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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. I guess nothing more needs to be said. You're calling @edwinchestera liar that's up to you. Why don't you PM him. Ask him if what he posted is the truth. I take him at his word.
  2. I guess you have no idea about the poster's circumstances either. I will take him at his word. No wild speculation. Not trying to inflame anything like you are.
  3. Sure. Jabs are being brought forward. 2nd AZ jabs are happening 3 wks after the 1st but minimum recommendation is 8 wks and actual recommendation is 12 wks. Have your AZ 12 wks apart and your coverage is longer before it wanes.
  4. Seems you don't understand so here it is from the horses mouth and cannot in any way be defined as heresay. @edwinchesterI hope you don't mind @dinsdale. Quote "Meaningless event as shots were cancelled previously and saved for the big day, which was supposed to be Friday. My own shot last Monday was cancelled, I and hundreds of others only found out when we got to the hospital, and told to come back Friday." As I said go to the thread and see for yourself. Seems you didn't do this.
  5. Not an opinion. A real life experience. Big difference. If you are calling the poster a liar I suggest you go to the thread and share your 'opinion'.
  6. I saw on the thread about the 1 mil jabs a poster saying his appointment and 100's of other peoples appointments were cancelled for Tues and pushed to Friday. Guessing at the place of vaccination this also happened for those on Wed and Thurs. This can only be seen as manipulation to get their fantastic 1 million in a day number.
  7. I'm in greater BKK metro area and I heard the director talking about 70-80% vaccinated. Not sure if this is 1 or 2 jabs. Should be 2 and should be 80%.
  8. Testing is about finding the virus and not letting in run rampant. It's a very simple concept. Try and stop it replicating and the chances of mutation are lessened.
  9. 70-80% double dosed for schools to 'safely' open it's difficult to tell when this will be. Phuket maybe is being rushed through. I wonder about other let's say less high profile provinces. Thing is if these empty heads open up too early and things go on the up i.e. infections, hospitilisations and deaths then what happens. As for the jabs the 2nd jab of the last lot will be 11th of Nov. Then add the 2 to 3 wks for full coverage takes it to what I think will be a Dec 1 openning. What about the more heavily populated dark red zones.
  10. Pfizer for private schools Chinise juice for public or Pfizer for all?
  11. Seems like he agrees with many of us on here who have been saying exactly that. Not sure how October openning now November openning which the govt has stated fits in with this comment.
  12. Boy I would love to see you support this with data, expert opinion, news reports etc.
  13. I have two questions. What is herd immunity and is it possible with the delta virus? There's no doubt that vaccines are preventing hospitalisation, serious infection and death but there are also vaccinated people catching the virus and they can still spread it. If you have been innoculated and can still get it and spread it I guess your not immune.
  14. As I keep saying I would like to see a breakdown of these fatalities into age groups, gender, vaccinations how many and of what and comorbidities. They have this information. 17 year old. To those who think the young don't die from this you just have to look at what @anchadianposts everyday.
  15. From the very not useful youtube reference. https//www.gov.uk/gpovernment/news/new-analysis-of-lateral-flow-tests-shows-specificity-of-at-least-999. Ok. As for virul loads that is also talked about but the overall conclusions are as stated above. Have a look first before jumping down someones throat. Campbell puts things into understandable content.
  16. Did I say it kills younger people in greater numbers or did I say delta is killing more people under 60 than previous variants? You are either misrepresenting my post or you didn't read my post correctly. This is what I posted. "Under 60's represent a much higher % of deaths and serious illness with delta than previous variants." I do not need a link for this as it is but you will find plenty. I found this immediately upon searching. “But Delta seems to be impacting younger age groups more than previous variants.” Nick Papacostas, MD, the president of the Alaska chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, tells the Anchorage Daily News, that he’s seeing in his emergency room people “sicker and younger than we were seeing last year, requiring either hospital admission or ICU admission. https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/younger-people-in-us-getting-hit-hard-by-delta-variant
  17. Herd immunity has been discounted also this is delta not alpha or beta. Delta also kills the young. Under 60's represent a much higher % of deaths and serious illness with delta than previous variants.
  18. Just been watching Campbell giving some details of ATK or rapid antigen tests or lateral flow tests. New data from UK govt says specificity is 99.9% but maybe 99.97% of a positive reading being correct. So that's a 0.03% chance of a false positive. This being the case why are ATK positives here treated seperately and not included in daily infection numbers as a whole? I've been saying for a while that false negatives are a problem because people use these things get a negative reading and think they don't have the virus and then obviously can spread it. Data on false negatives is if symptomatic there's a 28% chance of a false negative and non-symptomatic a 42% chance of a false negative.
  19. You are welcome to your opininion. Let's see what the future holds. China moving rapidly away from capatalism with Chinese characteristics back to a Moaist totalitarian state. We shall see.
  20. The fact is Xi Jinping has created this situation. China has the largest population but it isn't the world's strongest econonmy. It has the biggest standing army but not the best. The old charge and overrun with numbers just will not work. Without Russia's backing there is no chance China could win a conventional war. With Russia's backing it will be WWIII and this will not be good. All of this because of some idiots megalomania.
  21. ICBM's will not be used. MAD is still here. Dr. Strangelove: How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb.
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