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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Back in early May there's lots of links and videos of the Russians stealing expensive farm equipment, tractors, combine harvesters etc and putting them on convoys back to Russia as well.
  2. Present for Putin from secretary general of NATO announced just before the start of the G7 meeting: BBC Report Nato to massively expand quick response force "We will strengthen our forward defences. We will enhance our battle groups in the eastern part of the alliance, up to brigade levels. We will transform the Nato response force and increase the number of our high readiness forces to well over 300,000," Jens Stoltenberg tells reporters in Madrid ahead of a summit there this week. Meanwhile, Putin at his meeting of the G1
  3. Indepth piece from the BBC with evidence of Russians stealing Ukraine grain, how they turn off the ships trackers, make fake certificates claiming its Russian grain, shoot at the farms cctv to knock out evidence and in some areas instead of outright stealing they are forcing Ukrainian farmers to sell grain at prices well below market rates, and sign documents to prove it was purchased "legally". Where is Russia taking Ukraine's stolen grain? https://www.bbc.com/news/61790625
  4. Yet the NYT ran multiple investigations and articles on the origins of the corona virus.......????
  5. So another one of your collection of extreme right wing conspiracy websites: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-federalist/
  6. Another conspiracy theory nonsense website that your promoting, keep going ???? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/climate-change-dispatch/
  7. Why read tin foil hat nonsense, thats for fools
  8. Is this the Quakery, Mercola.com pseudoscience website that sometimes advocates for dangerous, inaction or action, to serious health issues that you were advocating? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/mercola/
  9. dog whistle scare tactics by who, the supreme court judge announcing possible further restriction on contraception and gay marriage?
  10. You need a serious lesson in truth even your link counters your own claims
  11. What a ridiculous statement, this is from a survey in a developed country, Australia. Its also a growing problem in the US and UK Here's some more facts for you from the US: 'Rape-Adjacent': Imagining Legal Responses to Nonconsensual Condom Removal
  12. It has plenty of bearing when you were the one that brought it up. You fail to acknowledge any of a woman's burdens including work and their own financial contributions that would pay for her baby if she wanted to keep it. Or did you also expect that a woman stays at home for ever after a baby is born and have to rely on a man? News, he has no rights on an abortion decision, he has no rights to control a woman's body and what she does with it or puts it through. However you know that right?
  13. Your links are from back in April things have moved on just a tadge since then. Putin has been making negotiating tactics throughout the attack, that' his favourite ploy and one he would love, Ukraine concede and be done with it. I understand perfectly what Putin is doing, he's attempting to drag Belarus into the war while at the same time agreeing to requests from Lukashenko who asked for Russia to make Belarusian warplanes nuclear-capable which Putin agreed to. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61936820 Ukraine accuses Russia of dragging Belarus into war https://www.aninews.in/news/world/europe/ukraine-accuses-russia-of-dragging-belarus-into-war20220625203742/
  14. Quite simply it has a bearing where you claimed it didn't. Do you think the fact that men who carry on working or studying and not interrupting their career whereas women cannot does not have a bearing to the woman then?
  15. It does have a bearing along with all the other reasons mentioned. Since when does a man need to take a break from his career or college in pregnancy
  16. Yes whats that got to do with Putins meeting yesterday with Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko when he said he would supply nuclear capable missiles and also said Russia would help to modify Belarusian SU-25 warplanes so that they could carry nuclear weapons
  17. NATO cares especially when Putin makes threatens against NATO countries. Nations care especially when Putins goals do not stop at Ukraine.
  18. Like Putin saying yesterday that he would arm Belarus with nuclear capable missiles?
  19. No it is not, in 2019 44% of abortions are carried out with medication by 2020 that figure had grown to 50%, not sure what it is now. Most abortions are also carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy, 93% which is before the 14 week period.
  20. Forced birth in a country with: —No universal healthcare —No universal childcare —No paid family & medical leave —One of the highest rates of maternal mortality among rich nations This isn't about "life." It's about control. Justice Clarence Thomas suggests Supreme Court could rethink decisions on contraceptives, same-sex marriage
  21. I disagree with ban of movement too but choices are not so easy, you cannot predict accidental pregnancies, young women/teens still at school/college who have accidental pregnancies do not have the option to move as just one example.
  22. It is anticipated that up to 50% of states will adopt this law. For the affluent who find it easier to move then its not so much of a problem, for those in poverty, those with ties, especially, family and cultural will find it is very hard. The end of Roe will mean more children living in poverty and some states could ban people traveling to other states for an abortion
  23. Not only are red states curtailing womens rights to abortion we now have posters wanting it stepped up and curtailed even more............jeez
  24. You've already exposed your level of understanding for the act of sex and womens rights. So pointless for us to engage further.
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