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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Mate there's more far right nazi groups in Russia than there is in Ukraine and please don't forget Putins private army of mercenaries the Wagnor group in Ukraine now and whose founder himself was a Nazi and Putin buddy.
  2. Nonsense. Zelensky was a lawyer, then actor and then politician. He's now proved himself to be a leader that leads from the front despite the price on his head and has gained the respect of all who chose freedom. Then we have Putin sat in Moscow on a 20 meter long table barking his murderous orders.
  3. Drone footage of one of the murders in Bucha, this one killed a cyclist.
  4. The obvious is happening now, mass killing of civilians, rape, torture and executions. The young are not ignoring this and the principles are obvious
  5. Fortunately the young are the future not the dinosaurs
  6. Absolutely if you are counting the road deaths from the 1st Jan but logically then you would also need to count the covid deaths from Ist Jan right? They happen to be 3,989 and thats just the official without the add on of excess deaths https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  7. A sick and disrespectful non human. Today at the #OSCE Special Permanent Council meeting on Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine @PLinOSCE invited to observe a minute of silence for the victims of #Bucha. Can you spot the one delegation that remained seated during the minute of silence? Yes, you are right - .Russian OSCE Ambassadors, including @USAmbOSCE, walked out of today's Permanent Council meeting, as the Russian representative repeated lies that Russia was not responsible for the atrocities in #Bucha. We will hold those responsible accountable. #StandWithUkraine
  8. PCR test positive cases, total of 24,252 official new infections. 94 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 26,941 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 51,193 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 4th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  9. When the evil atrocities carried out by the Russians in Bucha were first revealed Russian media went into overtime with paranoid rhetoric that was soon followed by the Russian diplomats denying the incidents. Despite first hand eye witness accounts of executions, rapes and torture of civilians by multiple people. Drone footage of 2 separate incidents of murder of innocent civilians and of course the horrifying videos with the bodies lying in the streets tied up along with others in back allies with their hands tied and shot. The denials started with claiming it was the British who had staged the bodies, then they claimed they saw one of the dead bodies moving and finally they decided it was the Ukraine soldiers who came in after they left and carried out the shootings, in particular accusing the Azov battalion as being responsible. They forgot a couple of tiny details. Satellite images captured the bodies in the street before the Russians left and the witnesses are still alive to tell their stories. Bucha killings: Satellite image of bodies site contradicts Russian claims https://www.bbc.com/news/60981238
  10. Not to me it didn't. In fact your narrative was because of the moving bodies with it being fake. But that was not the fake aspect at all. It was peddled as if it was from Ukraine when infact it was from Austria.
  11. It does but in your points you finished off with spreading a fake story yourself.
  12. Being ex military maybe you should have checked that story recently as it was fake and the footage was from a climate change protest in Austria. Channel 5 spreads Russian disinfo with fake report on ‘fake’ deaths in Ukraine Two hosts on an army-owned TV station falsely claimed that Ukrainian people “faked casualties” in a report that misrepresented footage from a climate change protest in Austria. The erroneous report by hosts Kanok Ratwongsakul and Teera Tanyapaibul came earlier this week in an episode of their Lao Khao Khon program on the Royal Thai Army’s Channel 5. “Watch this footage, there’re corpses lying there, we believe they are Ukrainian people … Do you see those bodies in the bags? Some bodies are still moving,” said Kanok, a reporter known for his far-right stance and history of distorted reporting. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/channel-5-spreads-russian-disinfo-with-fake-report-on-fake-deaths-in-ukraine/
  13. I'm not sure that's a fair comparison. You went for a holiday to China but you lived and worked in the UK. I've also been to China for a few days years ago and in no way would I be able to give a just comparison on how it would actually be like to live/work there under its rules and regulations as opposed to the UK where I grew up and lived.
  14. Well as usual you made a claim and cannot back it up. Just a growing list of similar posts. Its to do with your credibility. Just to clarify you claimed that before the war the Ukraine population count was 30 million and there is no source for this anywhere. The only sources have it at around 41 or 42 million. A huge difference that does not fit in with the narrative that you were peddling. We all know around 4m have left as refuges but that was after the war started.
  15. I don't think a western diplomat would necessarily want to create fear on the Ukrainian side. However they've yet to be seen on the ground in Ukraine and until then we have to wait and see. There are actually some Chechens fighting for the Ukraine side not just those fighting for Russia. The other main Chechen formation in Ukraine, the Dzhokhar Dudayev Battalion (named after Chechnya’s first president in the 1990s), also recently announced its reactivation. In a recent video address, its leader Adam Osmaev delivers a message to the country. “I want to assure Ukrainians that real Chechens are defending Ukraine today,” he says. “These puppets [Kadyrovtsy] fighting for Russia are a shame to our whole nation — we consider them only traitors,”
  16. I hope you're right but according to a western diplomat based in Damascus a first contingent of 300 Syrians have already left for Russia for military training before going to Ukraine, 1,000's more are being recruited. This was a report from 5 days ago. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/31/world/middleeast/syrian-mercenaries-ukraine-russia.html
  17. Where are you getting your figures from on a population count of 30 million before the war?
  18. The UN General Assembly already voted to condemn the Myanmar coup, unsurprisingly Russia abstained being one of their largest weapon suppliers along with China. Plenty of sanctions in place although that needs to be balanced as most people there live in poverty anyway. Last Month the Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court returned from Bangladesh interviewing refugee's and underlined commitment to advance investigations into alleged atrocity crimes against the Rohingya. There was plenty in the media about this but you must have missed it. However just over 4 weeks ago Russia went rogue and has taken over the headlines. Anyway off topic
  19. Kremlin-backed mercenaries employed by the Wagner Group have been pictured for the first time in Ukraine after defence officials warned that more than 1,000 fighters had been deployed. It operates as an arm’s-length branch of the state to offer the Kremlin plausible deniability for activities it does not want to be associated with. Its motto is said to be: “Death is our business and business is good.” “The GRU [Russian military intelligence] use Wagner as their deniable dirty operations troops,” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/wagner-groups-hardened-mercenaries-pictured-in-eastern-ukraine-td9jnwwsm
  20. Well you quoted Stalin as an example and that was who I pulled you up on, understand now? I also think Putin will eventually be issued an arrest warrant, that does not mean anyone will be able to arrest him however unless he is stupid enough to travel. However just an arrest warrant does give some peace of mind to the families of the murdered civilians and the general Ukraine population as a whole, together with showing any other wanna be dictators.
  21. How exactly would Stalin have been brought to justice? Was interpol around....lol
  22. The International Criminal Court was not established until 2002. I'm afraid that was a little after Stalin's death. The International Criminal court are not however wasting their time, they are already in Ukraine investigating.
  23. But Putin and his state controlled TV will do all it can to hide them and distort the facts into an alternate reality for his Russian audience. The latest rubbish on the civilian murders in Mariupol being that it was the British who staged and set it all up, placing the bodies in the correct positions...
  24. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,088 official new infections. 91 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 10,884 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 31,972 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 3rd April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
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