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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. Tough call for the boss, just before the election the people are calling on him to invoke his powers to solve the pollution problem.

    Trouble is that will involve removing half the buses that operate in the city, many other vehicles or stationary engines that are emitting fumes, factories that pump smoke into the air, diesel trains that are past their sell-by-date, & trying to encourage the private driver to car share, as well as telling farmers not to burn their fields!!

    If he invokes all those measures the backlash from the inconvenienced public will have an affect on his popularity just before his hoped for re-election!!

    Between a rock & a hard place !!


  2. 18 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Reactions on Thaivisa, a webforum frequented by expats in Thailand, was overwhelmingly negative, with many commentators saying the regulations undercut claims from Thai officials that the deposit is to ensure they have sufficient resources to get by.


    “Then why keep up the charade that this money is to cover living expenses if it can only be used six months out of the year,” user Connda wrote. “So…what’s next? What’s the next hammer to drop?”

    “And I thought the 800,000 baht was for living expenses, not as an interest earner for the Thai banks!” user Madmitch vented.


    there is room in my attic if anyone wants to hide. :clap2:

    I'm packed & ready, do you have air-con & a pool?

  3. 5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    According to the Pollution Control Department (PCD), it is unsafe if the amount of PM2.5 exceeds 50 micrograms per cubic metre of air. Anything beyond this, and people will start experiencing health problems.

    This is true if you use the "Thai scale" of what's safe, nothing is safe, certainly not 50 micrograms.

    Go to the W.H.O web page to see what the rest of the world consider as being acceptable!!

  4. 5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    I remember seeing something very similar over twenty-five years ago on Soi Ruam Rudee, just off Rama 4 in Bangkok.

    A motorbike taxi with a passenger stupidly drove over a mass of telephone wires that had come loose.

    Some of the wires got entangled around the motorbike's back wheel, and when became taught stopped the motorbike dead. The two people on the bike both shot over the top of the bike and slid along the road. Fortunately no serious injuries.

    25 years ago... really?

    Snore !!

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  5. 13 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    i see there is a big sell off in the stock market.


    sober up bat boy.

    Agreed, a p*sshead is no role model as a superhero!

    Time to hang-up his bat wings.

    A bit embarrassing when you have to call "Grab" to get to the next catastrophe because your over the limit for driving the bat-mobile!!

    • Haha 1
  6. What a complete and utter shambles. They have litteraly no idea of how to stop pollution.

    Planes, drones, hosepipes, god knows what other pathetic measures.

    These are all ridiculous measures that last less than 5 minutes.

    Get to the root causes of pollution and get it under control permanently.

    This just goes to show that the country is run by completely inept officials incapable of carrying out their duties in office.

    Discharge them all and employ people with knowledge of how to run a country!


    • Like 1
  7. Looking very closely at the start of the video he seems to get into trouble just after crossing the "expansion" strip on the bridge?

    All seems to be going well for him before that point, might have made him slip or even get a puncture?

    But the fortunes were with him that time as the impact didn't kill him or the fall into the river or even from drowning... lucky lad indeed!


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