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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Meanwhile US hostages linger in the tunnels of Rafah. Pro-Israel Democrats slam Biden’s threat to stop arms transfers if Israel enters Rafah Prominent pro-Israel Democrats criticize US President Joe Biden for threatening to halt the transfer of offensive weaponry to Israel if the IDF carries out an offensive in Rafah. “Hard disagree and deeply disappointing,” says US Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania. Representative Ritchie Torres of New York told Axios he suspects Biden is “pandering to the far left.” “It looks like election year politics was driving it. That’s my impression,” he adds. “I’d like the president to do right by Israel and recognize that the far left is not representative of the rest of the country.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/pro-israel-democrats-slam-bidens-threat-to-stop-arms-transfers-if-israel-invades-rafah/
  2. Here's a movie of it being done by the protestors! Get that frigging head out of Al Jazeera News!
  3. How Hamas fooled the world Sinister Hamas terms would let it keep most hostages, win the war, inflame the West Bank But the Hamas proposal is structured to enable it to release very few of the hostages in return not only for an end to the IDF’s campaign in Gaza and its survival and resumption of full control there, but also for a planned surge in support for Hamas in the West Bank, the further neutering of the Palestinian Authority, and the potential major escalation of violence against Israel in and from the West Bank. https://www.timesofisrael.com/sinister-hamas-deal-would-let-it-keep-most-hostages-win-the-war-inflame-the-west-bank/
  4. Israel has no choice. Protect civilians and targeted strikes. https://twitter.com/Mike_Pence/status/1787672329956294870 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzLoHgalsms&t=59s
  5. Says you who believes Israel should not have its own state, the true river to the sea peddler.
  6. If he does than I will let him answer for himself as I don't see Biden weaponizing anything there.
  7. Propagandists? So when "Mr al Wahaidi (Hamas) told Sky News that this was a "media estimate". He was not able to explain the basis for this estimate or who had produced it." that was just propaganda? Or when Gaza Health Authority (Hamas) told the WSJ "The ministry says its casualty counts include two types of fatalities: those recorded by medical facilities and those reported by “reliable media sources.” In its March 31 report, the ministry attributes 15,070 of the dead, or 45.9%, to news reports. From which outlets?" that was just propaganda? I could go on but you've obviously not read any of the links I supplied or whether your article is also missing information from them.............oh dear
  8. Just one of the changes Hamas carried out to the deal: "While the original deal called for 33 living hostages, Hamas changed the wording to include 33 hostages “alive or bodies,” officials told public broadcaster KAN TV." Can't get much lower than that.
  9. Its truly awful, the way civilians have been used in their war against Israel. Never before has there ever been anything so horrific that I can think of. This is an opinion piece but worth a read: Israel's Attack on Rafah Must Proceed. Here's Why | Opinion https://www.newsweek.com/israels-attack-rafah-must-proceed-heres-why-opinion-1885629
  10. No Freudian slip here. Just the high risk of international reporters getting kidnapped.
  11. One of the high risks that I always thought about would be the reporters being taken hostage themselves. After all, this is a unique war, the terrorists walk among civilians. International reporters would need a high level of protection from IDF otherwise they'll be a major target for kidnapping. Hamas don't bother kidnapping Al Jazeera....we know why......lol
  12. Kerem Shalom Crossing reopens to Gaza aid, days after Hamas attack forced closure.
  13. This clears it up. From US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller. US: Hamas claimed to accept ceasefire offer, but ‘that’s not what they did’ "Hamas seemed to make clear in their public statements that they accepted that offer yesterday. That is not what they did. They responded with amendments or a counter-proposal, and we’re working through the details of that now. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/us-hamas-claimed-to-accept-ceasefire-offer-but-thats-not-what-they-did/
  14. LOL, the Israel Times has a higher factual rating than the Washington Post. Would you like to get back on topic now?
  15. Your claim: Your claim is wrong. Its has a "high" factual rating for news, the same as the New York Times.
  16. That's been in Israeli media for quite some time https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-confirms-holding-up-sale-of-heavy-bombs-it-feared-israel-would-use-in-rafah/ Its also in the other topic
  17. US signals backing for ‘limited op’ after IDF takes over Gazan side of Rafah crossing State Department says legitimate for Israel to prevent Hamas from collecting revenue at border gate with Egypt, while urging quick reopening of crossing so aid deliveries continue https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-signals-backing-for-limited-op-after-idf-takes-over-gazan-side-of-rafah-crossing/
  18. Just making things up now. Here's a fresh report: CIA chief due in Israel Wednesday for talks with Netanyahu, other top officials https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-08-2024/
  19. What Israeli propaganda are you referring to? Can you link to a recent report that is specific to it?
  20. No, because you started of with personals slurs here. Its quite obvious there are no daily updates here you want to talk about but just looking for a bickering session
  21. Why did you want to make it personal all the time with spit the dummy out rants like that which have no basis in reality.
  22. While I'm more than disgusted at the reactions on here by pro-Israeli's it matters not a jot to them that whatever is said about all the death and destruction it is all justifiable due to 7/10, humanity doesn't matter. It matters a lot, Hamas are responsible for all of it with their deliberate strategy to use their own civilians as human shields. Hamas planned it this way. My disgust is more at those who think being pro Israeli means you don't care.
  23. You posted that once already, I read it when you posted it and responded, it has not changed or been updated. Even John Kirby stated the deal in place was for 6 week ceasefire, the new deal Hamas accepted is not, it is for a permanent end to the war. My response remains the same>
  24. You can think what you want. Allegations are two a penny. Evidence or the US stating this is nowhere.
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