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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. PCR test positive cases, total of 23,618 official new infections. 49 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 42,138 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 65,756 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  2. Correct, this thread now needs updating, Thailand endorsed this decision: In historic "Uniting for Peace" session, #UNGA adopts resolution demanding that the Russian Federation immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine and withdraw its military forces. https://twitter.com/UN/status/1499068649121984519 Thailand also issued its own statement confirming the above.
  3. lol...."i don't support the war but" Back in the real world where Putin has invaded another country unprovoked under the premise and I quote: "demilitarize" and "denazify" the neighboring state. In the meantime the International Criminal court is probing war crimes committed by Russia on the residents of Ukraine.
  4. This is more promising, just seen this. Still some way to go but on the right track........................ THAI NEWS REPORTS: Statement by Dr. Suriya Chindawongse, Permanent Representative of Thailand to the UN before the 11th Emergency Special Session of UNGA on 1st March 2022. https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1499029231782993920
  5. This is the only reason why......................money to be made..... Reuters Russia to widen trade, economic ties with Asia after Western sanctions
  6. The Putin Speech's by Oliver Stone.........???? 4 hours of fluff, it was so one sided that it even ran on Russia's state TV channel "What’s the Russian equivalent of Kool-Aid? Whatever it is, it’s definitely red – and Oliver Stone has eagerly drunk it down. The Putin Interviews, Showtime’s four-part series documenting a series of conversations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Stone, would have you believe that you’re going to hear some pretty hard-hitting stuff as the autocrat and the filmmaker face off, Frost-Nixon style. What we got instead was a series of softballs lobbed lovingly in the direction of one of the most powerful and dangerous men in the world." “You are an excellent CEO, and Russia is your company,” Stone gushes. He enthuses about “the marching, the precision, the pride” at a Victory Day Parade and tells Putin that he’s “a true son of Russia.” Stone sang the praises of Putin, to the point where a taken-aback Stephen Colbert asked, “Anything negative that you found? Anything? Or does he have your dog in a cage someplace?” Plenty more in the article for you to digest..................
  7. Forget Rambo and come back down to planet earth. Do you have to survive to do the right thing? Some times when standing up to tyranny, in the name of freedom people have more guts than the cowards who invade with large armies on the pretext that its a battle to quash nazi's and instead bomb residential area's committing war crimes. photo Source
  8. Just one answer, Fight. They are going from all over the world to help including the UK The UK foreign secretary, Liz Truss, said on Sunday that Britons who chose to go to Ukraine to fight would “absolutely” have her support.
  9. Tweet by Gabriel Gatehouse International Editor, BBC Newsnight. & @novaya_gazeta When I saw this yesterday I refused to believe it was real. But now confirmed by (Nobel Prize-winning) @novaya_gazeta : primary school children arrested by police in Moscow for laying flowers at Ukrainian embassy holding signs saying “No To War”.
  10. Just been watch a live statement by Ukraines Prime Minister on the BBC. He confirmed that weapons and equipment from all corners of the world were reaching Ukraine daily and thanked everyone for the continued support, unfortunately the interpreter who was doing the voice over was getting very emotional, so much of the statement was left without translation other than a few snippets more. To confirm some of the above the President also spoke with Boris today: Zelensky has also spoken to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson this morning - he thanked Johnson for ensuring that defensive aid reached Ukraine and said it had been vital in holding back Russian forces, according to a British readout of the call. Both leaders agreed on the need for sanctions to go further to exert maximum pressure on Vladimir Putin. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60582327 The world needs to send as much aid, both humanitarian and military, its getting through and helping.
  11. No but by the looks of it it could have been one of these............... Russia has been accused of using 'vacuum bombs' in Ukraine. What are those? Russian forces have been accused of using the widely banned and dangerous weapons known as vacuum bombs that "obliterate" their victims. Amnesty International accused Russia of using vacuum bombs, or thermobaric weapons, to attack a preschool in northeastern Ukraine while civilians took shelter inside. CNN reported that one of its teams had spotted a Russian thermobaric multiple rocket launcher near the Ukrainian border early on Saturday afternoon. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/03/01/vacuum-bombs-russia-ukraine/9328666002/
  12. EU and UK stand by their commitments to Ukrainian refuges fleeing persecution from the paranoid dictator Putin The European Union prepares for millions of refugees from Ukraine The European Union has promised that all war refugees from Ukraine will be accepted. Boris Johnson has said the UK could take in 200,000 or more Ukrainian refugees as the government extends its help to more people fleeing the war.
  13. No, its Putin and the Russian media doing that with their false narrative that they launched an operation to denazify Ukraine. You are just parroting the lies and spreading more misinformation
  14. OWD has now been updated up to the 1st March with its 7 day rolling average of cases and deaths. For comparison we can see that covid deaths now are over the level in the Alpha wave but thankfully nowhere near the Delta surge. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  15. Bit of a random post, there's no leaders going there to fight is there?
  16. PRESS RELEASE: the #ICJ will hold public hearings in the case concerning Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (#Ukraine v. #RussianFederation) on 7 and 8 March 2022 https://twitter.com/CIJ_ICJ/status/1498728920589508609 https://www.icj-cij.org/public/files/case-related/182/182-20220301-PRE-01-00-EN.pdf
  17. The devastation of residential area's in this video clip providing clear evidence of the discriminant bombing. Videos verified by @nytimes show devastating scenes in the town of Borodyanka, northwest of Kyiv. Two apartment buildings have partially collapsed and they surround a kindergarten. https://twitter.com/muyixiao/status/1498857620370821123
  18. Russian Airborne troops now in Khakiv Ukraine's military has confirmed earlier reports that Russian paratroopers had landed in Kharkiv in an effort to take the besieged city. According to the Ukrainian military, the aerial assault began just as air raid sirens were starting to sound in Kharkiv and the surrounding region. The statement adds that the Russian troops attacked a regional military hospital, and that fighting is ongoing. It is currently just after 06:00 in the mostly Russian-speaking city. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60582327
  19. ‘I did not join Ukraine as a Thai national, but as a human being’: former airman volunteers to fight Russian invasion When Chanapong arrived yesterday morning at Ukraine’s Bangkok embassy on Wireless Road, he carried a passport and proof of his military experience. He told its staff that he was there to enlist to help Ukraine’s army fight off Russian invaders. “I want the Ukrainian people to know that they are not alone,” he said in an interview last night, identifying himself only by his first name. “If they ask for help, I’m willing to answer.” In Thailand, the Ukrainian Embassy in Bangkok has publicized an email address for those who want to enlist. https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/i-did-not-join-ukraine-as-a-thai-national-but-as-a-human-being-former-airman-volunteers-to-fight-russian-invasion/
  20. R.B. made a mistake on the numbers, from the dashboard its 1,094 in ICU and 310 on ventilators. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  21. PCR test positive cases, total of 22,197 official new infections. 45 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 17,514 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 39,711 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD has not updated since 27th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  22. People are trapped in Kyiv. Happening as we speak.....................women and children still attempting to leave, the only way out is via a crumbling old makeshift bridge. On the outskirts of Kyiv, makeshift bridge only way to flee Russian forces At the north-western entrance to the Ukrainian capital across the Irpin river, people flee the advancing Russian forces using a makeshift pedestrian bridge.
  23. No thanks, watch "winter on fire" on netflix far more truthful. Either that or carry on with the lies put out by Putin that this is a war on Nazi's
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