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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. "WHO is concerned that several countries are drastically reducing testing. This inhibits our ability to see where the #COVID19 virus is, how it’s spreading & evolving. Testing remains a vital tool in our fight against the pandemic, as part of a comprehensive strategy"- https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1501565506188451847
  2. The brave Russians who protest and end up arrested as a result are also in an organised event. Plenty of that in western media also. However to say all Russians under 50 appose the war is just plain wrong
  3. Check again............video in link Saluting youths in a shopping mall in Kazan wearing the Z Russian army logo
  4. Nobody? Plenty of images coming out of Russia to say thats not the case. Even this example from a Russian athlete in Qatar Ukraine war: Why has 'Z' become a Russian pro-war symbol? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60644832
  5. Cool, I'll take a jump in my swimming pool to get clean and enjoy the water that way along with my family.....????
  6. Being provided to Ukraine by the UK, Starstreak missiles are seriously nasty & small anti-aircraft missile w/three dart warheads. Being laser beam riding, Russian flares are useless to decoy them. They are much faster than a Stinger & all the operator has to do is keep the crosshair on the aircraft. Meanwhile Lada halts production of its cars due to sanctions and parts shortages......????
  7. Doomers? Have you been dreaming? I'm pretty sure most people want this implemented even sooner the same as the rest of the world.
  8. From yesterdays WHO Thailand weekly update https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  9. PCR test positive cases, total of 22,984 official new infections. 74 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 49,495 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 72,479 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 8th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  10. Whats happening now is truly horrific, reminding me of the Syrian devastation aided by the Russian forces there. The horrifying attack on Mariupol. Children's hospital and maternity hospital. Deliberately flattened by a large missile strike. A coordinated strike as revealed by Zakharova the Russian spokeswoman claiming that "Ukrainian nationalists kicked out all the patients and staff and set up firing points there". Even WHO has verified 18 attacks on health facilities in Ukraine. Saluting youths in a shopping mall in Kazan wearing the Z Russian army logo side and then looking at the photographs coming out of Mariupol and it’s hard not to feel sick.
  11. Still waiting for the evidence in the last video you posted of her a few days ago, she said she was going to publish it..... As for her previous claims: Her coverage on conflict in Donbas region was flagged as fake due to misinterpretation and misleading statement on number ofdeaths and casualties. On French conservative 24-hour news channel CNews, she said 13000 were killed, the information was fackchecked and debunked by multiple french media. StopFake.org stated her documentary movie was referencing messages used in the Russian propagand
  12. Russia can be trusted with nothing, this is a fight for freedom and humanity or tyranny, take your choice
  13. Not on the website yet but on TV, BBC is reporting that Russia has cut electricity to the Chernobyl Power plant according to Ukraine Energy Minister, a very dangerous situation currently
  14. You can send me a pm if you like to the reddit thread that gives pay etc as I said its between 500 USD - 1500 USD per month depending what you do.
  15. RE: Ukraine volunteers. Just found more info on this. It seems to be around 500 USD - 1500 USD per month depending what you do and which section you sign up with, plenty of direct info anyway on the reddit page with people there right now and with the direct contacts organizing the sign ups I'm not permitted to share a link to another forum but easy to find in Google
  16. JUst amended my post above yours, thanks. Just found a volunteers page on a reddit that seems to be very active with a FAQ section etc "VolunteersForUkraine" Looking for all sorts, medics being needed now along with fighters of course
  17. Conspiracy theory nonsense. China the only country that has embedded reporters in Ukraine with the Russian forces https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-08/china-pushes-russia-conspiracy-theory-about-u-s-labs-in-ukraine https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/25/fact-check-claim-us-biolabs-ukraine-disinformation/6937923001/ https://interestingengineering.com/fact-check-ukraine-biolabs https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/25/tweets/there-are-no-us-run-biolabs-ukraine-contrary-socia/
  18. I'm saying what reported thats why. Only Ukraine residents that have offered to fight are getting paid, can you link me to any report that says overseas volunteers are getting paid other than basic food expenses etc? These are not all fighters either, there are medical personal and other requirement that have volunteered. Also required: Surgeons (esp. Trauma) Anesthesiologists Paramedics/Nurses/Physician assistants (especially those with military medical training or those who speak Russian/Ukrainian)
  19. This all helps with volunteers many ex military from all over the world, over 20,000 already. Foreign volunteers will be able to obtain Ukrainian citizenship if they want to, First Deputy Interior Minister Yevhen Yenin said on March 9. Twenty thousand foreign volunteers have joined Ukrainian forces to fight Russia since March 6.
  20. Happening now. Source Loud series of explosions heard from Kyiv and surrounding area right now. Kyiv city just put out another siren alert to seek shelter immediately. The explosions have been incessant for three minutes. Still going but with bigger gaps in between. This is the grim soundtrack to the lives of millions of Ukrainians. Each blast, roar, tremble of earth brings horrific questions to mind. Who is on the receiving end of this? What has it done to them? Is it going to come here next?
  21. Exactly. Lets face it, Zenelskyy has already said he's not giving up, only yesterday quoting words from "Winston Churchill" to the UK parliament. So we are back to square one, both sides not budging and no hope yet of any meaningful peace talks to end this, even with Macron doing his best with direct talks with Putin came up with zero. In any case why on earth should it be Ukraine that gives up, ridiculous to even make that suggestion, just gives the world the sign that any country can go and invade another just because they are stronger. To be honest I think the best we can hope for at this stage is for those that need to flee (over 2 million so far with 800,000 of those being children) be allowed to do so and those that remain because of choice as I would if I was Ukrainian to stay and fight or support where possible. Puitn's idea that this would be over in a couple of days has vanished into the reality that his army has performed poorly and met huge patriotic resistance. Unfortunately because of sheer numbers he can still go a long way and flatten Ukraine.
  22. Ukraine v. Russian Federation: International Court of Justice starts hearings On March 7, or the 12th day of Russia’s all-out war against Ukraine, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) held the first hearing in the “Ukraine v. Russian Federation” case. One of the six United Nations principal courts based in The Hague, ICJ heard Ukraine’s request for indication of provisional measures against Russia in the proceedings instituted by Ukraine on Feb. 26. Though Russia refused to participate in the ICJ hearings in its letter of March 5, the Court will proceed without hearing Russia’s arguments. https://kyivindependent.com/national/ukraine-v-russian-federation-international-court-of-justice-starts-hearings/
  23. Agreed, its much deeper but does show that any future agreements are also subject to uncertainty. If any happen. There's lots of history to this from all sides but the reality is dealing with the present aggression going on now and not keep focusing on the "what about" I see a lot of posts about the past and bringing in excuses for whats going on now. What is going on now is an unprovoked attack by a dictator that needs to stop.
  24. Its a pity Russia did not stick to the deal signed in 1994 that if Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons then it would never attack it. Ukraine did that but Russia...............invasion "The unfolding invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching repercussions that extend way beyond a breach of international law and a violation of the country’s territorial integrity. As American international relations expert David Yost notes, Russia’s actions will weaken the credibility of major power security assurances, undermine the nuclear nonproliferation regime and dampen prospects for future disarmament. Putin’s decision to invade is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum, a key instrument assuring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity." https://theconversation.com/ukraine-war-what-is-the-budapest-memorandum-and-why-has-russias-invasion-torn-it-up-178184
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