countries willing to supply Russian-designed jets to Ukraine Britain would support and provide assistance to Poland or any other central or eastern European country willing to supply Russian-designed jet fighters to Ukraine, the defence secretary has said. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/may/09/uk-support-countries-supply-russian-jets-ukraine-ben-wallace
  7. Only one speech was worth listening to for me, no tin pot soldiers or military equipment needed, brave heroic words full of conviction:
  8. Ben Wallace: Russia 'mirroring' WW2 fascism in Ukraine invasion Speaking as Russia staged a military parade marking its defeat of Nazi Germany in World War Two, he accused Russian generals of hijacking their "forebears' proud history". Mr Wallace said the generals must face war crimes trials. The defence secretary said there "can be no victory day, only dishonour". https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61376463
  9. True, however that was before Covid-19 and its off shoot variants that render previous variant obsolete
  10. UK Ministry of Defense after your comrades speech: ' "President Putin seeks to bring the past to the present and revive the horrors and darkness of war."
  11. The Putin Shame Parade was a total non event, a pathetic show with no backbone.
  12. Why would I do that? I pulled you up on your claim from your first link, its wrong in the reply you were posting to, you hastily edited and added another link after I had already replied which has zero to do with it.
  13. Anyone want to watch the sad event its now live on EURO NEWS Youtube
  14. The pandemic while destroying many legitimate business also did some good: A silver lining to the pandemic: a notorious Thai tiger zoo closes for good Many of these exploitative venues have fallen on hard times too. In fact, some of them have been forced to close down for good, including a notorious tiger zoo in Thailand. The Sriracha Tiger Zoo, located in a Thai seaside resort town, first opened its doors in 1997 “First we came to the tigers. The smaller ones were in tiny cages, running in circles and pushing their faces up against the metal. The bigger ones were clearly malnourished and drugged; they were chained to the ground and hit by the staff to encourage them to perform for the amusement of tourists,” https://www.sustainability-times.com/sustainable-business/a-silver-lining-to-the-pandemic-a-notorious-thai-tiger-zoo-closes-for-good/
  15. Putin's Victory day speech is due at 12 noon Moscow time, I make that around 4pm in Thailand. Lets see what lies he sprouts. This is what the dictator said yesterday: ‘As in 1945, Victory Will Be Ours’: Vladimir Putin on World War II Anniversary Putin, who invaded Ukraine in February, said that soldiers are fighting to free their native land from “Nazi filth". Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday, 8 May, that “as in 1945, victory will be ours” while he sent congratulations to former Soviet nations marking the 77th anniversary of the Nazi Germany’s defeat in World War II. Putin, who launched a 'military operation' in Ukraine in February 2022, said that even today, their soldiers are fighting to free their native land from “Nazi filth” and said that it is their duty to prevent the Nazi from “rearing its head” once more, reported AFP.
  16. This webpage can be useful for keeping track of Russian equipment losses and they are only the ones with visual confirmation, the list is comprehensive including all military equipment by category with link to visual/video of the damage/loss. Attack On Europe: Documenting Russian Equipment Losses During The 2022 Russian Invasion Of Ukraine This list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here. Here's a screenshot on ships/boats
  17. It certainly seems that way. Video: Russian MP talking on Russian state TV about the need to kill 2 million “Ukrainian Nazis”. They are deranged.
  18. WWF commends closure of Thai zoo embroiled in illegal tiger trade allegations Posted on 10 March 2021 During an initial investigation of the zoo in November 2020, the DNP impounded five tigers and, having conducted DNA tests, found that three cubs were genetically unrelated to any local captive tigers. Over the next 90 days, during which time the zoo was forced to suspend operations, the DNP conducted a secondary investigation and round of DNA tests of the tigers being held in the facility which found that additional claims filed by the zoo about the parentage and genetic relation of some tigers were falsified. These findings, in addition to being in offence of criminal codes about providing false information to the government, provide probable cause that the tigers in the facility had been smuggled from abroad or laundered from the wild, indicating a strong likelihood of illegal wildlife possession and trafficking in direct violation of the Wild Animal Reservation and Protection Act (WARPA). https://tigers.panda.org/?2394466/WWF-commends-closure-of-Thai-zoo-embroiled-in-illegal-tiger-trade-allegations
  19. Some Russian state TV ramblings although in these ones a smack of reality and desperation is beginning to come through, links all contain the video with eng subs: Senior military expert on Russian state TV argued that mobilization wouldn't accomplish a whole lot, since outdated weaponry can't easily compete with NATO-supplied weapons and equipment in Ukraine's hands and replenishing Russia's military arsenal will be neither fast nor easy. As average Russians are starting to feel the sting of Western sanctions, talking heads and government officials on state TV suggest that what Russia needs now to prevent potential riots is a figure like the notorious Lavrentiy Beria, who headed the NKVD during Stalin's purges. Meanwhile on Russian state TV, military experts are concerned that Russia's current economy is unfit to meet the needs of its Armed Forces. One expert advocated the urgent need to move on to "military socialism" and a "wartime economy," with government in charge of everything.
  20. Exclusive: A @theipaper investigation has uncovered 66 camps in remote parts of Russia where thousands of Ukrainians have been taken as regional officials follow orders from Moscow to disperse them across the country. For the past month, I have been analysing dozens of Russian-language local news reports from Belgorod to Vladivostok and using maps to show how officials are taking Mariupol survivors to a network of Soviet-era sanatoriums, children’s camps, hostels and orphanages. The results are shocking and show the first evidence of a major operation to spread Ukrainians across Russia – at sites stretching across the Ural Mountains as far east as the remote Kamchatka Peninsula. Putin sends Mariupol survivors to remote corners of Russia as investigation reveals network of 66 camps One activist told i: “The state treats them as a labour force, as objects, moving them around without taking care of what they need. The state is unable to look after them. They are vulnerable and need help.” i‘s investigation marks the first evidence of a major operation to spread them across a country gripped by a historic post-Cold War population decline. https://inews.co.uk/news/putin-mariupol-survivors-remote-corners-russia-investigation-network-camps-1615516
  21. Mate what's your problem? This is a new video released today by the navy of both incidents together, the first time its been released. Its on topic and relevant and I will continue to post appropriate content regardless of your confusion
  22. My post said the navy released the video and that was only today of the two being hit even though the actual events happened a couple of days old. Hope that clears it up for you despite your confused emoji Here's some other links with this new video that has just been released within the last couple of hours: https://twitter.com/TpyxaNews/status/1523218776329707521 https://twitter.com/Militarylandnet/status/1523220148844318721
  23. keep it up, they keep sinking them! Another 2 boats down. Great video in the link Wow, the Ukrainian Navy has posted a video showing a Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 drone taking out another 2 Russian Raptor fast-attack vessels. The Russian Black Sea Fleet is getting decimated and it all seems to be happening right next to Snake Island. I reckon the only safe place soon for the ruskies will be down with the fish....
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