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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Rubbish. People can freely criticise the govt. in the US. Not here. Here there is an extra layer that cannot be critisised and which the govt. has used to protect itself.
  2. As opposed to dictatorship? Of course what is democracy? What is freedom? Philosophers and scholars have been arguing this for centuries but I'll tell you one thing. Thailand isn't close. No freedom of speech, no democracy.
  3. If you look you will see most if not all countries that have the word Democratic in them are not democratic.
  4. Ok. So Thailand in your opinion is a democracy then. Please note that freedom of speech is a vital underpinning of Democracy. This is not the case here.
  5. And how many were unvaccinated (after vaccines were available) and how many were vaccinated and with what?
  6. My kid's getting her 2nd Pfizer today. In Ubon not Kalasin. More cases found from her school. As for the 34.2% being double jabbed according to the govt the rest are obviously hesitant or anti-vaxxers.
  7. I posted this last night but I think it's worth a re-post. Thailand is showing a rapid overall decrease. These are the numbers so far this month for Kalasin. I can't see a corresponding pattern.
  8. Weekly trend for this month is down, down and quite dramatically. Wk 1 total 78,101, wk 2 was 73,584 and wk 3 was 60,605. This is Kalasin. Tell me if you can see the same dramatic decrease. http://www.kalasin.go.th/t/index.php/th/covid-19.html
  9. So they know that their target will not be reached as many on here said it wouldn't and now it's time time to shift the blame. Hesitantcy? Don't want the Chinese stuff? Who bought lots and lots and lots of the Chinese stuff? Outright anti-vaxxers? I think this would be a small %. Can't even get their 1st jab. Bingo. And why is this? This blame shifting has been going on for a while now. Never a mention of the incompetency of the Govt. vaccine rollout.
  10. Just a thought. Testing is way higher and how they classify covid deaths differs from Thailand.
  11. These are the Tuesday numbers including ATK for this month. tues 12144 tues 9565 tues 8020 tues 6642
  12. Walkins under 5000. I wonder about ATK useage and positive notifications along with incorrect useage giving false negatives. Today's number including ATK is the lowest since July 7.
  13. .... but unfortunatly our religious ritual has resulted in people catching SarS-Cov-2."
  14. A bit more new infections than last Monday. I still get the feeling they hold onto prison numbers and release a larger number when the official daily count is low and lower prison numbers when the daily new infections number is higher.
  15. <deleted> no, no, no. Rich kid killing police officer. Nothing. Police officers put plastic bag on someone's head and kills them? Not murder. Corruption is rife. No problem with corruption. Sex toys? No way. Pure madness driven by the religious right and supported by the ultra conservative military govt.
  16. Either dilusional or out right liars. Both really. Funny how the baht seems to be strengthening. Well not funny really.
  17. Let's see what post Loy Krathong brings. Hoping that wasn't super spreader event.
  18. 29 deaths is very low. Those in ICU have reduced by 196 in a week down from 1,808, intubated down by 37 in a week from 425 and today's death toll is down by 18 compared to 55 a week ago. Yesterday 53 deaths today 29. This is indeed a very sharp fall compared to the reduction in ICU and intubated figures.
  19. New infections + ATK have been increasing since Tuesday last wk (8020). On the other hand those in care numbers are reducing.
  20. Everytime anything is privatized it's pushed that competition will see prices go down. I'm not sure if this has happened anywhere. Just the opposite in fact.
  21. I'm saying corruption is part of Thai culture. Every Thai person knows it is. I said on another thread that the Loy Krathong at the local temple broke the State of Emergency and CCSA laws yet was allowed to continue. We all know why. Not sure why you questioned my post. Corruption is top to bottom here.
  22. If you could show this change in definition with a source I would like to see it.
  23. All drugs should be legal. Kids as you mention should be educated in a postive mode not just drugs are bad. Drugs aren't bad if used properly and are clean. Been used for centuries. Portugal has a good attitude towards this. Educate, set up community help for the addicted, set up employment programs and a lot more (worth having a look) and crime goes down as does other negative things associated with 'illicit' drug taking. Corruption disappears. This is why it doesn't happen.
  24. There was an article a couple a days ago. Thai culture is more important than personal freedom. This is Thai culture on show. You have money then you can kill someone. Nevermind. Seems the missus has taken off with the money. I'm guessing he'll walk.
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