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Everything posted by nickmondo

  1. personally i have stopped taking an interest in the politics here. Its none of my business All I am concerned about it my own life, and my loved ones and friends here. For now, all is fine. Immigration a bit of a pain with the ridiculous 90 day reports, that for some reason i can no longer do online, but thats my only gripe. So not bad at all. If it gets a real pain to live here, simple, i will go somewhere else. But as for now, all ok, and whoever is in charge is none of my business. I stick to the rules
  2. and the Thai people are just going to accept this? they are just going to roll over and have their tummies tickled? you could not make this <deleted> up
  3. its the worst IO in Thailand. They only want agents who pay them their corruption money. This will never stop in that office. All on the take
  4. you are a tourist? been here 30 days, you want another 30? In which case, your hotel is enough. If they dont accept they are just being total <deleted>, and I would be on the next plane to Vietnam if i were you. But for sure, that would not have happened in Hua Hin, you would be out with your xtra 30 days in about 30 minutes. You have to remember, Jomtien is probably the busiest and worst Immigration office in Thailand.
  5. move or kill it. why i never buy a home in Thailand, or Spain, or Philippines, or Vietnam, or Cambodia.........etc
  6. i tend to agree. All the smiley faces hide the true person behind it. I think Thais in general are all about themselves, especially in cars...........its me, me, me. All this smiling and welcoming..........in some cases genuine, but in the main, I feel very false. Good manners..........very rare here in my opinion. But better than England...........or.......what used to be England......so I will fight it out here.
  7. YES, Thai girls are lovely looking. Unfortunately since the West has polluted Thailand with its fast food, so many Thai girls have joined the Obesity Club. When i first came to Thailand in 2012, very unusual to see a fat Thai girl..........but now........seems that obesity is on a rapid rise here...........such a shame
  8. she has a photo of him so it must be true. she needs to point at it, and that way, we can be sure............need to point.
  9. bla bla bla about as much chance of this happening as Pita becoming PM in the next few weeks
  10. maybe the police could come to my Soi and nab the 12 year old Thai kids racing their noisy, crap, illegal small motorbikes with motogp exhausts up and down the road every bloody night. yes, i do go out there and stop them, and its ok for a few days, but they soon get back on it. yes, i have thought about beating the crap out of their bikes with a baseball bat.........but they have daddies who are high on meths or whatever it is they take, and tend to have guns...............
  11. the more i read here, the more i realise that most of you have no idea what your talking about. You cannot tar all bar girls with the same brush. Why are they bar girls? Are they bad because they work in a bar? Or are they using what assets they have to take care of their families? The vast majority of them are normal girls, who are doing the work to make as much money as they can before their looks go bad. Yes, they can appear ruthless, but they do all they need to do to make the money for their family. Unlike some people on here, I do know the bar girl business inside out, having experienced it from the other side of the bar so to speak
  12. bored with the joke that is politics. not just in Thailand, but UK and US also nothing to do with us, let the Thais get on with it sooooooooooooo boring
  13. the woman wear hankies on their heads the fat men wear budgie snugglers, speedos they all stand on the beach with hands on hips, and turn 90 degrees every few minutes to get an even tan. they stand in the shallow sea in a circle miserable looking gits push past people in any queue, especially in 7
  14. they forget that people come here, get ripped off, go home, tell everyone about it, and dont return. so thailand loses return visitors and potential new ones that no longer want to come
  15. brilliant that they killed the dog.
  16. if your prostrate tests are pretty much normal, i would put it down to the hernia. was it Inguinal? Direct or Indirect? because the side effects during recovery are many, including discomfort in your meat and veg.
  17. ive got a problem with 3 dogs barking all day, next door, because their <deleted> owner leaves them alone all day when at work. what should i do?
  18. Give it no more thought. Dont even think about her, or what she said. Her opinion is of no consequence to you, so why even worry about it? You did the right thing, just leave, no tip, perfect.
  19. do what i did go into a pharmacy and explain to the pharmacist they will recommend why are you asking non doctors or pharmacists? your asking for sarcastic remarks and also bad advice
  20. and what about Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, where the majority of the smog comes from ?
  21. This is why i dont live in condos........always one jerk that will disturb you.
  22. https://www.petcharavejhospital.com/en/Package/package_detail/laparoscopic_surgery_hernia this hospital has a good price and has good parking
  23. I did not think many, if any, were pretty anyway. And as for hooters......clearly the staff did not need to have the appearance of a hooters girl that we are used to in the western world.
  24. i totally agree! I did not go to Phuket, but Jomtien........I thought exactly the same. I wont go back.
  25. these are the problems you get when obtaining dodgy visas.......enjoy
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