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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. WHO believed the CCP lies and allowed this virus to spread globally. You want to believe CCP propaganda that's up to you.
  2. The WHO. Well no credibility with me that's for sure. The head of their investigation team into the origins of this has direct ties with the Wuhan Lab. The WHO is not independent. Remember that. This rubbish justifies and supports the lies and deception of this administration of Thailand. Fan boys think it's true, religious people think god exists but the fact is reality doesn't support delusion.
  3. AKA ATK positives are not added. Other countries must be looking at this and thinking what a good idea to hide the truth or what a complete load of BS. I guess the UK is going for the latter.
  4. Let's see. Even given that these are PCR tested and given that official daily infections remain around the same level, let's say 10,000 then a couple of days from now the official daily infection number should be around 17,000. Do you think this will be the case.
  5. Alas it would seem that ATK tests testing positive mean absolutely nothing for this mindless govt. in their quest to decieve. Close to 7,000 postive ATK results today yet these do not count. These are positive results. Tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth for those gullible enough to believe it.
  6. Well there is one comparison you can make and that is testing rates. Every expert globally will tell you the higher the testing rates the more dependable the numbers so conversely the lower the testing rates the less denpendable. Guess we all now where Thailand sits in this.
  7. Fairly sure I'm talking about infection numbers. Sorry you misunderstood my post. I also previousy posted about deaths trending down and that I think this is due to vaccinations. Maybe you missed this post.
  8. I said some time ago now that ATK positives might be greater than the 'new daily infections'. I wonder if that will be the case. Imagine. 5000 daily cases and 10,000 ATK and it will be "look how good the numbers are". One also has to wonder how many positive ATK's are not being reported.
  9. As I have and others have shown if you get a positive reading on rapid antigen tests then it's almost 100% correct.
  10. This has plainly not been the case with numerous examples of clusters tested with ATK not making the daily count.
  11. Add ATK and numbers have gone up but overall trend is down. Deaths numbers are declining. Maybe vaccinations doing this. Still over 3K in serious condition. Open up too early and this will increase due to a very low % of fully vaccinated.
  12. Once again with ATK positives being almost 100% correct the actual number is as or close enough to as @Bkk Brianshows. 16,344. It's such a farce. If added then the number is actually the highest since Sept 21 and the 3rd highest since Sept 13.
  13. I like it with a meal or just chatting with friends. Never done any of the above. Silly comment tarring everyone with the same brush.
  14. Being that most countries are looking at or opening at around 70-80% fully vaccinated what is Thailand going to do. As of Sept. 22nd fully vaccinated was at 22.73%. Open in November with 70-80% fully vaccinated seems unlikely. Even at these rates experts are warning that caution must be taken. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
  15. Went to Lotus or should I say Lotuseseseses yesterday. It was very busy. The only visable sign where I am of a lockdown now is the curfew and of course no sitting in a restaurant enjoying a beer with the meal.
  16. Another great intellectual and useful addition to the thread. Keep up the good work.
  17. How can you say this without saying who the regular poster is. Really? Are you just making this up. This is just a nonsensical post without you supporting your comment. I remember posts from Bang Sue showing huge crowds. Of course this might just have been the camera angle.
  18. Guess you have to test to find. As I've been saying New South Wales in Australia with around the population of BKK is doing around 120,000 tests a day which is probably 3x more than Thailand as a whole is doing with a population of 70,000,000. I'm guessing that the UK looks at Thailand's testing and I guess they know that ATK positives are not being added to daily infection numbers. I'm thinking they don't trust what they're seeing from here.
  19. Look at the numbers. Why was there such an increase on Friday? I'll tell you why because they said that's what will happen and they made it happen by moving peoples jabs to Friday be it pushed forward or brought back. No conspiracy just more manipulation by an untrustworthy government. Now this is indeed hearsay but I was told somewhere around half of the million were students. Don't know how many of these were jabbed with Sinopharm but I would guess a lot. Anyone knows details on this I'd like to hear.
  20. Seems like the pushed foward and brought back vaccination appointment theory may have some justification. All to save face and say we did it whilst playing people as pawns in their face saving, braging, bit noting game.
  21. That's recommened by the makers but here they've been doing 3 wks lately obviously to get people vaxed as fast as possible to open up. The thing is coverage for people is lessened as waning will happen a lot sooner. mRNA is 3 wks, AZ is 12 wks.
  22. Was it 12 wks between jabs and has now been brought forward 3 wks? I find this interesting as my 2nd AZ jab is mid Oct which is 12 wks after the 1st. From what I've seen the longer the gap up to and including 12 wks the better for AZ.
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