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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Not about protection mate. It's about keeping a madman called Xi Jinping in check for the sake of the world. The bloke is 100% insane with power.
  2. It's more than that. The distance it can travel is only limited by food and the crew's sanity. These subs will not be patrolling the coastline of Australia for sure.
  3. There was no Tianamen square. That part of history has been erased and millions of young people do not know it happened. History has been rewritten and this only happens under a dictatorship.
  4. That's exactly what they want to do. Maybe not Thailand yet but have you been in a coma?
  5. Yep. Must protect the fishing fleet. Wait. Maybe must show off. Yeh! I'll go with the latter.
  6. The YT vid actually about sinking a US ship. They've been upgraded a lot since then and Thailand's junk that they have bought from China the aggressor in this current story wouldn't stand a chance. https://www.theage.com.au/national/collins-sub-shines-in-us-war-game-20021013-gduomk.html This story is quite good. China has to pull it's head in. I hope it doesn't come to war but they (the CCP/China) wouldn't stand a chance. Russia is an interesting question in this scenario.
  7. Anutin who is the Health Minister says it's ok so it must be. Like mixing vaccinations. This is all about buying more Chinese juice, jabbing people with it as quickly as possible to once again show how fantastic Thailand is and keep filling the pockets of the very few. The health of the population is not the priority here.
  8. The Australian Armed Forces are regarded as one of the best in the world.
  9. What you posted would be the latter for almost everyone who lives in Hong Kong where freedom of speech is no longer tolerated by the dictator Xi Jinping.
  10. Hello 50 cent army. Spend your 50 cents wisely. How many 50 cent posts today? Freedom of speech in China. You really have to be kidding.
  11. There were some war games where a collins sub sunk a US nuclear sub.
  12. US, Britain, Australia, Japan and India. China should be very careful. I've been saying for years that the CCP are the biggest threat to global stability. If there is a war what will Thailand do?
  13. Does anyone know if Vietnam is using ATK tests the same way Thailand is or are the numbers from Vietnam the actual numbers. Include ATK tests in Thailand's numbers and it has the 2nd highest new infections in SEA.
  14. My above post contains an error. the person who travelled out of Sydney to a safe zone was an authorized worker. Message remains the same though. ATK did not pick up the infection.
  15. I believe this is the 2nd highest atk number. Being that false postives are rare with these tests then the real number would be very close if not exactly as @Bkk Brianstates. That is 17,512. ATK tests, however, are more likely to give a false negative and this is a problem. Just hearing of a person who left a red zone in NSW and travelled to a safe zone which is not allowed. The person was given a rapid antigen test and showed negative. They were then given a PCR test and this came back positive. The reason for ATK testing is to screen rapidly for the infection. Here it is being used to artificially deflate infection numbers from an already dismal testing base. Yesterday NSW did 120,000 PCR tests from a population similar to that of BKK. I'm guessing somewhere around three times more than was done for the enirity of Thailand i.e. 120,000 tests for a population of 8,000,000 as opposed to somewhere around 40,000 tests for a population of 70,000,000.
  16. Being tested with ATK and not making their way to daily figures?
  17. Do you mean chances are the poster will be asymptomatic yet still able to infect others?
  18. This thread is about covid is it not? The fact is young healthy people with no comorbities are dying from delta. Riding a moped and being killed is neither contageous nor a pandemic and as far as I know there is no vaccine available to avoid it.
  19. Yet healthy young people with no comorbidities are dying. How do you explain this. Also I would love to see you support your arguement as to the asymptomatic part of this disease being linked to the immune system and not part of the nature of this virus. You also seem to miss the very well known fact that asymptomatic people spread the virus just like pre-symptomatic and symptomatic. It's being said that everyone will get the virus. Not sure if that's true but I for one would rather be vaccinated to protect both myself and others. This disease quite obviously affects more than just the at risk sector of the population. To deny this with the mountain of evidence is something I just cannot comprehend. Bit like anti-maskers. The jury is well and truly in but some still say they don't work. Having said all this a healthy immune system is beneficial for a whole range of things but will not protect you from catching and spreading the virus and will not protect you from serious illness or death as much as vaccines will.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I remember it being said that all students would recieve pfizer.
  21. I'm not sure I would call 30% under 60 a minority as a previous poster says the majority of those who die are old. Still I guess you could call 49% a minority. Nevertheless Delta is claiming the lives of a larger number of young people than the previous variants. I wish they would report vaccination status.
  22. What about BKK then? 25,000 represents around 1/3 of the population of Phuket. If this is what it takes to boost confidence and assure people that they are safe from contracting Covid-19 then add two zeroes for testing BKK.
  23. As I said. End of this year early nxt year which is when many of us on here thought there would be an openning up. Not next month with by then maybe 70-75% of the population not being double vaxed.
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