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Everything posted by toofarnorth

  1. Was certainly open on Thursday 23rd Nov. Wife crossed and came back with booze.
  2. Half way down page 2 and it is what my mate terms a bun fight . Won't bother with page 3.
  3. Loy Kaboom . Sooner it goe away the better , from grumpy falang.
  4. I was wondering if they now know sone new English words , EG ' Ow that hurts just a tad '. Or even 'ow Bow Locks '.
  5. ear ! What's that all about in the first pic ?
  6. The loco is Olton Hall , I wonder if Olton Hall is haunted.
  7. 'There's none so blind as them what don't listen '. Del Boy.
  8. We have Tree Shrews in the trees over the road from us. Just as well they are not squirels , ask a Thai to say squirel .
  9. Not sure if it is the Thai language but several years ago my Thai wife and myself stopped to fill up with gasahol and I needed a pee. There were 3 options for relief. Ladies on the left , men on the right . In the middle was a wider one and a sign for wheelchairs. The wife said while pointing to the middle one ' We share '. I said we were not !
  10. My thought too. Just not enough pointing lately.
  11. Counterfeit products in LoS , I am shocked , what ever next !
  12. Reminded me . Many years ago we stopped for a pee ata service station and I saw 3 grades of toilet , I asked the Thai wife what the middle one was she said ' We share ' We are not I retorted ' What the middle one was , was Wheel Chair. Very close I thought.
  13. Maybe your just taking the piss.
  14. My Thai wife says if a roadside pee is needed ' Men shoot the rubish , women water the flowers '.
  15. ' I was walking down the road and someone said you're Tommy Cooper , I said I know '.
  16. Yep, I get this , I wake up and start analising the dream " why on earth would I be doing that '' etc. I have about 50 books here and in one of them the writer said our dreams float off and mingle with others. A strange one gets repeated every so often. I go to a pub , there are stairs up to another level and there are about four blokes sitting drinking and I know their names , then I wake up.If I just had one full name it might help. Oh another one is waking up with a song in my head that I haven't heard for maybe 50 years.
  17. Expats- please advise . Worth a read I thought . Wrong ! American football !
  18. I wonder if Koh Samui is the only place to see mopeds , been here nigh on 20 years and never yet seen one.
  19. I don't talk about ladyboys , don't go near them , just the thought leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.
  20. I bought my tube of gas 5 days , cost 475 B I think . Why do I think ....well 'er indoors does the chat and hands over 1000B note , Then the change goes in a bin under the car radio. What a rigmorole though. On arriving with the empty tube in the boot , boot open , photo taken of empyt tube. Back up to a wall old one out new one in , glad I only have to go 1/2 mile for it. But it does last about 4 months.
  21. Aint that the truth , I go to a place called Chiang Saen next to the Mekong river. Leaving town there are about 4 sets of lights , I am on a 300cc bike they are on Waves. Lights go to green I am off , finger on the horn , they just have to pull across , if they should be looking at me before the change I look at them and nod my head.
  22. How sad the world is becoming. Fighting over a blasted phone.
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