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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Just had a look at the Russian Embassy facebook page in London.......???? Its like a R.T or Sputnik clone spewing out propaganda by the hour so its not just Thailand
  2. Agreed and that 40 mile long convoy still in the same place, BBC reporting its still bogged down in the mud, some serious lack of logistical planning
  3. The direct link to the source is as you say from Sergej Sumlenny which your article links to, its at https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1499822066098655234 Interesting read
  4. Meanwhile the Russian officials in Thailand try to put pressure on Thai's. The Russian Embassy in Bangkok is warning not join Ukraine's international volunteer force and engage “in hostilities”, calling out the Ukrainian Embassy for posting about it. This comes after media reports of some Thais interested to join to fight against Russia’s invasion. https://t.co/PjkPU7P6p8 https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1500072159187660800?t=HnUX-OaqV26wXIBoWrOb4A&s=19
  5. One of those is very possible "In the long-term, international justice has a very good record of eventually getting those that they target." If Mr Putin was charged with war crimes and he travelled to a country that operates universal jurisdiction, that nation would be obliged to detain him, Mr Jordash said.
  6. Reports are that the bots from Russia that were constantly spewing out anti vaccine rubbish have gone very quiet lately and instead turned their direction to misinformation on Ukraine
  7. Helping Russia in Ukraine and helping Russia to invade any other country it has in its sights. For that matter helping any dictatorship doing the same anywhere in the world
  8. What if they don't want to leave their homes? Incredible footage purportedly from Kherson showing local civilians very literally putting their bodies in the path of occupying Russian forces. Even at oncoming trucks and gunfire (into the air, it seems), they do not budge. Looks like the whole of Novopskov in eastern Ukraine has come out to tell the bedraggled Russian soldiers occupying the town what its residents think: “War and death follows you wherever you go, get up and leave!” Crowd chanting “Ukraine!”
  9. Breaking. This report however is not for those that don't trust the BBC....lol Russia announces temporary ceasefire in two besieged cities Ukraine confirms temporary ceasefire in two cities We first heard about the temporary ceasefire and humanitarian corridors in two south-eastern Ukrainian cities from the Russian defence ministry - which said it had been agreed with the Ukrainian side. Now we have official Ukrainian confirmation from the head of the Donetsk region military administration, Pavlo Kirilenko. He confirms the temporary ceasefire from 09:00 local time (07:00 GMT), and says that his administration is currently working on the details of the evacuation. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60532634
  10. Sounds like they are seeding the public in Russia to a nuclear attack then
  11. A western military analyst has far more credibility that your pathetic laughing emoji.........kind of shows just who's side your on as if there were any doubts.
  12. "humans going to help other humans" Ukraine: 'More than 100' people from Scotland volunteer to fight One Scottish former soldier, Joe Stirling, served in Iraq and told the BBC's World at One programme that he planned to travel to Ukraine on Friday. He said: "People need help. Countries and nationalities aside, its humans going to help other humans. "If I was a bricklayer I'd go and build hospitals. If I was a doctor I'd go out and give people first aid. It just happens my trade is soldier, so I'm going out to fight." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-60589580
  13. From the linked article................ "The professor also said that Russia and China are using “sharp power” – aggressive and subversive policies to manage and manipulate information to shape public perception for the purpose of their propaganda. This sharp-power policy contains a lot of misinformation, distortion, and fake news, he said, warning the public to use and consume social media with caution." They need to start with the Thai Army run TV station Channel 5 news Channel 5 spreads Russian disinfo with fake report on ‘fake’ deaths in Ukraine Two hosts on an army-owned TV station falsely claimed that Ukrainian people “faked casualties” in a report that misrepresented footage from a climate change protest in Austria. “Watch this footage, there’re corpses lying there, we believe they are Ukrainian people … Do you see those bodies in the bags? Some bodies are still moving,” said Kanok, a reporter known for his far-right stance and history of distorted reporting. “The floor’s hot, maybe,” Teera said. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/channel-5-spreads-russian-disinfo-with-fake-report-on-fake-deaths-in-ukraine/
  14. Play on words as much as you like, their are countless credible links where Russia and Putin denied claims it was going to invade Ukraine, they even denied once it had already started. They lied simple as that Get back in the real world. It was an unprovoked ongoing attack on a sovereign country breaking international rule of law. FACT
  15. Yes agree, its a mystery, even the military experts are finding it hard to explain, just doesn't seem logical? One personal thought, could it be that once they start using the full force of bombers and jet fighters then that could be a red line for NATO to enforce an air exclusion zone? Why hasn’t Russia mobilised its vast air power against Ukraine?
  16. Its called double speak: Putin 28th Jan "Russia will not start a war in Ukraine, the country's President Vladimir Putin has said" but warned that the US and Nato have left little room for compromise after ignoring his demands. 24th Feb Russia Invades Ukraine and war starts
  17. The link in that article takes you to the Sky News video of the actual incident where the UK Sky news journalists were ambushed and shot. Scary stuff and very lucky to be rescued and alive. "On Monday, near Kyiv, chief correspondent Stuart Ramsay and his team were attacked. Camera operator Richie Mockler took two rounds to his body armour, Stuart was wounded. Their experience illustrates the scale of the mayhem and violence as Russia's invasion enters a new and deadlier phase." https://news.sky.com/story/sky-news-teams-harrowing-account-of-their-violent-ambush-in-ukraine-this-week-12557585
  18. You missed his promises of not invading............28th Jan Vladimir Putin says Russia will not invade Ukraine but sends warning to West
  19. Any Putin trolls on here? maybe one or two, please send this to the Kremlin now, a further rebuke for the midgets illegal actions. Sainsbury's has become the first UK supermarket to change the name of its Chicken Kiev to Chicken Kyiv in support of Ukraine. In an announcement on Friday, the retailer said the new packaging will be rolled out across its stores in the coming weeks. Soz but sometimes a little light relief in these dark times..............
  20. PCR test positive cases, total of 22,818 official new infections. 52 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 33,085 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 55,903 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 3rd March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  21. Nato was clear from the beginning that they could not enforce a no fly zone, the risk of all out WW3 being far too great especially when the madman upped the anti by putting the nukes on high alert level. Its a very difficult debate to say whether they should enforce one.
  22. It means what it says, war criminal. The UN security Council meeting was vetoed by Russia as a result they voted on Sunday to call for a rare emergency special session of the 193-member UN General Assembly on Russia’s invasion. Only 10 such emergency special sessions of the General Assembly have been convened since 1950. That text gives the Assembly the power to take up matters of international peace and security when the Security Council is unable to act because of the lack of unanimity among its five veto-wielding permanent members. The result of that vote we already know, demand that Russia end ‘aggression against Ukraine’ The ICC, International Criminal Court team have already headed to Ukraine for the war crimes investigation. Plenty of evidence with the cluster bombs and residential shelling, some urban area's look like Syria. So there is bureaucracy but what do you expect when 193 member nations have to get together quickly but they have moved fast, probably faster than ever before.
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