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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Yep. Democrats are great and Trump is the Devil. The majority of Americans think they are better off now than four years ago etc., etc., etc. Fact is Trump is about to be the President of the United States of America AGAIN. This is a fact. How you handle this is up to you. So far you have shown yourself along with all the other progressive left supporters on here to be a very poor loser. Get over it and lets see how things go. Grown ups know how to move on.
  2. Just more of your sad nonsense support for one of the worst presidencies in US history. How much is leased? How much is left empty at the tax payers expense? Show some figures. Support what your saying.
  3. This is spin for leaving offices spaces empty which are being paid for by the tax payer empty.
  4. Well there were no commodes there. Why would there be? Urinals were in the the toilets in the US marine bar but as I have said just getting in to have a piss was difficult because of all the girls lined up. Every woman and every man understands that women take more time in the toilet. Not sure why you need to argue the point.
  5. I'm talking four toilets in two cubicles. Two sit downs per cubicle. Four toilets toilets total. It was not good. Think about that with 10 or more women wanting to go.
  6. The "pandemic" ended a long time ago. I can't believe this is a thing. Just another reason why the Democrats are finished in their current form. As for @candide your anti-MAGA rhetoric is so boring and predictable. Trump is just about to be the 74th President of The United States. Like it or not this is the reality. Things in the US and globally are about to change. IMHO it can't be worse than the last four years.
  7. I pissed on a temple in Katmandu. Didn't know it was such as it was night time, a vacant block between two buildings and the "temple" was basically a few bricks with the religious paraphernalia. I just saw somewhere to piss because time was basically up. I was spotted and the locals were not happy. I bolted for the nearest café. They told me what I had done and appeased the angry mob. As for taking a number one in Thailand it happens everywhere. If this was a pic of Thai blokes absolutely nothing would be said. My favourite getting caught having a pee not in a toilet was again in Katmandu. The US Marine bar. Fantastic place but they the toilets were mixed sex which meant you had to wait if the women were in there and the queue of women was substantial. Wait I did until I could wait no loner. Out I went to a dark spot in the garden to have a very satisfying pee when this 6 foot 6 monster marine told me well and truly off. I went back in, jumped the line and left shortly thereafter.
  8. I guess this video and the whole genocide thing would not exist if the Hamas terrorists didn't do what they did on Oct. 7.
  9. Time for me to have one little drink. Hmmm maybe two. Maybe more but most definitely NOT any non-alcoholic rubbish.
  10. It's actually HMPV (Human Metapneumonia Virus) Been around for decades. 1st identified in 2001 and can be traced back to the 70's so it's endemic. Like covid for most people it's a non-severe virus.
  11. Liver and kidney according to the missus. Interestingly there's been quite a lot of diabetes related deaths around the village recently. As for alcohol being a poison, yep. Ethanol is a poison but the liver deals with it. The liver, however, can only do so much hence drinking in moderation. To say even one glass is harmful I guess it is in a way but overall the the liver can handle it. It's when someone drinks too much and/or too constantly that the liver has problems metabolizing ethanol.
  12. Not many lao khao drinkers get old. That shts poison.
  13. Breathing polluted air is going to be worse. I lived next door to a 90 year old woman back in the day who drank two bottles of stout a day and smoked. What about red wine which is said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Moderation, healthy eating, exercise, positive attitude and happiness is what's needed. Plenty of people live a full life and drink alcohol.
  14. Mate I am a very non religious person/atheist married to a Thai. It's an adult thing I guess to be able to get over these things.
  15. How old are you? Are you having some sort of a crisis? This is Dear Jane stuff. Grow up and get on with it or is this just a trolling post? My guess is the latter. Either way you seem to have some problems. A completely unhinged post.
  16. CBS, MSNBC, CNN, the View all ran with the deception. Harris even ran with it and as I said swallowed as truth by the Harris loving, legacy media believers on here. How about the 60 minutes one where they completely changed Harris' answer from her usual incomprehensible babble to something slightly more understandable.
  17. Back to jail? Hmmm? The aircon room at the prison he spent 50 odd minutes in waiting for the chopper or the luxury suite in the police hospital? Answer is neither.
  18. I'm sure you believed this to be true. "The former president talked to Tucker Carlson about putting Liz Cheney in front of a firing squad." This was one example of the lies pushed by the legacy media. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-fantasizes-about-liz-cheney-facing-the-firing-squad/ This is how it was pushed and believed as fact by the gullible consumers of the mass media. There were comments on here about this saying how despicable Trump is. Were you one of them? 0:36-0:51 a 15 second grab. Complete manipulation of the truth.
  19. Free press yes. Freedom of speech yes. Thing is the "free press" you speak of contains the legacy media what Trump rightly calls the "fake news". This was in full view over the election runup. Interesting that you mention freedom of speech when over the last four years this has been severely curtailed citing mis/disinformation when the legacy media are themselves purveyors of such mis/disinformation.
  20. I'm not talking charges. I'm saying a very, very big and fully stacked "brown paper bag(s)". Big money has been handed over for sure.
  21. Please explain the Dunning Kruger Effect.
  22. Attached emojis use to show who posted them. Obviously before your time on here. There are some on here that troll negative emojis. This would disappear if the anonymizer function was turned off. Those who troll the negative emojis are too gutless or too stupid to actually respond to contributor's posts. They hide behind the anonymizer. Hope this answer your "huh" question.
  23. I agree. Her hearing went off without a hitch. She will be confirmed as the AG. As for the emojis maybe a poll should be run as to how many want to keep or get rid of the emoji anonymizer. I'll guarantee if the anonymizer goes the only laughing emojis you'll see is when someone has actually said something funny. The trolling emojis will disappear. I vote for get rid of the anonymizer.
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