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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Possible scenaio for less walkins. People feel a bit sick and do home ATK. Do it wrong and get a false negative. Spread the infection. Numbers remain reasonably steady due to testing being set at a paticular number rather than searching proactively for infections. My guess at testing numbers is around 20-30,000. Pity the govt. decided to no longer say how many tests are being carried out daily like other countries do. Victoria with a population of just under 6.7 million conducted 88,000 tests yesterday. As I say low testing numbers and ATK's here I believe are keeping numbers artificially low. If testing numbers were revealed then we could actually see if there is a meaningful reduction. As for deaths once again I wonder if there has been a change away from dying from Covid-19 to dying with Covid-19.
  2. It may be more transmissable but the real problem lies in is it a vaccine breakthrough variant and is it more severe. I've got a good idea to test this out. Have a really big New Years show that costs Bt100,000,000 (whilst people are starving) and find out. Worked well for Sonkran.
  3. Rice was down to Bt5 a kilo. Grow at a loss at this price. In places where you can grow 2 crops a year people are growing one.
  4. Yes. So when will Thailand reach 70% including 12 yrs and over. In 6 days? 40% now if you haven't noticed. Ok they are saying 70% double jabbed in BKK but we all know that most of these need to be triple jabbed. All teachers at my school who had 2 Sinovac have been jabbed again with mRNA. Let's see what happens and how many outbreaks or not there will be in schools. The proof will be in the pudding.
  5. I guess if you look around countries openning up countries even with high vaccinationation rates are seeing increases in infections and some of these they're tracing back to schools. Childrens welfare is one thing but so is the family they go home to and the community they live in. It's not single tierd.
  6. Could you supply a testing chart to go with this? I have a feeling it would look pretty much the same.
  7. The old don't look don't find approach which has been the approach from the very beginning. As for tests per day I have a feeling that's going down so the numbers can come down. Seems to be working.
  8. I did read that and it's a load of BS. Bikes and cars share the roads everywhere. Idiots in cars go around blind corners too fast as do idiots on bikes. I do remember going through a sweeping corner many years ago on my Ducati and hitting a pot hole. A definite Oh s^^t moment. The bike jumped in the air a bit and landed basically keeping it's line. Speed was around 180-200 kph.
  9. Idiot riders. Two different things. You drive a car and you ride a bike. I did also mention the road conditions and not wearing helmets. Of course alcohol plays a big part and the lack of BIB enforcement. Most people know this. To blame it on pot holes in the road it somewhat ludicrous.
  10. I believe I gave several factors but yes I'll reduce it down to idiots. I have riden high powered motorcles in my life and I still could but not here. So let's list some facotors. Idiots driving cars, idiots riding bikes (most with no hemets), idiots driving trucks, idiots driving buses etc. You get on a bike you ride to the conditions and your capacity and that of your bike. It's pretty simple.
  11. Yep roads can be bad but good riders should know this. Problem is car drivers, truck drivers, bus drivers and motocyclists here are complete idiots. Nothing to do with pot holes more to do with idiocy.
  12. Only 56 have died. Seems so. I wonder how many have died of something else but had covid. How do they classify it? Died from covid get's a covid death tick. Died with covid but death is put down as pnuemonia or something else doesn't. This was an intersting discussion at the beginning of this pandemeic. The UK started with the latter but changed to the former and adjusted their death figures up accordingly. Personally I do not trust governments let alone a junta/military govt.
  13. Don't forget those who need a 3rd jab because of Sinovac. Sinovac hasn't worked out for the populace but without doubt has worked out very well for a few very fat pockets.
  14. Actually we have been questioning the lack of of transpancy. Do you not find it interesting that testing numbers suddenly became a percentage. Fully recovered became recovered. ATK numbers not included. Testing levels have always been abismal. One doesn't have to be a cynic to see there something on the nose.
  15. I'm afraid rational statements like this can not or will not be accepted by some on this forum. Of course you are absoloutly correct. It's been this way from the beginning. "Oh! Look how good Thailand is going". Govt. "Ok we're getting away with it. Let's keep going". It's been a cover up from the very beginning.
  16. I did find the John Campbell vid which looked at Russia very interesting. Seems some are saying both the infection figures and the death figures are bogus. China we all know that was a complete cover up so why not here? Just positing a question.
  17. Well the infection numbers seem to be in a sort of holding pattern now around the 11-14K obviously including ATK. As always though the varacity of these numbers lies with the amount of testing being done. Ourworldindata....
  18. Sensible, measured approach is don't open until at least 70% - 80% of the population is double (or triple for sinovac) vaccinated. Like the rest of the world.
  19. TIT. It's a matter of scale. Corrupt or very corrupt. I suggest there's never been a leader of this country, govt dept, school etc who hasn't been or currently isn't corrupt.
  20. They need another 30% done in 2 and a bit months to get to 70% fully vaxed by the end of year. Reducing the time between AZ shots from 12 wks as directed by the manufacturer for maximum efficacy to 3 wks has certainly accelerated things but means these people will not be covered for as long. 6 months after 2nd jab. I know someone that got their 1st jab some wks after my 1st jab but got their 2nd 3 wks later. I should be covered for an extra 4 months than they are. Now at 40% fully vaxed I think Thailand may hold the record of openning with the lowest % of population fully vaxed.
  21. By 70% do you mean single jab, double jab or tripple jabbed for those double jabbed with sinovac? I got my 2nd AZ Tues morning at one of the local temples. Changed it to there from Bang Sue. Side effects no where near like the 1st jab but had an absolutely splitting headache that night and the headache continued on and off but today seems to finished. 1st jab side effects were pretty bad for 3 days. This time headache for 2 days.
  22. When a senior nurse from intensive care says >90% of critical care patients and patients on ventilators are unvaccinated I believe them.
  23. No I look at what is happening. Reality. As for majority, the majority of hospitalisations and deaths are unvaccinated. This is not news from cooperations owned by big pharma as you say but from hospitals.
  24. I guess those who have died and were unvaccinated which looking around the world is the majority will never wake up. Question to you. Have you been vaccinated?
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