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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Maybe but at least I haven't dropped to the level of being a Harris fanboy anti Trump brainwashed sheep.
  2. Two facts and an opinion. Fact 1: Next Monday US time Trump becomes the President of the United States. Fact 2: The US voters overwhelmingly voted for Trump and gave the Democrats one big boot out the door. Opinion: The DOJ has been weaponised. Not sure how you failed to comprehend this and somehow come to the conclusion that I'm in someway being deceitful. By the way who is the "we" in "hope we don't notice"?
  3. Seems like a hostage release deal might happen in Gaza. 33 hostages is what I've seen. I know this is a bit off topic but Trump has a negotiation team on the ground in Dubai. If this comes to be and it can be demonstrated that Trumps team has had an influence in this which I'm assuming they have then surely this will be a great thing and a very positive story. It would be a bit of a change to see something positive about Trump as opposed to all the negative coverage.
  4. 2 or 3 days every ten years. Wow! Right there says it all.
  5. The President Elect will be the POTUS in six days. This is a fact. The majority of the voting public voted Trump in and comprehensively kicked the Democrats out. This is also fact. As for the DOJ anyone who thinks it hasn't been weaponized needs to re-evaluate their powers of critical thinking.
  6. The wowser brigade have spoken. Looks pretty tame to me from the above linked vid. Cheers @kingstonkid
  7. Thais that drink alcohol will be drinking alcohol on all the above mentioned dates. As a guess this would run into millions probably 10's of millions of Thais. Just shows what a complete nonsense this whole prohibition is.
  8. Problem with nasal sprays is the rebound. Don't over use them or you make yourself susceptible to rhinitis medicamentosa. Basically your nasal passages become more inflamed than they were.
  9. Yep I do but I also know the importance of fuel load mitigation. Seems this didn't happen in LA or if it did it obviously wasn't enough. Massive amounts of super dry undergrowth, low humidity and annual Santa Ana winds. A recipe for disaster. As for Trump making this political at this early stage I agree. This should have been left for a while. The wash up from this should surely see heads roll.
  10. Your assumption is very much incorrect. I'm an Aussie. Bushfires are part of life as it is in CA. Ash Wednesday, Adelaide, South Australia 1983.
  11. This is under investigation. Common sense, however, must bring this possibility into question. There aren't that many ways a fire can start let alone several different fires on the same or next day and separated by distance. Accidental: Burn off/back burn gone wrong, downed power line, discarded yet still lit cig, broken glass, camp fire and welding/grinding sparks. Natural: Lightning. Deliberate: Self explanatory. Being that the fires have been separate spotting's not possible (the 2nd fire was up wind of the 1st) and there is no lightning or burn offs then the options become very limited. I'm an Aussie and am well aware of bushfires/wildfires (US). How these fires started is IMO highly suspect and deliberate must be high on the list.
  12. Ain't no "dual system" happening here. It's all Thaksin. Next election they'll be kicked out until the CC and EC dissolve the true winners then it'll be back to Thaksin. Only way this won't happen will be a coup.
  13. Yes it can be prepared for. Fuel load mitigation is one way. Having water sources ready another. Sure having the air drop resource not available is a big hit but it sure seems that planning for this eventuality was not great. Santa Ana winds occur this time of year and it's been very dry. Big red flag. The current mayor will not be the next mayor and the DEI fire chief will also be gone.
  14. People coughing would IMO be global as of now and everyday. In Thailand poor AQ related coughing will no doubt be on the rise.
  15. I've posted this elsewhere and it's still a thought I have. Could this actually be a terrorist attack? Something IMO I think shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. If anyone thinks 100% this is nonsense please explain why don't just respond with a laughing/confused emoji. p.s. New fire has just broken out in the west hills. 6:30 Thai time 15:30 CA time.
  16. So it's not poor fuel load management and preparedness then? If these fires are not deemed to be deliberately lit I will be surprised.
  17. Too many fires in separate locations to not think this is deliberate. Of course poor fuel load management and preparation have played a large role in the spread of the fires. 2025-01-08 05-57-13.mp4
  18. People get coughs. People have always got coughs and people will always get coughs. Can be anything from environment to a bacteria to a virus or to the worst case cancer. Part and parcel of being alive.
  19. Nicotine is not good for the body as it has inflammatory properties and the chemical cocktail to make the juice surely can't be good for the body BUT better than cigs.
  20. 1st what aged students are we talking about? Surely not university and college aged students. As for school aged students they're more than likely not vaping at school and the BIB won't do anything so this whole thing IMHO is a complete nonsense.
  21. You obviously don't live in or around Bangkok where smog is basically a daily.
  22. More alarmist nonsense Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a virus that usually causes symptoms similar to a cold. You might cough or wheeze, have a runny nose or a sore throat. Most cases are mild, but young children, adults over 65 and people with weakened immune systems are at a higher risk for serious illness. HMPV is common — most people get it before they turn 5. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22443-human-metapneumovirus-hmpv
  23. Reality is air quality in Bangkok is for the majority of the year very bad. Burn offs just makes it worse.
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