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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. The flat earth model doesn't allow for a 24hr sun in Antarctica.
  2. Khelif’s inclusion among the top contenders has stirred debate due to her tumultuous year in the boxing world being a man.
  3. There's no top or bottom in space. South isn't down, north isn't up, east isn't right and west isn't left.
  4. Helium is lighter than air. Air pushes helium balloons up due to the buoyant force of the air surrounding the balloon.
  5. It's great to know we have someone on this thread smarter than Newton. Just saying "I don’t give much credence to Newton’s theory of gravity" is an absolutely worthless comment without a supporting argument. Lakes are not interconnected as oceans are. It is the interconnectivity of oceans that allow tidal movement. As for birds and for that matter anything else that flies this is done due to lift. Gravity is a very weak force.
  6. The Earth rotates. It doesn't spin. Here a demonstration of how much it rotates in 24 hrs. from the famous flerfer Bob Knodel.
  7. Refuse. They have no right. This sounds like just another brainless idiot who thinks he has lots of power showing off. Either that or Thaksin sent him a memo. Hmmm! Maybe both. I'm assuming this is pseudo official so there will be not formal notice of this. Please post it if there is.
  8. Not sure what you mean. I have seen zero evidence of a flat earth and zero evidence of any god. I my "dense" brain that makes me a rational thinker. Believing in a flat earth or a almighty invisible being that created everything with absolutely zero evidence to support the claim/belief is the complete opposite to rational thought.
  9. 1 litre and 1 carton (200) of cigs limit. Australia which has the most expensive cigs in the world has a 1 packet limit.
  10. Completely false allegation. This is the reality. "dad-supported controlled government,"
  11. How about does god exist? Very similar in that there is no evidence to support either. A flat earth or the existence of god/gods. Absolutely ZERO evidence based on science.
  12. Disagree in a way. It's been the case since he fled the country.
  13. Your link from 2021 has no connection to the article. From your linked article. "But the pharmaceutical giant says the document does not indicate the fatalities are linked to vaccination, and it concludes the shots are safe -- a finding supported by US health authorities as well as clinical research." We now know the vaccines aren't safe and the article you linked simply pushes the narrative from late 2021.
  14. Turbo cancers, spike proteins having systemic distribution, Nano lipid particles having systemic distribution, excess deaths, vaccine harm, white clots being found by embalmers, corruption within government health departments, universities and scientific journals and doctors having their licenses threatened if they failed to conform to the narrative. For the sheeple these are all conspiracy theories.
  15. Allow me to reiterate that people who don't want this gene therapy injected into them are NOT all anti-vaxxers. This was just the demonizing line pushed by the CDC, governments and the legacy media. If ever there was a conspiracy it's from this side that it emanated from.
  16. Interestingly when this gene therapy was first being questioned about DNA getting in to human cells and that the distribution of the "experimental vaccine" was total and not localised, any mention of this was censored. Only that which supported the narrative pushed by the likes of big pharma and Fauci was allowed and all opposing views deemed to be conspiracy theory and or dis or misinformation. I posted a long time back that the truth will come out eventually and things are moving in that direction. Also interesting is talk that Fauci will get a pardon from Biden. A pardon for what?
  17. Reputable journals that get funding by big pharma you mean?
  18. Elucidate please and post links. As for cruise ships gastro outbreaks are not out of the ordinary.
  19. LOL. I rounded up. OMG I rounded up Bt1.
  20. Bt90. 500 ml. 4.8%. Chang. Thai beer. No thanks.
  21. What complete nonsense this is. Gastro basically. If you want to talk about making something from nothing this is a perfect example. Keep people in fear. This was the basis of the last four years. The gullible fall for it.
  22. Disagree. The entire legacy media has been shown for what it is. No longer NEWS but an opinion based mouthpiece for the progressive left. People abandoned the progressive left in the election and are also abandoning the legacy media.
  23. Can still be judged without testimony on his part if he decides not give no defence. Not that it will matter. The outcome will have already been decided for the greater good of the royalist military elite aka the establishment.
  24. Yep. That's strict. Alcohol sales for only 12 hrs a day. Thailand sales for only 10 hrs. a day. This isn't strict it's insane.
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