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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Read my post again for clarification and the post I was replying to without your own assumptions on what I will do in the future
  2. Good for you, I have an underlying condition so could be dangerous for me. Plus I would then not like to pass it onto my family
  3. Well if I was aware I was getting in a lift with a bunch of covid infected people I would wear a good mask. Feel free to try the same experiment without one
  4. Reports of another Russian navy ship being hit. Official: Another Russian ship hit by Ukrainian navy near Zmiinyi Island. As a result of the attack, Vsevolod Bobrov, one of the newest ships of the Russian Navy, caught fire, according to Serhiy Bratchuk, a spokesman for the Odesa regional military administration. Russian logistics ship ‘on fire in Black Sea after Ukrainian strike’ ‘Vsevolod Bobrov logistics ship, one of the newest in the Russian fleet, set on fire,’ says regional official
  5. Giving away the locations of sims that belong to friendly forces would indeed be a secret at all costs. Perhaps Putin and you have different views but sorry thats the way it is.
  6. Putin would support what you suggested, same same the sims of the Ukraine military
  7. There you have it. Again the veil has slipped and your true allegiance is exposed for all to see.
  8. The purpose of supplying weapons and military aid in Ukraine is to help them win the war, however they are not a silver bullet and in a war not all battles can be won. The outcome is what is important. If it was that easy then Ukraine would have already won the war. I'm glad they are not under your command otherwise the focus now would be in Mariupol and trying to get Azov out with the ensuing huge loss of life that will entail, probably far greater than the reward, while neglecting all the other fronts and gains made and have Russia quickly take ground in those. Again more lives wasted.
  9. What a perfect world you describe of how a responsible parent brings up their children. In this alternate universe there would be no need for Child Protection services, social services, phedophillia is non existent as is self harm and all things that go against the expected norm for a balanced upbringing. Now back to reality where not all parents are so responsible and not all children even have parents due to death or being abused by them, physically, emotionally or sexually. Twitter has rules and policies in place for a reason, your arguments do not in anyway even come close to challenging them.
  10. I believe Sir David Attenborough has found a new species in Ukraine............................ David Attenborough narrates how Russian tanks end their life in Ukraine
  11. No I just stick to the topic, Ukraine, and the facts from credible sources such as the UN, OSCE and the many international observers. I've no need to deflect into other conflicts
  12. This is more like it. The Russians Lost Nearly An Entire Battalion Trying To Cross A River In Eastern Ukraine David Axe, Forbes Staff - 4h ago The better part of a Russian army battalion—50 or so vehicles and up to a thousand troops—in recent days tried to cross a pontoon bridge spanning the Siverskyi Donets River, running west to east between the separatist provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian artillery caught them at the river bank—and destroyed them. The rapid destruction of around three dozen tanks and other armored vehicles, along with the bridge itself, underscores Russia’s deepening woes as its troops try, and fail, to make meaningful gains in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. “We still assess Russian ground force in the Donbas to be slow and uneven,” an unnamed U.S. Defense Department official told reporters on Tuesday. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-russians-lost-nearly-an-entire-battalion-trying-to-cross-a-river-in-eastern-ukraine/ar-AAXawcD Some pics of it here:
  13. Nothing to do with Iraq. Its to do with the UN and international monitors in Ukraine taking evidence right now, I guess you'll not bother tuning into the UN session tomorrow, or read the reports directly from them
  14. Disagree, if you had not edited my post I gave you direct source of people on the ground documenting it.
  15. Shocking footage just unearthed of Russian troops murdering civilians: Surveillance video shows Russian forces shooting civilians New surveillance video obtained by CNN shows Russian soldiers shooting two civilians in the back, providing a stark example of a potential war crime by https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/05/11/surveillance-video-russian-forces-sidner-pkg-lead-vpx.cnn
  16. If you don't know whats going on in Ukraine then that's a choice you alone are making. There are plenty of credible reports to the atrocities. If you have problems with the credibility of independent western press and want to compare it to the questionable to state controlled Kremlin run press then you can go straight to the source of many reports of the war crimes backed up with credible evidence from the UN or OSCE
  17. First Russian military to stand trial for killing a civilian in Sumy region - Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova The investigation established that on February 28, 2022. — this 21-year-old Russian military man killed an unarmed resident of the Chupakhivka village in the Sumy region, who was driving a bicycle along the side of the road. He faces 10 to 15 years in prison. The investigation established that on February 28, 2022, this 21-year-old Russian soldier killed an unarmed resident of the Chupakhivka village in the Sumy region, who was driving a bicycle along the side of the road. Before that, the column, in which Sergeant Shishimarin was, was defeated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Fleeing, he and four other colleagues fired at a private car with machine guns and took possession of it. In a stolen car with punctured wheels, the invaders drove into the village. On the way, they saw a man who was returning home and talking on the phone.
  18. Yesterdays release by the Pentagon of the Military equipment already sent to Ukraine.............. thats without the new $40 billion aid just announced. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3027295/fact-sheet-on-us-security-assistance-for-ukraine/
  19. Similar to the UN Security Council where Russia blocks with its veto
  20. Don't be ridiculous, parents are not with their children 24/7 and young people cannot be expected to self filter unless they themselves feel responsible enough to do so, which is highly unlikely for those that are vulnerable. Thankfully twitter does not agree with you: https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/media-policy I can think of nothing more evil than allowing pedophiles to ply their trade just as one example, there are plenty more.
  21. Isn't twitter supposed to be a universal social media platform for everyone above the ages of 13? Similar to Facebook. As such then I see no justification for normalizing hate speech, inciting violence, suicide, rape, extreme gore, child abuse, self harm etc For people who want to associate with that sort of content perhaps platforms such as Telegram are better suited?
  22. Actually the problem starts with Russia invading Ukraine and trying to illegally capture its land while at the same time robbing, raping, pillaging and murdering civilians. I hear the Russian military was a little top heavy with generals too but Ukraine is doing a good job in culling.
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