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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Busses are underpowered , it takes them a long time to get up to speed so when they do they do not want to slow down.
  2. If you are a cheap charlie and hire a farmer instead of a professional to save a few batt don't expect a perfect job.
  3. The Welsh have a saying, when translated , says the male donkey will go to the female donkey.
  4. If a vehicle is puking out black smoke, it should be shut off and towed to a facility for repair before it is allowed to start up again. I can't see this happening so the pollution will go on. Same should apply to motorcycles with no tail lights on rural roads. People should value their life more than the price of a light bulb.
  5. The reason they went after Taksin was not because he slipped a few dollars in his pocket, they all do that, it was because he awakened the masses letting them know they could have a say in ruling the country. They need to get control of the "privy council" that is the key to any move forward.
  6. I was scrounging washing machine parts on the town dump when some town official came along. He saw me but said nothing just put a chain across the gate and put a lock on it. However I had my bolt cutters so ended up with 20' of 3/8" chain and left town.
  7. About twenty years ago drove for two days to go see the panda. The panda was sleeping in its air conditioned facility, woke up took a dump and went back to sleep.On the way home got appendicitis and had to have an appendectomy. Not the best trip I have taken.
  8. Nothing a sharp knife wouldn't fix or maybe a dull one better.
  9. If you want to be safe "Yanks go home."
  10. I think Thai Smile cancelled the senior discount?
  11. You reap what you sow. If the United Fruit Company had not been allowed to screw up the central American countries they would not be coming.
  12. All we hear about the Ukraine is western propaganda, "Ukrainian soldier takes out fifteen Russian tanks", "Russian missile hits school/hospital","Russian plane shot down by Ukranian by boy with slingshot." I have never seen any news feed give Putin a chance to state his case ,why he went into Ukraine. Perhaps if we heard it, it would make sense, that is why they don't let us hear it. Also they never mention how many Ukrainians are pro Russian. As for the nukes the Yanks should take them and shove them where the sun don't shine, stay out of the UK.
  13. About time used to get 31 or 32 for a Canadian dollar now get 26.
  14. Went to a disco once could only stand it for half an hour. Took my beer and went outside and joined the other old duffers that felt the same way. My old lady came out about ten minutes after, she couldn't stand it either and she is Thai.
  15. Years ago a business class ticket bought in Thailand was much cheaper than one bought outside of Thailand. So you could fly into Thailand on points then buy a return out of Thailand. The airlines caught on to this so demanded to see a ticket out of Thailand. If you had a visa in your passport you could get around this requirement.
  16. They must eat at least 10 kg of meat a day. How could you afford to feed one of these. TESCO does not sell a cheap line of lion food.
  17. I have noticed that the unpasturised coconut milk is not sold at TESCO anymore. When I go to Malasia or Singapore I stock up on BOH tea, right now I still have Yorkshire Tea left but will check out Villa Market when I run out. They have the best selection of farang food.
  18. I had my apendix out a few years ago before they had an ATM at the hospital.So when I went to leave they put me in an ambulance and headed to the nearest ATM with the lights and siren on ,wasn't too expensive around $1200. I think I was in the hospital three nights.
  19. Quite often when you order a replacement part you get an upgraded version, this is most probably what you received and should work fine.
  20. Try Thai Smile they are good about changes and refunds. You could book to Laos online and have an instant copy to print out.
  21. How can something that can eat you be considered a pet? In a year or so that thing will be dangerous.
  22. The problem was when they first came out nobody knew what they were.I went to change some money but the bank accepted my drivers licence but not my pink card. Now I find it useful wherever ID is required .
  23. Go home yanks. If there were no US soldiers interfering in Syria and Iraq then they could not be attacked.They are an unwanted pox on the earth.
  24. That's one good thing the tsunami did was to clean up the beach. The safe swimming area on Kho Phi Phi was getting smaller and smaller each year. They are back again now but it was good for a while need another tsunami.
  25. Trucks are way underpowered there is a hill near where i live about 5% max. Those sugar trucks crawl up at about 5mph holding up the rest of the traffic.Not too much weight just not enough power.
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