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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Its not clear cut unless you can provide proof it is? "One survivor told Russia Today: "We couldn't go down, we were seeing people from other floors being brought down and then those rioters down there attacked them like a pack of wolves." But other eyewitness reports, for example in the Kyiv Post, said pro-Ukrainian activists rescued dozens of people from the burning building. Some people got to ledges and were helped by ambulance ladders. Some fell. Some people were reported to have shouted "die" as people fell. One of those who had been at the building, Anatoly, said the people inside were not "pro-Russian activists". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27275383 However this is not the topic here as it would rerail this thread
  2. Yes but you were talking about Turkey.....lol Syria and North Korea were not backward in their response, I agree.....
  3. Ok, although that's also not correct, a silent vote is a specific form of voting and that is not what happened at all. The votes cast were: 141 for the Resolution 5 including Russia against the resolution 35 abstained (did not vote either way ie neutral)
  4. Doubt it, here's its statement to the UN after voting in favour of their directive: “Thank you for convening this historic and urgent session, a session that was called because the Security Council once again failed to fulfill its primary responsibility, a session that was convened due to the unjustified, illegal, and illegitimate act of aggression against a founding member of the United Nations by a permanent member of the very organ entrusted...with preserving peace and security, a session that was held as a result of the use of veto power by the very member that is perpetrating this aggression. We reiterate that Russia’s ongoing military offensive against Ukraine violates the principles...on which this organization was founded, rules and principles that aim to prevent wars and protect mankind from disastrous consequences. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/un-resolution-ukraine-how-did-middle-east-vote
  5. Not correct. Five countries, including Russia, voted against the UN General Assembly directive. North Korea, Belarus, Eritrea, Syria If you take away Russia then thats a population count of only around 58 million that voted against the resolution
  6. The TASS, RIA and Interfax news agencies quoted "a representative of a competent body" in Russia on Sunday as saying Ukraine was developing nuclear weapons at the destroyed Chernobyl nuclear power plant that was shut down in 2000. Hilarious, Chernobyl has been open to the Public for tours since 2011......lol Tours inside ChNPP A breathtaking trip to the place of the world-known nuclear disaster. 4,5 hours inside the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, walk around the ghost- town of Prypiat and other sites and locations of the Zone of your choice. https://www.chernobyl-tour.com/tours_to_chernobyl_nuclear_power_plant_en.html
  7. Forgot to add the photo to this, the already half destroyed bridge pic taken before the new shelling, killing more civilians trying to flee. This relentless onslaught is reminiscent of how Russia bombarded civilian areas in Syria. source
  8. More war crimes as we speak. Russians have shelled this bridge between Irpin and Kyiv where civilians are trying to flee. 122 mm mortars deliberately used. There are civilian fatalities. https://t.co/lMyvTZvVfR https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1500400899189055490?t=JWP8roe2s1fn01VLpwUbkA&s=19
  9. You said thanks, that will save them, again, how? As for you here. I also don't use a credit card in Thailand but I use debit cards daily and if that was stopped my purchase price of goods would increase substantally because i could no longer use online payment facilites. Now try again and see just how this will cripple Moscow economically instead of such a simplistic and feeble example
  10. Well it would help to explain exactly how that would save your comrades money in Russia or anywhere else in the world? Visa and Mastetcard have extensive networks of both credit, debit, payment, insurance and transfer services.
  11. Fortunately most people don't rely on unsubstantiated wild claims that have no baring on reality and spewed out with zero evidence from an edited video
  12. Benjamin Ferencz, the last surviving prosecutor of the #Nuremberg Trials, where Nazis were tried, believes that the future imprisonment of Vladimir #Putin is very real. "The crimes that #Russia is now committing against #Ukraine are a disgrace to human society." https://t.co/SPjzrTYYXe https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1500358130861023232?t=c93rX9MwrxLxI9AuJ-pKug&s=19
  13. Judgement? wild accusations without proof, that's a fact. To provide proof she will need a lot more than a few scenes of the shelling of civilians, she needs explicit proof of where those shells came from and fired by who. As for your judgement that if it is true it will not be released for another 30 years, that's a convenient get out clause for you.....lol
  14. Its a pity its been edited aside from making false claims and then uploaded via an anonymous user with just 13 subscribers
  15. Expect the unexpected with a cornered rat, he's already used chemical weapons to murder Novichok and radioactive plutonium to murder Alexander Litvinenko in the UK. “Every time you think,’ No, he wouldn’t, would he?’ Well, yes, he would,” says Russia specialist and former US National Security Council advisor Fiona Hill. “And he wants us to know that, of course.” He needs stamping on as quickly as possible.
  16. Worldwide NEW YORK — Mastercard and Visa are suspending their operations in Russia, the companies said Saturday, in the latest blow to the country’s financial system after its invasion of Ukraine. Mastercard said cards issued by Russian banks will no longer be supported by its network and any card issued outside the country will not work at Russian stores or ATMs. “We don’t take this decision lightly,” Mastercard said in a statement, adding that it made the move after discussions with customers, partners and governments. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/03/05/mastercard-visa-suspend-operations-russia-00014425
  17. Top Zelensky aide says Russia starting to realize the real price of its war in Ukraine One of Ukraine’s negotiators in ceasefire talks with Russia says there has been a perceptible shift on the Russian side, after 10 days of warfare that have seen Ukraine put up unexpectedly fierce resistance. Mr. Podolyak said that while the Russian side hadn’t yet altered its demands for a Ukrainian capitulation, he sensed that its attitude was shifting as the war and unprecedented Western sanctions took their toll. “At the very start of the war, they were insisting on total domination. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-russia-ukraine-war-zelensky-adviser/
  18. 6th March 2022 PCR test positive cases, total of 21,881 official new infections. 59 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 31,407 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 53,288 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 4th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  19. ???????? Facebook, twitter and youtube have been taken off air and banned in Russia a couple of days ago by Putin
  20. I'm undecided, its a very difficult call to make although there are some positive signals that his war against Ukraine is not going well for him. My remark was a little tongue in cheek however its one way for him to really ratchet this up and bring in a new level of warfare that distracts from the apparent weakness of this current invasion?
  21. Now there's a challenge, almost as if he's baiting countries and wants to escalate his illegal war. #UPDATE Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that any country that sought to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be considered by Moscow to have entered the conflict. https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1500107383334449156
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